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screen shot of cavebattle..…678980&finish=0 .. stats
I also would have to agree with mich123 on the only allowed to enter once.. I completely enjoyed this event and would have loved to spent the day repeating it.. Thank you for a very fun instance..
zoomed picture of screenshot.. thank u
you see, what you want to see..
Quoted from "Powerhouse;25848"
Lol i thought it was 20k for entire winning team. Not for individual. Whatever....
From news entry:
In order to win your team needs to get 1500 points. You can see the valor reward each player gets for a victory and a defeat in the following table: ... 5k for defeat, 20k for win
So accoording to the battle result humans got each 5k valour but magmars got none of the promised 20k each.