Streamers and Video-creators
Dear players,
We know that some of our players stream and/or make videos about our game, and so we would like to provide a space, where they could share their channels with the rest of players.
For those that are not aware, by videos we mean edited material recorded from the game or related to the game, usually accompanied by some commentary from the creator, while live-steams, often referred to as simply streams, are recorded and broadcasted live in real time. Videos can be uploaded to and/or streamed on numerous platforms, but the most popular nowadays are YouTube and Twitch.
In this thread our live-streamers have the opportunity to present themselves and their channels, as well as provide a link to these.
Furthermore, we would like to suggest our live-streamers to add a link to their streams with the following information in their profiles in their "About Me" field:
This way the players that are interested in watching your streams will be able to know whenever you are currently "on air" or not by simply going to your profile.
Moreover, we are allowing to send information about this thread in our local chats to keep players informed and reminded. However, remember that flood is still prohibited. Refer to our Chat Rules for more information.
We know that some of our players stream and/or make videos about our game, and so we would like to provide a space, where they could share their channels with the rest of players.
For those that are not aware, by videos we mean edited material recorded from the game or related to the game, usually accompanied by some commentary from the creator, while live-steams, often referred to as simply streams, are recorded and broadcasted live in real time. Videos can be uploaded to and/or streamed on numerous platforms, but the most popular nowadays are YouTube and Twitch.
In this thread our live-streamers have the opportunity to present themselves and their channels, as well as provide a link to these.
Furthermore, we would like to suggest our live-streamers to add a link to their streams with the following information in their profiles in their "About Me" field:
This way the players that are interested in watching your streams will be able to know whenever you are currently "on air" or not by simply going to your profile.
Moreover, we are allowing to send information about this thread in our local chats to keep players informed and reminded. However, remember that flood is still prohibited. Refer to our Chat Rules for more information.
Lisad | Community Manager
Nice editing skills there. I hope to see more in future as well as a video explaining how meridian vaults work,what to do there,the tactics etc.
Keep up the good work.

It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
Hey guys,
unblessed chaotic video with awesome music. testing new software and recorded wider screen. alot of users requested to record more than just the fight scene, so there you go
Chaotic fight
unblessed chaotic video with awesome music. testing new software and recorded wider screen. alot of users requested to record more than just the fight scene, so there you go
Chaotic fight

what is the definition of insanity?

my videos
zarlok 14
zarlok 15
zarlok 16
tailisme 17
shias 16
zarlok 15
zarlok 16
tailisme 17
shias 16

greetings to all my friends) Thats my channel link in which i am recording videos about instances, also started to record game guides abotu reputatiosn, how to earn good money, about game events also there will be videos about battlefields.