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Monday, October 30th 2017, 7:55pm

noob steelblade

first lost soul after attack…t=1&server_id=0

19:53 You restored the connection between body and soul.

i dont cry, i just laugh about noobish DS act

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Forum Moderator" (Oct 30th 2017, 8:57pm)


Monday, October 30th 2017, 8:29pm

is ok, soon she/he stop to attack too...
in past many DS attack me during walk to humans land, now only few left, when i reach same lvl or 1 lower, idk DS member just disapear...
only steel left, i know affraid im gonna eat her/him when same lvl, so betetr do work and rep which u need advantage agaisnt me...
noob :)

 lol666 [9] 


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Monday, October 30th 2017, 10:03pm

lol, if i am you i may ask myself some questions.
Not because DS not going around to lost soul people but why you alway get lost souled. :xmasparty:
And dont even start whine abt those good old tactics, as far as i ve seen in pvp lost soul and hex on the enemy come first in priority even more than blesses :lol: (personal expierence)
You should ask to DS and other human why few of those mags that come here in peace do not get lost souled as some of you do. :drink:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

 lol666 [9] 


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Monday, October 30th 2017, 10:06pm

P.S. I would consider more noob those of your clan who hunt down people on haunted place j4f, or maybe he just dissapeared :stronger:
Dont even get me started on few of your clanmates who stall waiting for skyonwar and the usual ones to come to help in case get attacked. :stronger:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

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Tuesday, October 31st 2017, 7:05am

:lol: ......well i will admit i did in the past jump to off you klav on more then one occasion ...sorry my real life job is taking over my game i have no time for your "bag of BS" that you insist on droppping ...unless steelblade is killing you in minutes with LS :sneakers: wine to a different peanut gallery most of DS ait got time to listen to it anymore
good game to you :kiss2: don't fret ill play with you (& others again soon enough). :lol:

p.s. < im 99.99% sure she has some wierd sonar on all you mags.... lol you should try showering or use different cologne if you dont want her to smell you on our lands :smile: just a friendly tip
:beer: if its beer-30, whiskey-time, or wine time :wink: best pour spare glass :sneak: im on my way :dance::drink:kiss2:


Tuesday, October 31st 2017, 8:17am

lol666 and justeen, just to clear something which i doubt u2 understood

attack was on insley not in human land... i never use any destructor or anything bad like many mags or humans...
i know few which finish fast their rep are affraid to walk to there, just to their attidute and behavior...

i just saw that act from steel was desperate, ofc she overbuffed and know i can stall her even if she buffed (thatway before atatck lost soul) and think how good she/he is...
on some noobs i do use same too, but only if they start using before... idk but in my experience only on that clan most noobs are concentrated in same place (thatway once guide how to become DS member) - but not all bad are inside, amny good player there too, which make me not understable but thats not my problem....
i can use invisble deck too, and buff and kill some ppl like she did, but what is point? i rather go to other land or BFs which rare happening....
im not so much here neither, just want fun etc but like many said this become daily harwesting of resources or just killing mobs for gold and what is damn borring.... we need something to be more fun here
anyway i have stock reserve of almost anything, so if u use on me i remove, if u kill me i revive, etc...lost soul i restore,...
i personaly think im fair, and exist many ppl from other race which i respect, they know exactly who they are.....
even steel i consider to be same, was suprised and wondered what happening to act like that... ofc will not get reply, was attack just becouse can....

cheers and have fun all