That's kinda off topic. It's not asked for rules to change, but just to make profanity filter like an on/off button.
"oops/sunshine/my dear/nightmare" I mean really? Really?
What rule would be broken with that option? You are not encouraging players to swear, nor will the rules be broken. Honestly, rules are violated constantly and for a good reason. This game is so extremely restrictive with absolutely everything... Rules for this, rules for that.. Bollocks. What I see in them is that it heavily limits you to even talk like yourself because so many stupid rules are imposed upon players (and I am talking about Code of Conduct now). I don't know if it's an attempt to make this a perfect world, but so far it's just been annoying. Restrictions is many aspects is not a good thing.
Combining all the rules together, from chat to battle to etc., like it was said many times before, this is NOT a WAR game anymore. Not even close to it. This is flower land where angels fart rainbows and everyone is riding on choo choo train eating icecream and holding hands.
And there are so many things to be said regarding these riddiculous rules, but I am no longer picking stones so I don't wanna write anymore.
And yea, I know I went off topic myself but this had to be said.