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Saturday, December 16th 2017, 1:43pm

Dear level 7s

Stop stalling / fighting in block in halls ...

that is all

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Forum Moderator" (Dec 18th 2017, 10:06am)


Saturday, December 16th 2017, 1:48pm


Saturday, December 16th 2017, 2:02pm

:cool: Just a pet hate of mine...wait about 18 hours for halls then get people buffed up with 1bout 1500 hp but fighting in block -_-

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Saturday, December 16th 2017, 2:21pm

Someone finally said it.

Please stop stalling, what the hell is wrong with you guys, we go there to fight, not have our blessings wasted.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Saturday, December 16th 2017, 2:23pm

Been saying it for ages...
I don't cre if you go in with 1 or 100 buffs. Green/grey or red/MO armour.
Just swing fast and don't stall!
Long fights = less halls and less halls = less fun/valour. It's simple. Don't be a douche!


Saturday, December 16th 2017, 3:05pm

lol, start by explaining it to your own clannies before asking others to not stall/block etc.


Saturday, December 16th 2017, 3:15pm

Here's a clue dude. I went in with 4 buffs. Ginger Mead, warlords, blue wind and exe pot... all but mead ran out after my 5th fight. I was left with one buff for the remaining few I was involved in.

Aside from the top two who used 8+ buffs and MO items, I did better than the rest with only one active buff. When you learn to fight then you can start preaching on here. Were you in this halls? No, were you fighting vs one of my clanmates here? why you gotta open your mouth and let the stupid flow out? O.o

I was in final fight with just me and hazzelinko. I used no potions and died fast after about 2k damage when I noticed they were stalling to last second a I ended the instance on my terms and weirdly...because of that, I jumped up 2 spots and finished 4th. Is called tactics. An intentional plan enacted to gain advantage. Not just go in with 10 buffs, stall and gain the maximum possible damage which is a stupid plan because in 1 hour 30 minutes, we could have doubled our total valour by going to at least one more halls instead of thinking big buffs = big damage = big valour. (true enough but no buffs = MORE valour in direct comparison)

When you learn how to play, then I'll value your input. My clannie came 3rd. Wasn't stalling in any fights I noticed either. :woody:


Saturday, December 16th 2017, 3:19pm

Coz maybe I am not talking about lvl 7 but overall?
Ask Nefertiti how many tallars did NOT end, coz of him. Look at gifts he got from people around blaming him for stalling and blocking.

But I just love how you "gotta open your mouth and let the stupid flow out" <3


Saturday, December 16th 2017, 3:26pm

I was talking about level 7 halls... you know, because of the current attitude of 'no non-break means nobody ever friggin bothers to go to any BFs' so I'm letting level 7 players know that stalling in halls is a bad idea.

Maybe Nefertiti had a reason, like to annoy you. Seems fairly valid. I spend most of my game irritating people. I wasn't there and I'm not level 8. Maybe you should make forum post about it and ask them yourself?
I have never once stalled in halls (ecxept for a few seconds while life pot ic in effect) but for someone to buff up and have 2k health at level 7, who hits at 160 or crits close to 400...only to fight in block, stalling. To me, it just tells me that they'd benefit from an icepick lobotomy.

Go teach your own clan level 7 players how to play in halls and maybe I might think about congratulating Nefertiti on annoyinng you too :) ciao


Saturday, December 16th 2017, 3:42pm

I wasn't in all the tallars he stalled :wink:
AND if you like irritating people then I guess you should be ready to be stalled in all tallars :aplod:


Saturday, December 16th 2017, 3:44pm

if everyone made a thrash post of people they don't like or things don't like, this forum would be one big whining :D and if you make post about "you" and thinking about "yourself" only then you sure as hell deserve to be stalled :D


Saturday, December 16th 2017, 4:15pm

I'll let you into a secret...
I don't care as long as they queue halls :lol:
And this forum IS a big stack of whiney posts. People whine about people, they whine about admins. they whine about events and they whine about real life stuff.
Just wanted some attention. It's lonely here in halls while I'm dead and people stall :bllll:

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Saturday, December 16th 2017, 5:10pm

Maybe you should leave battlefields aside, and just do pvp on Fay Go and show everyone how good of a (wo)man you really are.


Saturday, December 16th 2017, 6:13pm

Maybe you should leave battlefields aside, and just do pvp on Fay Go and show everyone how good of a (wo)man you really are.

I dunno what kind of women you're familiar with, but when last I checked UK chicks don't quite have facial hair like his :lol:


Saturday, December 16th 2017, 6:19pm

:lol: Only the Scottish ones

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Saturday, December 16th 2017, 6:22pm

You haven't watched 2014 Eurovision then.


Saturday, December 16th 2017, 6:31pm

I don't watch TV. Don;t have time to when I'm having so much fin on here :thumbsup:


Saturday, December 16th 2017, 6:44pm

How dare you have fun WoD, there is no place for fun, this is serious


Saturday, December 16th 2017, 6:47pm

 lol666 [9] 


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Saturday, December 16th 2017, 8:09pm

Here just to give ponty attention that he wants :kiss2: :angel:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer: