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 lol666 [9] 


Posts: 771

Location: Anywhere, Anytime

Occupation: Searching for the real meaning of life

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Sunday, November 5th 2017, 11:13am

11:10 As you open the chest, you find:
11:10 Underground Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Underground Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Underground Elixir of Power 100 pcs, Underground Elixir of Blood 40 pcs, Underground Vampire Elixir 60 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 3 pcs
11:10 Decrepit Dragon Gift Amulet 1 pcs
11:10 The Magical Fish of Faeo Ephemeral Pack of Cards 1 pcs again deck :pain:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Sunday, November 5th 2017, 12:57pm

Yesterday I opened one and got 3 mithril keys, too bad the mithril chests contained crap anyway :stupid:


Wednesday, November 8th 2017, 10:46am

10:45 As you open the chest, you find:
10:45 Premium Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Premium Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Premium Elixir of Mana 100 pcs, Premium Elixir of Spirit 25 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Impressive Essence of Experience 5 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 5 pcs
10:45 Symbol of Heavenly Blessings 3 pcs, Battle Spirit Sphere 1 pcs
10:45 The Magical Flora of Faeo Ephemeral Pack of Cards 1 pcs


Friday, November 10th 2017, 7:37pm

19:36 As you open the chest, you find:
19:36 Underground Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Underground Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Underground Elixir of Power 100 pcs, Underground Elixir of Blood 40 pcs, Underground Vampire Elixir 60 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 3 pcs, Impressive Essence of Experience 3 pcs
19:36 Premium Elixir of Rock Skin 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Invulnerability 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Hurricane 1 pcs, Battle Spirit Sphere 1 pcs


Saturday, November 11th 2017, 6:38pm

18:37 You have received: Prize Mage's Chest 1 pcs
18:37 As you open the chest, you find:
18:37 Premium Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Premium Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Premium Elixir of Mana 100 pcs, Premium Elixir of Spirit 25 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Impressive Essence of Experience 5 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 5 pcs
18:37 Symbol of Heavenly Blessings 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Rock Skin 1 pcs, Decrepit Dragon Gift Amulet 1 pcs, Battle Spirit Sphere 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Destruction 1 pcs


Monday, November 13th 2017, 10:31am

10:30 As you open the chest, you find:
10:30 Premium Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Premium Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Premium Elixir of Mana 100 pcs, Premium Elixir of Spirit 25 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Impressive Essence of Experience 5 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 5 pcs
10:30 Premium Elixir of Destruction 2 pcs, Premium Elixir of Hurricane 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Rock Skin 1 pcs
10:30 Precious Forged Coffer 5 pcs


Friday, November 17th 2017, 5:37pm

17:34 As you open the chest, you find:
17:34 Underground Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Underground Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Underground Elixir of Power 100 pcs, Underground Elixir of Blood 40 pcs, Underground Vampire Elixir 60 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 3 pcs, Impressive Essence of Experience 3 pcs
17:34 Decrepit Dragon Gift Amulet 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Destruction 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Hurricane 1 pcs
17:34 Battle Axes Symbol 30 pcs

 lol666 [9] 


Posts: 771

Location: Anywhere, Anytime

Occupation: Searching for the real meaning of life

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Saturday, November 18th 2017, 8:58pm

20:57 Underground Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Underground Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Underground Elixir of Power 100 pcs, Underground Elixir of Blood 40 pcs, Underground Vampire Elixir 60 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 3 pcs
20:57 Premium Elixir of Invulnerability 2 pcs, Battle Spirit Sphere 1 pcs
20:57 Smuggled Bag 1 pcs :angel:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Wednesday, November 22nd 2017, 4:13pm

16:12 As you open the chest, you find:
16:12 Premium Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Premium Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Premium Elixir of Mana 100 pcs, Premium Elixir of Spirit 25 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Impressive Essence of Experience 5 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 5 pcs
16:12 Premium Elixir of Invulnerability 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Destruction 1 pcs
16:12 Mithril Key 3 pcs

 LE LOUP [17] 


Posts: 301

Location: Paris/Bruxelles/Luxembourg city

Occupation: Aerospace engineer

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Friday, November 24th 2017, 10:07am

one PL guy told me that he got 120 jokers :woot: :woot: :woot:


Monday, November 27th 2017, 11:43pm

23:40 As you open the chest, you find:
23:40 Premium Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Premium Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Premium Elixir of Mana 100 pcs, Premium Elixir of Spirit 25 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Impressive Essence of Experience 5 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 5 pcs
23:40 Premium Elixir of Rock Skin 1 pcs

the worst of all the times
404 not found


Thursday, December 7th 2017, 6:09pm

17:57 As you open the chest, you find:
17:57 Underground Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Underground Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Underground Elixir of Power 100 pcs, Underground Elixir of Blood 40 pcs, Underground Vampire Elixir 60 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 3 pcs
17:57 Battle Spirit Sphere 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Rock Skin 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Destruction 1 pcs, Decrepit Dragon Gift Amulet 1 pcs
17:57 Battle Axes Symbol 50 pcs


Thursday, December 7th 2017, 8:41pm

20:32 Underground Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Underground Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Underground Elixir of Power 100 pcs, Underground Elixir of Blood 40 pcs, Underground Vampire Elixir 60 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 3 pcs
20:32 Premium Elixir of Invulnerability 1 pcs, Symbol of Heavenly Blessings 1 pcs, Battle Spirit Sphere 1 pcs, Decrepit Dragon Gift Amulet 1 pcs

Yay, free stuff! :peace:


Friday, December 22nd 2017, 11:06pm

23:05 As you open the chest, you find:
23:05 Underground Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Underground Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Underground Elixir of Power 100 pcs, Underground Elixir of Blood 40 pcs, Underground Vampire Elixir 60 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 3 pcs, Impressive Essence of Experience 3 pcs
23:05 Premium Elixir of Invulnerability 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Destruction 1 pcs, Decrepit Dragon Gift Amulet 1 pcs
23:05 Smuggled Bag 1 pcs


Friday, December 22nd 2017, 11:07pm

Noone got any rare prizes so far? sparks maybe?


Monday, January 1st 2018, 1:49am

01:47 Underground Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Underground Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Underground Elixir of Power 100 pcs, Underground Elixir of Blood 40 pcs, Underground Vampire Elixir 60 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 3 pcs, Impressive Essence of Experience 3 pcs
01:47 Premium Elixir of Destruction 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Hurricane 1 pcs

No prize except elixirs at all :lol:

Posts: 939

Occupation: Fixing stuff.

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Monday, January 1st 2018, 1:56am

I keep getting battle axe symols
I'm not crazy, I swear!:ogo:


Monday, January 1st 2018, 7:45pm

Noone got any rare prizes so far? sparks maybe?

Brute got the guaranteed Super prize chest and got Scorpiolion out of the thing


Monday, January 1st 2018, 7:52pm

Noone got any rare prizes so far? sparks maybe?

Brute got the guaranteed Super prize chest and got Scorpiolion out of the thing

Dang, congratz :aplod: I guess drop exists :stesn:


Friday, January 5th 2018, 11:49pm

23:47 Underground Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Underground Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Underground Elixir of Power 100 pcs, Underground Elixir of Blood 40 pcs, Underground Vampire Elixir 60 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 3 pcs, Impressive Essence of Experience 3 pcs
23:47 Premium Elixir of Hurricane 2 pcs, Premium Elixir of Invulnerability 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Rock Skin 2 pcs
23:47 Battlefields Ephemeral Pack of Cards 1 pcs

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