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Saturday, January 13th 2018, 8:49pm

I cant have any fun from PvP

Hello guys,not playing the game since TR is closed.Became level 3,took experimental set and got into cave.But the strength difference is way too high.Most people have a level 8-9's strength.A lot of special items,resins,runes,elixirs,buffs.I couldnt have any fun from this.They just go into our base,kill us,bore us and win.How can a 4 level spawn 7 igu wraiths in a fight?In the old times we were fighting with experimental,hunter sets.It didnt feel fair.How are 6+ levels?I'm afraid that i will never be able to finish agudars,cave quests forever...


Saturday, January 13th 2018, 9:03pm

Welcome to 2016, its been years since you need at least full blue to be able to kill someone from level 3 and on. No more noobs with grey armor getting farmed in CC


Saturday, January 13th 2018, 9:10pm

That's the reason most new comers stop playing and lots of people who couldn't keep up with the game development quitted. Everything takes either a lot of work, even years on level 3-4 to be able to do agudar feats. People need: Armour, runes, rune upgrades, bezels, symbols, red weapons, some lvl 3-4 started getting uyar mo gear, poisonous zorb, red/purple bow, summons... And that is only lvl 3-4 and that is why most of the people did agudars feats there because even tho it's a lot of time and work and money, it is the lowest swinging bar and if you are lucky some newbies look you at the moment, join CCs so you get easy wins...
It is insane. Because it really gives no chance for newbies to learn and fight and as well makes them quit.
And now imagine the bar moving on higher levels: 5-6 = lvl 10 mounts, cards buffs, card summons, card mount, BoV buffs, BoE hexes, mirrors... and then the higher you go comes valour armor, that means that if you weren't good enough in lower levels to get enough valour now you will be a meat for all the pro players till you actually get valour for armour.

Myself, I consider this a big problem of the game, but it is what it is. It should be limited more, but it won't. Why? Because crazy paypallers get to the stage of having everything very fast anyway and admins earn on it :)
It is not impossible to get to the good standards without money, but it is definitly not easy and not making people want to stay and have fun when they constantly die...

 lol666 [9] 


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Saturday, January 13th 2018, 9:14pm

People like to dominate.
Personal suggestion : never expect mercy from enemies. :drink:

About the question of lvl 6+ : welp it is even worse.
I've already seen mirrows, balls and chains, curses flying around like mad stuff :lol:
Let we say that bcs of level stalling system, new commers are unlikely able to match many of the old players who played the game for years.

But this is a mmorpg, basically known based on grinding :angel:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Saturday, January 13th 2018, 9:16pm

Best thing to do would be to just race to level 11, at this point, you can gain valor and money way more quickly and by level 15, you'll catch up on most things

 lol666 [9] 


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Saturday, January 13th 2018, 9:20pm

Best thing to do would be to just race to level 11, at this point, you can gain valor and money way more quickly and by level 15, you'll catch up on most things

for the new commers probably is the best way to play the game, sadly :pain:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Saturday, January 13th 2018, 9:24pm

A little off-top;
The game isn't advertised and many people ask why not:

This is translated Russian admin's answer; basically stating that they do not aim to get new players, but keep current players and get old players back. (Another reason for them to not lower the bar for newbies)

It's kinda grotesque. From one side it's good that they want to keep current players, from the other some of the changes that happened really didn't make people stay and they rather left, I know it by looking on my friend list and missing some that used to be eager players. And not getting new players won't help when current players don't like the changes and leave...


Saturday, January 13th 2018, 9:28pm

The most disgusting part about this thing is: This game is a game that is made to have a bigger player base. If you have more new players, there will be more noobs in CC constantly, making the game more playable for new players that will face mostly new players. Same with low level armor, the more people gets them, the cheaper they are etc...
Its a game made for bigger population than what we have and its sad to see admins not actively looking for new players


Saturday, January 13th 2018, 9:28pm

I would suggest joining a low level specific valour / PvP clan. I don't know what clans are specifically catering to this on Mag side though. ask around and I'm sure you can have a lot of help. PvP is meant to be more fun than hunting but it depends on the gamer I suppose.
I'm a noob but I enjoy PvP more than hunting. I joined a valour clan at low level and they helped me a lot. I would say either join a valour clan or go fast to higher levls then try valour there. Either way, get into a good clan nd they should support you either way. Good luck :)