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Saturday, January 20th 2018, 4:38am

???????? - BoV lvl 13 - BoE lvl 13

Thats a big difference bro, especially at mage lvl.. the difference in magic well as black dragon recovers mana

Posts: 771

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Saturday, January 20th 2018, 10:42am

I quote krazynerd xD that bov lvl 13 bless is kinda, kinda weak :angel: btw, never see people using black dragon 4 or 5 around, if you checked black dragon 5 then you will realise the bless differences :drink:
in case : :pain:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Saturday, January 20th 2018, 5:05pm

Then make BoV shurikens :)


Saturday, January 20th 2018, 5:10pm

But Black Dragon 3-4-5 is too expensive to make. Kesami-xxx is much cheaper.


Saturday, January 20th 2018, 5:16pm

black dragon 2-3 free to make


Saturday, January 20th 2018, 5:28pm

black dragon 2-3 free to make

About about number of Collected Gambier , Eldoril Dust and Magic Yellow Ink neede to make it, and how much each ingredient costs, and how often each resouce respawns? BD is more expensive and harder to make!


Saturday, January 20th 2018, 5:40pm

I didnt want to chip in BUT, as a wise man once said:

01:12 Infection ยป Fox Face: do you have any other talents other than complaining

Look, everyone in this thread who actually uses the god damn buff sees no reason to complain and tells you its not a big deal. THEY ARE USING THE STUFF, so I think they know what they're talking about.

So please, when people who know what they're doing answers your inquiry with their experience, just listen to them


Saturday, January 20th 2018, 5:42pm

It's better than BoV so it's more expensive...

Level 5-6:
Black Dragon

Level 7-8:
Black Dragon

Level 9-10:
Black Dragon II

If you think BoV is better, why don't u change to BoV instead of whining here? LOL


Saturday, January 20th 2018, 6:52pm

black dragon 2-3 free to make

About about number of Collected Gambier , Eldoril Dust and Magic Yellow Ink neede to make it, and how much each ingredient costs, and how often each resouce respawns? BD is more expensive and harder to make!

you can make power of dragon II/III elixirs easily in alchemist's shop with level 9/11 red resources. Sure, it's more expensive and harder to make, but at least at level 11 the bov blesses are laughably pathetic in comparison to even a basic black dragon. Black dragons also easily make up for their price when hunting, so there's literally no downside.


Saturday, January 20th 2018, 8:44pm

You know what, boys and girls, I heard so many players complaining about things I said about BoE being more expensive to make, and many mages as well, and they startd to use BoV blessings, but the fact is that I am the only one who's brave enough to complain about it on forum, not in private messages!

Also, ones of you who say BD is better and free or not expensive blah-blah-blah - time will show if you use it in future for rage or BF when you have both BoV and BoE reps! If you don't use it the obviously you're just (not sure if I found right word, my English is pretty bad) chatterbos and hypocrites!

_-TheWarrior-_ , you still worship Infection and Ark? :beaten:


Saturday, January 20th 2018, 9:07pm

it simple, boe is more expensiive but better, bov is cheaper but not as good, decide if you want a neverending supply of cheap bless, or a more limeted supply of a better bless, both options are valid, they dont need to make them equal, the point is its a choice
i have both badges, and i use bd, cause i like being a exe not a healer
all choices do not have to be equal, thats the point of having a choice


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 4:52pm

Btw. What you don't notice you need ranks for purple armor too So not only you have to do additional quests and pay more money you need to do BFs to get the rank you need. That's a fair deal.

All I can do now is to show people what you are!

Ladies and gentlemen, please see attached picture!

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Forum Moderator" (Jan 21st 2018, 9:13pm)


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 4:58pm

I can repeat it here if you think it's gonna shame me :)
It was my fault to not do quest properly and now it's yours :)


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 5:40pm

RiDdLe :P fault doesn't make the idea bad :lol:


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 5:50pm

I didnt have purple level 4 gauntlets either...cause quest didnt existe when I was level 4. And you know...i lived through it (and I keep doing it) even without that sweet sweet +1 intuition and +1 strength


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 5:57pm

lets have crossed swords so people can earn them instead of silly quests


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 6:01pm

lets have crossed swords so people can earn them instead of silly quests



Sunday, January 21st 2018, 9:15pm

Please stay on topic and do not turn the thread into a personal battle!


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 10:10pm

Please stay on topic and do not turn the thread into a personal battle!

Flooders reuined it long time ago.
Close topic please.

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Monday, January 22nd 2018, 10:35am

Exept any of personal conflict posts, read any of the normal in topic posts, there you can find why boe costs more, why is better specially for mage player and more specific in pvp.
If you still think bov is better, ok for me :drink: just told ya my opinion, no need to argue on changing other people's ones.
P.S. you cannot be exe if you are bov :angel:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

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