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Sunday, January 21st 2018, 2:24am

Arrows for crit

I got a crazy question that noone seems to know answer to; When does the crit arrow stay for whole stun and when does it not?
I post it in feedback, because I am starting to think it's a bug that should be fixed, either for one hit or whole stun, but how random it seems to be in fights is just driving me and some other people insane :red:


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 2:37am

I think it's just a question of display, depend if the server is fast enough for remove the icon of arrow before end of stun.
But for sure that don't increase the chance of critic at every hit of the stun.

It's almost the same for remove combo, the icon last after the combo is removed, but don't remove it again. There I think is done so, because it's always the same.


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 2:42am

It defintly works when the icon stays after stunning opponent.
Tested and that's why people use it on combo only on our levels at least.
When the arrow stays (me as a dg) can crit 3-4 out of 5 hits of stun,
when the arrow is gone I don't crit at all (maybe once) unless I use blood.

And with remove combo, icon stays for one move, not for 5 :lol:


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 2:45am

You're bugged then, first, when i use that arrow, i don't critic more than usual, that mean almost never :)

So if you're dodger and critic with that arrow + all stun long, that mean your char is completely buggued. :sarcastic:


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 2:47am

Can only agree with riddle here, the inconsistency of true arrow is really annoying.
Sometimes it only lasts for 1 hit of stun, sometimes for the entire duration of a stun and it seems to be completely random which one of those it will be.


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 3:02am

As far as I can tell, the arrow stays on the opponent if you take your turn first, and otherwise it does not.


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 3:28am

Yeah, we decided to test it as well:

(Opponent on init)…87&server_id=10

(Me on init)…82&server_id=10

When opponent is on init the arrow will be gone as soon as you hit, this means it won't stay during stun.
And more interesting thing: Even if you use arrow DURING stun it won't stay either.

But if you are on init the arrow will stay for whole stun.

That's actually a game changer for use of initiative, I always thought of it as something pointless or not worth it, but maybe it's time to invest :)


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 6:34am

Duration 1 (ONE) move! If it stays longer - it's a lag, because it says "Duration 1 (ONE) move"! Very simple!

Riddle, you seem to think too much and overheat. Or you just like to talk and argue. Many things are very simple.
And you don't have to test it, admins or game developers have to see what's wrong with that bow skill.

 lol666 [9] 


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Sunday, January 21st 2018, 8:51am

Yeah, we decided to test it as well:

(Opponent on init)…87&server_id=10

(Me on init)…82&server_id=10

When opponent is on init the arrow will be gone as soon as you hit, this means it won't stay during stun.
And more interesting thing: Even if you use arrow DURING stun it won't stay either.

But if you are on init the arrow will stay for whole stun.

That's actually a game changer for use of initiative, I always thought of it as something pointless or not worth it, but maybe it's time to invest :)

:woot: intresting
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 9:58am

This was my initial theory when Riddle asked me, he didn't believe me :P

1 move seems to be an indication of "until the opponent strikes" after you have, or like how I put it - 1 "round". 1 round is where both opponents attack, so if you attack first, the game will check for any conditions after the opponent strikes and vice versa. So if you stun the person, the game doesn't check whether the ability should end because they haven't striked and so the effect is still applied for the remainder of the stun. I would imagine this would extend to other abilities, but 1. I can't test ALL abilities, and 2. I really can't be bothered :lol:

Duration 1 (ONE) move! If it stays longer - it's a lag, because it says "Duration 1 (ONE) move"! Very simple!

Riddle, you seem to think too much and overheat. Or you just like to talk and argue. Many things are very simple.
And you don't have to test it, admins or game developers have to see what's wrong with that bow skill.

And to Fox Face... please add something of substance instead of discarding what people say. We noted weird occurences and inconsistencies with that bow ability, so we were keen to test. We would have never got this far in history if we didn't question things.


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 1:55pm

Dear Fox Face,
If you have nothing to input into the topic please think twice about posting something meaningless and hitting towards the player :)

Want some examples of "1 move duration", here let's take a look what says one thing and you can do the other:
- You can turn in gray fossils (and other items for rep) till some reputation point, for fossils it's max to 500, right? However you can use 10 fossils having 495 rep and you will jump above 500, right? Is it bugged? No it's not. It has been stated first by admins on RU and then by admins on COM that it's suposed to be that way.
- You can use some items supposedly every hour or every day or every 15 min, however the items after use don't count the time down, they can be used each time a 15 min/1 hour/1 day passes in server time. Meaning you can use an item at 23:59 and instead of waiting whole day for next use you can use it on 00:00 or when every 5 min for example you can use item at 06:04 and then at 06:05 (Remember december event and firecrackers?). Is it a bug? Again, it's been stated by admins it's designed to be like that.

There are many, many more things which work differently depending on situation that WERE INTENDED.

However in this situation, you are not even at level 7 and not using level 7 bow with this arrow and yet you talk like if you had life time of experience.

We tested it and it works this way, belive it or don't, up to you.

If you ran like your mouth, you'd be in a good shape.


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 4:38pm

If you ran like your mouth, you'd be in a good shape.

Man, I can tell you and a few more people on forum exactly the same thing!
You just argue and argue, even when people offer good things, even when normal things, even when people ask for freebee you argue! Most people like freebee, but you argue! And mostly you argue just because you like to talk much on forum, and because you don't want other people have what you couldn't get.

About the bow arrow. Why the hell you think I don't know nothing about it, because I'm talking to you with Fox Face you think it's the only character I ever had? Think again!
And you know what, your tests won't prove nothing, especially fight loggs, they only show your damage inflicted, nothing else!
For me that arror always worked for my 1 (ONE, UNO) hot. If it works for others for whole stun duration - then you should ask admin ONLY ONE reasonable question - Is that programmed to be 1 hit or it's programmed to be all hits during your stun?

Be more reasonable, and think out of the box!


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 4:48pm

Good things? :lol::lol: Like your 10 lame ideas? :lol: Or making BoE cheaper? :lol::lol:
Man, you just made me laugh so hard :lol::lol:

If you never noticed that arrow sometimes stays longer I guess you could use a little help in learning how to fight :love1:
Like I answered I don't need to ask admins because we figured out the mechanics :D Thread can be closed and if you don't believe my tests you should do some of your own :))

Good ideas... :lol: Freebies... :lol: Man, you're funny :lol:


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 4:58pm

If you simply have higher initiative and during fight your turn comes first (before enemy turn) your arrow will stay during whole stun (if you mean about it). If your initiative less and your turn isn't first - your arrows will take -1 from charge every your turn in case you stun your opponent.


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 5:49pm

Good things? :lol::lol: Like your 10 lame ideas? :lol: Or making BoE cheaper? :lol::lol:
Man, you just made me laugh so hard :lol::lol:

If you never noticed that arrow sometimes stays longer I guess you could use a little help in learning how to fight :love1:
Like I answered I don't need to ask admins because we figured out the mechanics :D Thread can be closed and if you don't believe my tests you should do some of your own :))

Good ideas... :lol: Freebies... :lol: Man, you're funny :lol:

I'm glad to let you laugh) But fact is fact - you argue with everything and everyone not because ideas are bad, but because people want something you couldn't get and you're jealous they may have it :)


Sunday, January 21st 2018, 5:59pm

Where do you actually see me jealous? lol, Im level 9 full purple I have nothing to be jealous of, you should get over yourself.
I won't respond to anymore attacks from your side on me, nor hijacking the thread)
Good job kiddo)

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Sunday, January 21st 2018, 6:04pm

If you simply have higher initiative and during fight your turn comes first (before enemy turn) your arrow will stay during whole stun (if you mean about it). If your initiative less and your turn isn't first - your arrows will take -1 from charge every your turn in case you stun your opponent.

very interesting, never thought about it Thanks :beer:
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:

 lol666 [9] 


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Monday, January 22nd 2018, 10:38am

If you simply have higher initiative and during fight your turn comes first (before enemy turn) your arrow will stay during whole stun (if you mean about it). If your initiative less and your turn isn't first - your arrows will take -1 from charge every your turn in case you stun your opponent.

:beer: great to know, ty for info :worship:
Alway thought that initiative make you start any round first, nothing else :pain:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

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