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Wednesday, January 24th 2018, 7:55pm

Clan Wars Rewards - here we see:
Distribution of the reward certificates
Gold league from 12 to 20 certificates
Silver league from 5 to 10 certificates
Bronze league from 1 to 3 certificates…bmode=24&c_id=1 - here we see:
1 Mafio [15] 2165

And here is the reward:…ct_id=509813872 - yes, just 5... half price from wat was anonsed.

Whom shiuld I contact to get other 5 certificates?


Wednesday, January 24th 2018, 7:59pm

And Clan BlackListed only recieved 4 certs, and we are in silver rank too, should get atleast 1 more id assume yes? :S


Wednesday, January 24th 2018, 8:19pm

I do not know is it valid here, but on .ru server it is distributed in next way:


Wednesday, January 24th 2018, 8:30pm

Strange that the information changed in the library after clan wars. Prior to it, it was the same as RU's info page. HH (finishing 2nd in Silver) only got 5 certificates while it should have been 10.

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Wednesday, January 24th 2018, 8:34pm

Darkside finished 1st in our Bronze league, yet we have NO clan certificates (should be 3).
You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...


Wednesday, January 24th 2018, 8:35pm

Pff images didn't load, it was showing the info page in library prior to the change.

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Wednesday, January 24th 2018, 8:43pm

AND where is the Gold payouts?
You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...


Wednesday, January 24th 2018, 9:24pm

Alliance was in silver league, got 4 certs. It is supposed to be from 5 to 10.
Also, no gold til now.

Please fix it. Thanks


Thursday, January 25th 2018, 1:02am

By the revised distribution schedule we were supposed to get 4 clan certificates and only received 1.


Thursday, January 25th 2018, 2:26pm

With reward changing also clans below 1100 points were hurt. There was no information about such change anywhere. It shouldn't be added AFTER SEASON ENDS. Something like that should be mentioned at start or at least at start of 2nd stage. It never happened on RU and I don't understand why it's happening here.


Thursday, January 25th 2018, 7:32pm

I got sertificates. tahnks administration for support!

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Friday, January 26th 2018, 2:06am

We got our certs/gold. Thank you Admins
You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...

 Lisad [20] 

EX Community Manager

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Friday, January 26th 2018, 2:50pm

The amount of certificates has been increased for Gold and Silver leagues yesterday. The correct amount is listed in the tabel here: Clan wars.

The certificates should be in the clan leader's backpack, the gold in clan treasury and the gift in clan's gifts.
Lisad | Community Manager


Friday, January 26th 2018, 10:02pm

The amount of certificates has been increased for Gold and Silver leagues yesterday. The correct amount is listed in the tabel here: Clan wars.

The certificates should be in the clan leader's backpack, the gold in clan treasury and the gift in clan's gifts.

What about clans below 1100 points? As stated before there was no note about something like that going to happen and it's not fair to add limitations AFTER event ends.

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