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Posts: 1,831

Location: The cosmic shores

Occupation: fullfiling Carl Sagan's dream

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Thursday, February 1st 2018, 10:57pm

I agree with most of the things you said, I disagree with the idea of removing stunns from meridian for the exact reason you pointed out, rank and reps still make a difference so if you remove the chance for a lucky stunn then newcommers have no chance inside... regarding Dungeof of forgotten heroes I still want an extra detail from you, if I get your point corectly, you would rather keep the instance for reputation only rather than remove the reputation from it?
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.


Friday, February 2nd 2018, 12:18am

Yes, i'd keep dungeons only for the RR.
About meridians: if I lose vs a weaker player because of some blunders, dodges or a lucky double critic, I accept it. Means that my opponent didn't do any mistake all fight long and he was simply a bit more lucky than me. Sounds fair.
On the contrary, any defeat by stun doesn't imply any combat skill.
And I hate losing in that way)


Friday, February 2nd 2018, 12:52am

The main reason i hate the rep is it means we can never merge with RU, which crushes my dreams of having any sort of big battles.

Posts: 1,831

Location: The cosmic shores

Occupation: fullfiling Carl Sagan's dream

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Friday, February 2nd 2018, 11:22am

Yes, i'd keep dungeons only for the RR.
About meridians: if I lose vs a weaker player because of some blunders, dodges or a lucky double critic, I accept it. Means that my opponent didn't do any mistake all fight long and he was simply a bit more lucky than me. Sounds fair.
On the contrary, any defeat by stun doesn't imply any combat skill.
And I hate losing in that way)

a dodge or a block doesn't imply any skill either.. it's just luck (not even based on the characteristics of your own armor - to say your own work counts - but on whatever stats those zarlog and maurin armorscome with), I can see your point of view on this, you work hard and probably pay a lot for everything you have so it's conservative for you to want stunns removed but I'm asking you serious now, if you'd have it your way, how many people could kill you inside as things are right now? I already know the answer - a very few - and what kind of game is that? do you think that winning every fight that way would bring you a pleasent experience in the long run? idk.. I'm just asking :) I wouldn't like it...
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.


Friday, February 2nd 2018, 2:45pm

a dodge or a block doesn't imply any skill either..

For sure that imply skills ... I think you forget the talents/tablets ....

Stun imply nothing, only luck, and i think also that should be removed from meridian fights.

Posts: 1,831

Location: The cosmic shores

Occupation: fullfiling Carl Sagan's dream

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Friday, February 2nd 2018, 3:07pm

true, I did not had that in mind but still, the bonus from all the tablets and talents cant be that high otherwise players or mobs (let's say) 3 lvls below urs should never dodge or block your hits and they do.
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.


Friday, February 2nd 2018, 4:14pm

the bonus from all the tablets and talents cant be that high otherwise players or mobs (let's say) 3 lvls below urs should never dodge or block your hits and they do.

Sorry i can't understand what you say ...

If I have high agility, that mean I dodge more, nothing to do with how my oponent dodge or critic.... that depend on THEIR agility, intuition will etc ... not mine.

I stop, this has nothing to do with dunjeon rep.

 Lisad [20] 

EX Community Manager

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Tuesday, February 20th 2018, 10:56am

This event will be back, but there's no information about when exactly that'll happen. Stay tuned to the news.
Lisad | Community Manager


Tuesday, February 20th 2018, 3:49pm

This event will be back, but there's no information about when exactly that'll happen. Stay tuned to the news.

75% of the players don't want this event back...maybe you should listen to the players for once, just saying.


Tuesday, February 20th 2018, 5:30pm

personally, i would like to get it back, any extra rep rating is welcome


Wednesday, February 21st 2018, 2:56pm

This event will be back, but there's no information about when exactly that'll happen. Stay tuned to the news.
This isn't an event. This is a reputation.
A reputation related to a not recurring and random event.
Definitely not a smart schedule.