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Saturday, February 3rd 2018, 1:35am

Protection Agains Monsters

Hello there, I've been looking for a way to get protection against monster attacks when gathering profession resources. As the time required to collect increases with the resource quality avoiding them becomes practically impossible. Actually
I found some stuff concerning it but couldn't make sure whether they're
applying the exact features I was looking for.

I first tried to have a gift from someone a Garlic Charm. That is sold by Shiko
for +500 Undead reputation. And got attacked in the first attempt by 2
vampires. That was too ironic that there was written "
protects its owner
from vampire attacks and other undead " I don't know whether it
was a malfunction or a misunderstanding though.

In the estate options I noticed a possible wall construction which says
"Protects from monster attacks" on the info section. I believe this
one was not clear enough either to say is it protecting for only the place
where estate is located or simple attacks that may occur anytime in places like plateu or glade of oblivion but not when gathering something in the map.

Besides these, if there's any other way to do this I'd love to hear. Thanks in advance.


Saturday, February 3rd 2018, 10:37am


The garlic charm does not offer protection from any undead attack. its just a gift.

The estate does offer protection against attacks but it protects you from attack that can occur while you are in estate. For exemple: you have your estate in Glade of Oblivion. A stronger Estate wall will protect you from gords attack while you are only in estate.

You can have protections against attacks only by purchasing special rings from fair. I remember the ones agaisnt gargoyles and against zigreds.


Saturday, February 3rd 2018, 1:51pm

The best way to protect yourself whilst doing profession is to change profession to fisherman :bllll:

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Saturday, February 3rd 2018, 2:21pm

Zigred ring doesn't work. It's pure crap.


Saturday, February 3rd 2018, 9:04pm


The garlic charm does not offer protection from any undead attack. its just a gift.

The estate does offer protection against attacks but it protects you from attack that can occur while you are in estate. For exemple: you have your estate in Glade of Oblivion. A stronger Estate wall will protect you from gords attack while you are only in estate.

You can have protections against attacks only by purchasing special rings from fair. I remember the ones agaisnt gargoyles and against zigreds.
Thanks for the information, now it's at least clearer that what won't work.

The best way to protect yourself whilst doing profession is to change profession to fisherman
I'm afraid you're not the first one I heard that from.

Zigred ring doesn't work. It's pure crap.

Then it seems none of these protection stuff are other than just a bunch of stylish looking writings, bad to know..

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Sunday, February 4th 2018, 1:12am

There are a few stuff that protect you from monsters:

1- Pack Leader Quest (If i remember it correctly, doing this quest will give you an item which protects you from tigers & dugrkhargs/wolves & bears, lasts for 2 days and the quest is repeatable).
2-Zigred Ring from influence rewards, basically protects you from Purple Zigreds.
3- Gargoyle, Grim Gargoyle, Large Scorpion and King Scorpion rings which will protect you from the monsters that give their names to these rings (You can only obtain these from City Fair when the Trade Fair of Wonders is here and they last 14 day each).
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Sunday, February 4th 2018, 2:59pm

There are a few stuff that protect you from monsters:

1- Pack Leader Quest (If i remember it correctly, doing this quest will give you an item which protects you from tigers & dugrkhargs/wolves & bears, lasts for 2 days and the quest is repeatable).
2-Zigred Ring from influence rewards, basically protects you from Purple Zigreds.
3- Gargoyle, Grim Gargoyle, Large Scorpion and King Scorpion rings which will protect you from the monsters that give their names to these rings (You can only obtain these from City Fair when the Trade Fair of Wonders is here and they last 14 day each).

Thank you it looks worth to try.

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