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Red (Worship) Badges Requirements - Guide
Bringer of Evil - Level 5 - Hand at one time Evil Eye 500 pcs.
Brotherhood of Virtue - Level 5 - Hand at one time Emination of Good 15 000 pcs.
Relic Seekers - Level 5 - Hand at one time The Goblet of Baddukh 1pc., The Klesh Sarcophagus 3pcs., The Mask of Horror 10 pcs., Cuckoo Flower 500 pcs., Fire Flower 1000 pcs.
Underground Knights - Level 5 - Hand over 3 certificates: 1 certificare of 250 Crystalline Coals, 2nd certificate of 10 wins (Tournament for level 5-10; Caves of Equials for level 11+), 3rd certificate of 350 scalps.
Destroyers of Chaos - level 5 1-
Bring 20 amulets of Chaos Amulet of Noitcerruser and 10 Chaos Amulet of Relaeh and with the received Teleportatin scroll kill the Army of GunglXO
2- Bring 400 Chaos Elixir of Rewop, 300 Chaos Elixir of Nelots Efil and 100 Chaos Elixir Doolb and with the received Teleportatin scroll kill the Army of DefilerDO
3- Bring 300 Chaos Elixir of Efil and with the received Teleportatin scroll kill the Army of DefilerXO
4- Bring 150 Chaos Elixir of Tnaig and with the received Teleportatin scroll kill the Army of General UyarrMO
5- Bring 25 Chaos Elixir of Htaed Nogard and with the received Teleportatin scroll kill the Army of Large Engu
6- Bring UyarrMO Sword and UyarrMO Shield and with the received Teleportatin scroll kill the Army of Large Engu Lord
7- Bring UyarrMO Pauldrons and UyarrMO Helmet and with the received Teleportatin scroll kill the Army of Large Engu Lord
Hunters of Fortune - Level 5 - Hand at one time Grain of Magical Sand 1000 pcs.
Mercenaries (Stone Lotus/Red Axes/Night Stealers) - Level 5 - Hand at one time Imp Cube 50 pcs., Demon Cube 50 pcs., Devil Cube 50 pcs.
Note: Combo Cubes can be open by the Demonologist as per the following:
Imp Combo Cube - Give 4 pcs. Imp Cube - Requiered:. Collected Mistletoe 100 pcs, Collected Clover 100 pcs., Collected Thistle 100pcs. , Turquoise Dust 1000 pcs., Agate Dust 1000 pcs., Aquamarine Dust 1000 pcs., Small Flickering Crystal 10 pcs.
Demon Combo Cube - Give 4 pcs. Demon Cube - Required: Collected Milfoil 100 pcs., Amethyst Dust 1000 pcs., Green Ink 300 pcs., Red Ink 300 pcs., Flickring Crystal 10 pcs.
Devil Combo Cube - Give 4 pcs. Devil Cube - Required: Collected Anemone 10 pcs., Collected Mandragora 10 pcs., Emerald Dust 1000 pcs., Topaz Dust 1000 pcs., Blue Ink 200 pcs.
Hunters of Undead - Level 7 - Hand at one time Bringer of Evil Skull 100 pcs. and Obscurant
Note: Obscurant is being received upon Defeat of Quest Bone Dragon in the Underground Catacomb's Library
Flaundines - Level 6 - Hand Sea Shells 550 pcs. and Empty Efril Replicator 1 pc.
Note: Empty Efril Replicator cost 30g at the Antiquarian shop, if you can not purchase 2nd you have to talk to the thief. He will sell you one for 60g.
Quest Steps:
Talk with Okteon the Scientist regarding the underwater threat.
Search the captain's cabin on the sunken ship and recover the lost tomes. You will find at the Captain's location on the front right at a rectangular shaped stash. Bring the book Okteon.
Search the abandoned cabin on the ship and find Corpus Tasfero and Lock Tasfero or information about them. You will find that at the first dead-end stash. To access the location you will need to kill all the guards at hunt screen in the location before the dead-end. Then just enter the dead-end location and click on the front chest-stash.
Talk with the Sorcerer about the 2nd part of Tesfero.
Bring empty efil replicator to the Sorcerer in exchange of Tesfero.
Bring the Corpus and the Lock to Okteon.
Go to the Underwater Prison and put the 550 Shells at Tasferu. (You will be attacked by Apostate Mage [9]), it is the same as Flaundin rebel. Better take with you 1 Tranquility Amulet and some sharkers as the mage will summon skeletons to help him (up to 5).
Goddess Aladeya - Level 7 - Hand at one time Dragon Blood Dust 12660 pcs., Sighing Grass (plants) 2875 pcs., Malleable Stone 5340 pcs.
God of the Cursed and the Dead - level 7 - Hand at one time Crystal Sturgeon 4759 pcs., Collected Sighing Grass 450 pcs., Silver-plated Petal 11655 pcs.
Great Dragons - Level 7 - Hand at one time Dragon Blood (stones) 3286 pcs., Magic Purple Ink 1845 pcs., Liquid Nacre 7890 pcs.
Great Battles - Level 7 - Hand 1000 great batles wins (OR 100 times great battle leader), Imp Combo Cube 30 pcs., Demon Combo Cube 5 pcs., Devil Combo Cube 1 pc., Evil Eyes 100 pcs., Bringer of Evil Skull 300 pcs., Ragtikron Leather 30 pcs., Bubbly Metal 30 pcs., hold 3 fights in the honor of the Gods.
Juggernauts - Level 11 - Hand at one tinme 200 Liros.
Note: To enter the instance for fighting ghost of Superbeing's ghosts fr Liros you need to talk to the Witch (Wild Forest/Village of Maettro)
Note: To receive Celestial Quicksilver required for starting the fights you will need to go at the Demonologist secret shop.
Note: You can not obrain more than 35 liros per entry
Kroffdors - Level 11 - Hand at one time Incarnum 400 pcs., Flamian 50 pcs.
Eldives - Level 11 - Hand at one time Centrido 400 pcs., Luxite 50 pcs.
Pet Patrons - Level 11 - Hand at one time Elt Gambier Seeds 100 pcs., Spawning Habus Caviar 100 pcs., Pure Eldorill Crystals 100 pcs., Devil Combo Cube 10 pcs. (OR Crystalline Coal 190 pcs.)., Ludial Chain Link 50 pcs., Vital Substance 500 pcs. then fight Balinda.
Shadow Catchers - Level 11 - Edera Wreath 1 pcs., Deathly Heart 3 pcs., Gloomy Shadow 100 pcs., Sinister Shadow 30 pcs., Deadly Shadow 5 pcs., Then fight Poseidopus.
Nymph Water God - Level 11 - Water Sphere 150 pcs., Small Potion of Success 20 pcs., Scarlet Ink 1389 pcs., Schoo Essence 1389 pcs., Collected Glowpetal 500 pcs., Collected Ceptoris 500 pcs., Smaraglis Dust 12500., Mountain Lagric Dust 12500 pcs.
Sylph Air Goddess - Level 11 - Air Sphere 150 pcs., Small Potion of Success 20 pcs., Ultramarine Ink 1389 pcs., Bluecraw Essence 1389 pcs., Collected Irvis 500 pcs., Collected Lonebud 500 pcs., Armedian Dust 12500 pcs., Caratide Dust 12500 pcs.
Custodians of Magic - level 16 - Hand in Other Dialect Kroffdors Manuscrip 40 pcs., Other Dialect Eldives Manuscript 30 pcs., Elfin Cache Manuscript 20 pcs., Piedmont People’s Manuscript 10 pcs.
Zurkhass - Level 16 - Maurin Coin 333 pcs., Large Battle Table 333 pcs., Ritual Candle 3 pcs.
Miuri Tao - Level 16 - Zarlog Coin 333 pcs., Tailsime Pre-dawn Dew 333 pcs., Ritual Candle 3 pcs.
Treasure Hunters - Level 18 - Not available yet.
Destroyers of Shiass - Level 16 - Not available yet.
Tomb Raiders - Level 20 - Not available yet.
Talisme Protectors - Level 20 - Not available yet.
Vision Interpreters - Level 19 - Not available yet.
Order of Triads - Level 19 - Not available yet.
Brotherhood of Virtue - Level 5 - Hand at one time Emination of Good 15 000 pcs.
Relic Seekers - Level 5 - Hand at one time The Goblet of Baddukh 1pc., The Klesh Sarcophagus 3pcs., The Mask of Horror 10 pcs., Cuckoo Flower 500 pcs., Fire Flower 1000 pcs.
Underground Knights - Level 5 - Hand over 3 certificates: 1 certificare of 250 Crystalline Coals, 2nd certificate of 10 wins (Tournament for level 5-10; Caves of Equials for level 11+), 3rd certificate of 350 scalps.
Destroyers of Chaos - level 5 1-
Bring 20 amulets of Chaos Amulet of Noitcerruser and 10 Chaos Amulet of Relaeh and with the received Teleportatin scroll kill the Army of GunglXO
2- Bring 400 Chaos Elixir of Rewop, 300 Chaos Elixir of Nelots Efil and 100 Chaos Elixir Doolb and with the received Teleportatin scroll kill the Army of DefilerDO
3- Bring 300 Chaos Elixir of Efil and with the received Teleportatin scroll kill the Army of DefilerXO
4- Bring 150 Chaos Elixir of Tnaig and with the received Teleportatin scroll kill the Army of General UyarrMO
5- Bring 25 Chaos Elixir of Htaed Nogard and with the received Teleportatin scroll kill the Army of Large Engu
6- Bring UyarrMO Sword and UyarrMO Shield and with the received Teleportatin scroll kill the Army of Large Engu Lord
7- Bring UyarrMO Pauldrons and UyarrMO Helmet and with the received Teleportatin scroll kill the Army of Large Engu Lord
Hunters of Fortune - Level 5 - Hand at one time Grain of Magical Sand 1000 pcs.
Mercenaries (Stone Lotus/Red Axes/Night Stealers) - Level 5 - Hand at one time Imp Cube 50 pcs., Demon Cube 50 pcs., Devil Cube 50 pcs.
Note: Combo Cubes can be open by the Demonologist as per the following:
Imp Combo Cube - Give 4 pcs. Imp Cube - Requiered:. Collected Mistletoe 100 pcs, Collected Clover 100 pcs., Collected Thistle 100pcs. , Turquoise Dust 1000 pcs., Agate Dust 1000 pcs., Aquamarine Dust 1000 pcs., Small Flickering Crystal 10 pcs.
Demon Combo Cube - Give 4 pcs. Demon Cube - Required: Collected Milfoil 100 pcs., Amethyst Dust 1000 pcs., Green Ink 300 pcs., Red Ink 300 pcs., Flickring Crystal 10 pcs.
Devil Combo Cube - Give 4 pcs. Devil Cube - Required: Collected Anemone 10 pcs., Collected Mandragora 10 pcs., Emerald Dust 1000 pcs., Topaz Dust 1000 pcs., Blue Ink 200 pcs.
Hunters of Undead - Level 7 - Hand at one time Bringer of Evil Skull 100 pcs. and Obscurant
Note: Obscurant is being received upon Defeat of Quest Bone Dragon in the Underground Catacomb's Library
Flaundines - Level 6 - Hand Sea Shells 550 pcs. and Empty Efril Replicator 1 pc.
Note: Empty Efril Replicator cost 30g at the Antiquarian shop, if you can not purchase 2nd you have to talk to the thief. He will sell you one for 60g.
Quest Steps:
Talk with Okteon the Scientist regarding the underwater threat.
Search the captain's cabin on the sunken ship and recover the lost tomes. You will find at the Captain's location on the front right at a rectangular shaped stash. Bring the book Okteon.
Search the abandoned cabin on the ship and find Corpus Tasfero and Lock Tasfero or information about them. You will find that at the first dead-end stash. To access the location you will need to kill all the guards at hunt screen in the location before the dead-end. Then just enter the dead-end location and click on the front chest-stash.
Talk with the Sorcerer about the 2nd part of Tesfero.
Bring empty efil replicator to the Sorcerer in exchange of Tesfero.
Bring the Corpus and the Lock to Okteon.
Go to the Underwater Prison and put the 550 Shells at Tasferu. (You will be attacked by Apostate Mage [9]), it is the same as Flaundin rebel. Better take with you 1 Tranquility Amulet and some sharkers as the mage will summon skeletons to help him (up to 5).
Goddess Aladeya - Level 7 - Hand at one time Dragon Blood Dust 12660 pcs., Sighing Grass (plants) 2875 pcs., Malleable Stone 5340 pcs.
God of the Cursed and the Dead - level 7 - Hand at one time Crystal Sturgeon 4759 pcs., Collected Sighing Grass 450 pcs., Silver-plated Petal 11655 pcs.
Great Dragons - Level 7 - Hand at one time Dragon Blood (stones) 3286 pcs., Magic Purple Ink 1845 pcs., Liquid Nacre 7890 pcs.
Great Battles - Level 7 - Hand 1000 great batles wins (OR 100 times great battle leader), Imp Combo Cube 30 pcs., Demon Combo Cube 5 pcs., Devil Combo Cube 1 pc., Evil Eyes 100 pcs., Bringer of Evil Skull 300 pcs., Ragtikron Leather 30 pcs., Bubbly Metal 30 pcs., hold 3 fights in the honor of the Gods.
Juggernauts - Level 11 - Hand at one tinme 200 Liros.
Note: To enter the instance for fighting ghost of Superbeing's ghosts fr Liros you need to talk to the Witch (Wild Forest/Village of Maettro)
Note: To receive Celestial Quicksilver required for starting the fights you will need to go at the Demonologist secret shop.
Note: You can not obrain more than 35 liros per entry
Kroffdors - Level 11 - Hand at one time Incarnum 400 pcs., Flamian 50 pcs.
Eldives - Level 11 - Hand at one time Centrido 400 pcs., Luxite 50 pcs.
Pet Patrons - Level 11 - Hand at one time Elt Gambier Seeds 100 pcs., Spawning Habus Caviar 100 pcs., Pure Eldorill Crystals 100 pcs., Devil Combo Cube 10 pcs. (OR Crystalline Coal 190 pcs.)., Ludial Chain Link 50 pcs., Vital Substance 500 pcs. then fight Balinda.
Shadow Catchers - Level 11 - Edera Wreath 1 pcs., Deathly Heart 3 pcs., Gloomy Shadow 100 pcs., Sinister Shadow 30 pcs., Deadly Shadow 5 pcs., Then fight Poseidopus.
Nymph Water God - Level 11 - Water Sphere 150 pcs., Small Potion of Success 20 pcs., Scarlet Ink 1389 pcs., Schoo Essence 1389 pcs., Collected Glowpetal 500 pcs., Collected Ceptoris 500 pcs., Smaraglis Dust 12500., Mountain Lagric Dust 12500 pcs.
Sylph Air Goddess - Level 11 - Air Sphere 150 pcs., Small Potion of Success 20 pcs., Ultramarine Ink 1389 pcs., Bluecraw Essence 1389 pcs., Collected Irvis 500 pcs., Collected Lonebud 500 pcs., Armedian Dust 12500 pcs., Caratide Dust 12500 pcs.
Custodians of Magic - level 16 - Hand in Other Dialect Kroffdors Manuscrip 40 pcs., Other Dialect Eldives Manuscript 30 pcs., Elfin Cache Manuscript 20 pcs., Piedmont People’s Manuscript 10 pcs.
Zurkhass - Level 16 - Maurin Coin 333 pcs., Large Battle Table 333 pcs., Ritual Candle 3 pcs.
Miuri Tao - Level 16 - Zarlog Coin 333 pcs., Tailsime Pre-dawn Dew 333 pcs., Ritual Candle 3 pcs.
Treasure Hunters - Level 18 - Not available yet.
Destroyers of Shiass - Level 16 - Not available yet.
Tomb Raiders - Level 20 - Not available yet.
Talisme Protectors - Level 20 - Not available yet.
Vision Interpreters - Level 19 - Not available yet.
Order of Triads - Level 19 - Not available yet.
This post has been edited 8 times, last edit by "muffin" (Jun 28th 2017, 6:22am)
Shadow Catchers Worship Quest - Guide
Shadow Catchers - Level 11 - Edera Wreath 1 pcs., Deathly Heart 3 pcs., Gloomy Shadow 100 pcs., Sinister Shadow 30 pcs., Deadly Shadow 5 pcs., Then fight Poseidopus.
Okay, little clearance here as I recently did the badge (I am level 11):
1. Hand in all the shadows, hearts and the wreath at the NPC.
2. He will ask you to go at specific locations and activate 5 devices. You will get attacked by mobs same as from Cloister. Lvl 11-13 are easy enough, perhaps 13 will resist you slightly. Lvl 14 and 15 takes little more time to fight.
Note: Level 11-12 better go for manual fight for the mobs level 14-15. 1 Giant, 3 slot powers, rest lifes. Don't try to poison or retri the lvl 15 as it remove all from itself
3. When done return back to the NPC. He will give you device which you need to activate and kill Poseidopus.
How to kill Poseidopus:
Slots for fight: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 3 slots life potions, 3 slot red retribution scrolls (for players with 10 slots you can add 1 DE, Punch or 1 life extra). You don't need mana!!!
Rings and Amulets: ONLY Concentration ones
Bless: Elf Spy Cloak (from collections) is a MUST for level 11-13, then I used The Blessing of the Elder, Premium Elixir of Invulnerability, Satiety V, Strong Magic Aureole, Chuuga Gift, Meat Soup, Great Blessings of the Heavens, Blinding Fury of Vertsida (I had Celebration Punch in 10th slot). In general you need Wisdom and Anger blesses that makes your casts stronger and letting you crit more. At the moment of the attack you will receive Gloomslayer Gift that will help you lots but you can't rely on it only.
Extra Spell: You will receive a Spell that you should use in the fight. Sorry that it is on russian but you can clearly understand that you have to add it.

You should use this spell when Poseidopus has 3-4 Growing Fury, or in general as long as he start to gather. He has a special Immunity that will not let you use the special cast all the time. As long as it is gone give him the kick.
Fight tactics:
You keep your arrows and retri scrolls for when he is around 70% life. Then he will start hi you double. Use only retri scrolls then and use them all the time. When he is like 30% life he will start hit you tripple, then start using arrows as well. When he is 15% (6k hp) he will start to stun you and hit you 4 times per attack. Then use also totem if you have.
4. When done return to the NPC and get your badge!
Good luck!

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:34pm)
Added chart for Juggernauts Worship
translated from .ru site
translated from .ru site

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