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  • "OriginalSith" started this thread

Posts: 1,052

Location: Canada

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Tuesday, February 13th 2018, 7:33pm

Gluten free and Vegan Pancakes? Some equality for others so they can do the event please and thank you

Just sayin... i'm sure there are some Gluten free needy people here as well as vegans who'd like to make pancakes... perhaps some consideration to those people would be nice ;)
You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...


Tuesday, February 13th 2018, 8:32pm

Moreover what is this lie!
20:31 Wrapping up the buttery pancake, you eat it with pleasure. Received: Light of Mirrow 1 pcs.

There's in no butter in the recipe, how can it be buttery!

  • "-Cahal-" has been banned

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Wednesday, February 14th 2018, 11:59am

Social Justice Pancakes, delicious, filled with vegan tears and all. :pie: :pie:
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.