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Friday, February 23rd 2018, 6:05pm

Day of all warriors

Hey guys,let's try some great battles at plateau of silence. News doesn't clearly says that it should be GBs only on ancient plateau,so worth to try normal plateau.

Posts: 243

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Friday, February 23rd 2018, 7:11pm

19:01 The battle «Attack on NewsBringeR» is over.
19:01 The magic of the Obelisk of Valour has brought you 24 additional valour in combat!
19:01 You have been resurrected! Take heart from your new lease of life and a little more care! Step forth and conquer!

Nothing break btw

Posts: 243

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Friday, February 23rd 2018, 7:14pm

19:01 The battle «Attack on NewsBringeR» is over.
19:01 The magic of the Obelisk of Valour has brought you 24 additional valour in combat!
19:01 You have been resurrected! Take heart from your new lease of life and a little more care! Step forth and conquer!
Nothing break btw
Only applied at Plateau of Silence though, not Ancient Plateau. At least for now if it was not deemed as misactivation on non-break :smoke:
Probably non-injury too. If anyone can confirm. So come come and knock on Gizedor's house for a barbaric tea party!

Posts: 1,831

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Friday, February 23rd 2018, 8:16pm

the winners of GB's everywhere receive double valor
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.


Friday, February 23rd 2018, 10:59pm

Everything is dead....we've had low tides in the past but I think we are touching bottom lately....EVERYTHING IS FREAKING DEAD!!!!

I just checked plateau, 4 poeple total....LOL.....unreal :woody:

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