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  • "Terra Incognita" started this thread

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Wednesday, February 28th 2018, 7:54pm

Game client

Fresh client, installed it yesterday normally, without issues (for god knows what time now (had to uninstall for reasons unrelated to game or client itself).
Everything works totally fine - backpack, fights, instances, etc.

Hunt screen won't load. Stays on 60something% and if I click on hunt again it'll stay on 51%, then I have to refresh screen to get it back to 60something%. Restarted it 2 times, also restarted my pc just in case. Nothing helped. This never happened before and I've been playing on it for years.

Why won't it load?


Wednesday, February 28th 2018, 8:23pm

Update Flash player.
Update Java ( it is not necessary but...)


Wednesday, February 28th 2018, 8:24pm

* Pray

  • "Terra Incognita" started this thread

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Wednesday, February 28th 2018, 9:46pm

I hardly doubt it's that..
Look, I played normal yesterday afternoon, hunt worked. I just uninstalled it for like 3-4 hours maybe and then installed back again. Okay, I didn't open hunt in the evening, but today - nu uh.


Wednesday, February 28th 2018, 9:55pm

Dont know how well it applies here but I know on another game I used to get issues so what I did was go into power settings and disable "fast startup/boot" ... it fixed many issues.

  • "Terra Incognita" started this thread

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Wednesday, February 28th 2018, 10:35pm

It's a no go. Still doesn't explain why would it stop working all of a sudden.


Wednesday, February 28th 2018, 10:43pm

i had a problem where my screen was constantly stuck at 50% zoom after years of playing. reinstall didnt fix it but when i opened the dwarclient app from the gamne client folder it worked. still no idea why but its fixed.

  • "Terra Incognita" started this thread

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Wednesday, February 28th 2018, 10:56pm

Tried that right now, didn't work. Tried entering through Mycom too, didn't work.

It works fine on Chrome, for example.. I even raged. But for me it's laggy as hell there. Client works best.

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Thursday, March 1st 2018, 7:19am

if this happens to me, I usually switch off my router for about 10 mins and restart.
If this doesnt help contact your ISP and ask that they reset your port as you experiencing bad latency/
about 99% this works for me
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:

  • "Terra Incognita" started this thread

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Thursday, March 1st 2018, 1:18pm

An answer from higher powers would be appreciated.

  • "Terra Incognita" started this thread

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Thursday, March 1st 2018, 1:47pm

Okay, so now fight screen is demolished.. won't load and stays like that. When it is my turn, I get the fight wheel and I can "attack" but there's no animation - just what you see in the picture and it persists throughout the whole fight.

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Thursday, March 1st 2018, 4:35pm

If you're using laptop/notebook, please try pouring some water on the keyboard while the computer is still on. It might make some noises and the screen might go blue, then black, but it's normal, it'll work as it should in about 5 minutes.

If you're using desktop, please do as following:
1-Take off any cable you can find.
2-Open your window.
3-Throw the computer off the window.

Tested and it works, trust me I'm an engineer.
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  • "Terra Incognita" started this thread

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Thursday, March 1st 2018, 7:30pm

Dammit, I should have read this post first.. I'd totally have listened to you cahal.

My problem is fixed. I reinstalled client, again...again....again (*echo* effect).



Friday, March 2nd 2018, 1:32am

Okay, so now fight screen is demolished.. won't load and stays like that. When it is my turn, I get the fight wheel and I can "attack" but there's no animation - just what you see in the picture and it persists throughout the whole fight.

same thing happens to me a lot. i just keep clicking location to reload the fight until it lets me fight lol


Friday, March 2nd 2018, 3:50pm

same thing happens to me a lot. i just keep clicking location to reload the fight until it lets me fight lol

Happens to me a lot - I start a fight, but enemy won't load untill I refresh the page a few times, and when enemy is finally loaded I see I already lost some HP.


Friday, March 2nd 2018, 6:49pm

Never had such issues,my adobe flash player

  • "Terra Incognita" started this thread

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Friday, March 2nd 2018, 9:26pm

Neither did I. Nevertheless, this wouldn't go away with refreshes or whatever, and it obviously wasn't up to flash..

The solution to similar problems might be just reinstalling the client if you're on it.