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Posts: 141

Location: Malaysia

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Monday, April 9th 2018, 7:59am

Decode this

.- .. -..- .-.. .. -. -.


Monday, April 9th 2018, 8:53am


Decode this

.- .. -..- .-.. .. -. -.

Posts: 141

Location: Malaysia

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Monday, April 9th 2018, 8:56am

too easy eh?

that is correct

Posts: 141

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Monday, April 9th 2018, 9:07am

Solve this

046 045 046 046 032 046 046 032 046 046 046 032 046 045 032 045 046 046

Hint : It's been encoded twice....


Monday, April 9th 2018, 10:02am

what code did you use last or first time?

046 045 046 046 032 046 046 032 046 046 046 032 046 045 032 045 046 046

Posts: 141

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Monday, April 9th 2018, 10:07am

telling you the other would solve it.....

The first code will be morse.....


Monday, April 9th 2018, 10:15am

you won tell us how you did it

telling you the other would solve it.....

The first code will be morse.....

Posts: 141

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Monday, April 9th 2018, 10:34am

The answer is lisad

I change it into morse code then i change it into ascii

If you solve the ascii, i know you can get the rest....


Monday, April 9th 2018, 10:43am

you should be a genius cuz i never heard a conversion from morse to ASCII

The answer is lisad

I change it into morse code then i change it into ascii

If you solve the ascii, i know you can get the rest....

you invented this

Posts: 141

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Monday, April 9th 2018, 10:55am



Monday, April 9th 2018, 11:24am

solve this

..--h311().3V3rY()n3.1.h()P3.7h1$ m3$$4G3.1$.34$y.f()r.y()v.7().r34d--..


Monday, April 9th 2018, 12:24pm

hello everyone i hope this message is easy for you to read

..--h311().3V3rY()n3.1.h()P3.7h1$ m3$$4G3.1$.34$y.f()r.y()v.7().r34d--..

Posts: 141

Location: Malaysia

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Monday, April 9th 2018, 12:25pm

It seems it is, and i'm too late
