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Do more pls
If the truth I speak hurts you maybe you should change your truths
Cool stuff
some seriously nice drawing
Just me or is there a Fallout vibe to them?
This is really amazing work mate!
Thank you, friends)
More drawings will be here soon
great stuff
what is the definition of insanity?
Just me or is there a Fallout vibe to them?
Yeah the vault boy similarity can't be unseen.
Nice drawings.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
This is actually something that made my day after long and tiring shift! Thanks for this laugh!
Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment...until it becomes a memory

nice work !! gave me a good laugh

keep at it

if its beer-30, whiskey-time, or wine time

best pour spare glass :sneak: im on my way

great art
Those drawings are so cute and cuddly! I even want to hug the stone of the estate because it looks so soft and grey and friendly.
Those are so adoreable!
Love it! Well done!
You have some really great shading, nice job
Lisad | Community Manager