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'ACCEPT' new policy and terms of use
so what do you think of this login buzz?
A total of 15 Votes have been submitted.
bye (6)
idk, but you, are, gonna get some... you know? hmm? huh? (3)
mirror this guy (2)
trash - troll - poll - post! (2)
yep, ooh, ok, hmm, when does poll end? exe non- stop! (1)
ok i'd read it well
at least this time both link are good:
what, do i have to get some legislation ppl on this?
at least this time both link are good:
what, do i have to get some legislation ppl on this?
please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading
Sometimes I'm worried about you orrin, that this is some call for help, that you might be kept in some basement by very angry people... You know you can just write me if I can help you out or blink twice if they only let you write cryptic messages on the warofdragons forum.
Cahal might just see this as another shitpost but I think its more than that, and if the lord of trolls won't even see behind the meaning of this post then who will but me.
We are looking out for you dont worry, youre not alone out there!
Cahal might just see this as another shitpost but I think its more than that, and if the lord of trolls won't even see behind the meaning of this post then who will but me.
We are looking out for you dont worry, youre not alone out there!
You see, blood-slayer, to me, everything is a shitpost, I cannot control the urge to go and tap that sweet sweet "trash post" button and click submit, it's what boosts my will to live. If every post in this whole forum had a trash post button, you can be damn sure I'd go and choose that option. I get fed with the energy from that. It keeps me alive, it keeps me motivated.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
I knew you were behind orrins kidnapping little misc, you think your passive agressiveness will make me not worry about orrin anymore? I kindly leave private contact data on my profile so if you're ready to negotiate and care to find out then im always there~
cant wait for you to write me hubert, i wont let him suffer in silence for longer
cant wait for you to write me hubert, i wont let him suffer in silence for longer