Especially Evil Eye Challenge
Restricted for players under lvl 5 (no acces to Rainbow quest)
God’s Blessing Challenge
Restricted for players under lvl 7 (God reputations start at lvl7)
Head Collector Challenge
Restricted for players under lvl 6 (no acces in Underwater place)
Make Haste Challenge
Restricted for players above lvl 10 (or cap on City reputtion)
What If Challenge
Restricted for players under lvl 11 (no acces to Ivumars Treasury)
Master Craftsman Challenge
Restricted for players under lvl 8 (cannot collect ressources due to restriction skills. lvl8 players can use also any elixir/book/gloves that increases temporarly thir profession and pick those ressources)
Partially Restricted by profession, the items are non transferable However the Challange can be done by using
Saved Geologist Skill (or Fisherman/Herbologist, depending on your profession) that can be bought from Premium Shop for diamonds. After changing profession you either increase it by collecting ressources or you use
Advanced Geologist Skill Scroll (or Fisherman/Herbologist, depending on your profession) that can be bought from Trade Fair for diamonds. - Expensive, but possible.
Porcupine Tactic Challenge
Restricted for players under lvl 5 (no acces to Gurraldiy Korr's Grotto)
Because I Can Challenge
Restricted for players under lvl 4 (no acces to Zigred Hive)
One with Your Own Shadow Challenge
Restricted for players under lvl 7 (after completing Unruly Shadow quest)
Defying Death Challenge
Restricted for players under lvl 7 (Tallaar's Halls accesible at lvl7+)
Direct Hit Challenge
Restricted for players under lvl 5 (Chaotic battle accesible at lvl5+)
Splinter Hunter Challenge
Restricted for players under lvl 5 (Improved First Aid Kit available for players lvl5+)
All for Victory Challenge
Restricted for players under lvl 5 (no rainbow sphere)
Three in One Hit Challenge
Restricted for players under lvl 5 (you cant get hex below lvl5)
The event its lvl1-20 but i calculated the restriction for players lvl3+. Not sure how many lvl2 players do those challanges.