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Approximate time for Spirit
from 00:00 - City Square
from 03:00 - Gryphon Crossing
from 06:00 - Luan Coast
from 09:00 - Settlement of Klesva
from 12:00 - Outskirt of Klesva
from 15:00 - Settlement of Buimar
from 18:00 - Domain of Winds
from 21:00 - Baurvill Hamlet
from 01:00 - Square of Fire
from 04:00 - Fort Dybrach
from 07:00 - Frontier
from 10:00 - Smoky Knolls
from 13:00 - Mentaliya Settlement
from 16:00 - Village of Maettro
from 19:00 - Zviglod Grove
from 22:00 to 01:00 Spirit is unavailable