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 LE LOUP [17] 


  • "LE LOUP" started this thread

Posts: 301

Location: Paris/Bruxelles/Luxembourg city

Occupation: Aerospace engineer

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Wednesday, July 11th 2018, 12:45am


Hey guys,

looks like no one got 36 nice,

what do u think about change the runic casket

for a nice casket with rarities:

I think that all guys who complete 36 are already having red tool so cant do better when u have the best.

mhhhh about other server and their 36 ...lets not saying them anything and keep this casket change between us :smile: :smile:


Wednesday, July 11th 2018, 12:56am


Posts: 581

Location: Aspen, CO

Occupation: Nooby's tractor

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Wednesday, July 11th 2018, 6:46am



Wednesday, July 11th 2018, 8:10am

we get a good event with decent prizes, but the greedy are never happy, for once just stop grasping for more more more


Wednesday, July 11th 2018, 12:21pm
