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Lvl 11+ Mags Beware im coming
This is about as nice as i can get
i warn you all beware cause im bored and now on my scalp runs ill kill anyone who has red tools or weapons on
just cause. Yall can call me all the names in the book i dont really care, its game and allows me to do it so i will lol Mostly ATES clan and Alpha is who im going for tho or anyone else who may try to help, just cant stand them lol.
"Lvl 11+ Mags Beware im coming"
"New rule" is now about 5 levels.
Is it worth to violate the rule for breaking tools?…&threadID=34907
The attack rule has been updated for those at mage level.
Lets work hard to find a cure for liberalism
You kinda remind me of Pilek, do you also "love anemels" ? Anyways it seems like you'll just keep yapping like this, see ya mang.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
You know what's funnier? Your whole clan is dead, nobody except a few guys are on, and the ones who are on just hunt in human land top kek.
Anyways your visits to fay-go are pretty much over, good luck
Anyways your visits to fay-go are pretty much over, good luck
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
This is about as nice as i can geti warn you all beware cause im bored and now on my scalp runs ill kill anyone who has red tools or weapons on
just cause. Yall can call me all the names in the book i dont really care, its game and allows me to do it so i will lol Mostly ATES clan and Alpha is who im going for tho or anyone else who may try to help, just cant stand them lol.
LoL Funny it take 3 from your Clam tp beat me though I do respecr Zia... She is straight up awesome but I have no fear of you never have never will... Sad that you are nothing but a BIGG BULLY... Have fun see you soon...
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all..
You proved my point poor sad Bully.... Are you Proud that you can kill players much lower level than you???? Yiu are still a joke and always have been and will be when they shut this game down...
You proved my point poor sad Bully.... Are you Proud that you can kill players much lower level than you???? Yiu are still a joke and always have been and will be when they shut this game down...
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all..
Yes, it is.
Yes, only a few people are online.
Yes, only a few people are online.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Forum Moderator" (Jul 12th 2018, 10:37am)
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