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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Forum Moderator" (Jul 12th 2018, 10:34am)
Don't be stupid, mighty, you might think everyone else is just like you so they believe your petty words of truthn't but everyone knows you get your ass kicked and dragged across the map so bad by high levels that you want to attack their low levels and prove everyone you're a man.
The original post should've been like "I'll attack every level 11+ becuz cerrahoglu kicked my ass so bad that i'm still butthurt about it"
in short: boo hoo cry more, cry me a river and then build a bridge to get over it you little piece of ultimate prank compilation.
top kek.
The original post should've been like "I'll attack every level 11+ becuz cerrahoglu kicked my ass so bad that i'm still butthurt about it"
in short: boo hoo cry more, cry me a river and then build a bridge to get over it you little piece of ultimate prank compilation.
top kek.

It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
bahahahaha that was the funniest sht i think ive ever read in this game, thank you for that good ole laugh, if u think that then whatever lol, the real truth is cerrahoglu can only beat me when he buffs insane vs my 2-3 buffs when im quick scalping, he never comes matching buffs and when he does he has to cry for help cause hes getting his azz handed to him, granted he has more war mages than me so that may help him in 1 fight get the better of me not to mention he is dodger so he should therotically beat me but we all know that doesnt happen, i used to beat his ass when i was lvl 16, bottom line when u get to high lvl anyone even someone u think is a super strong top player can be beat if they get out stunned and so on. But if u ever thinkn cerrahoglu can beat me fairly ur wrong his pvp skills are sht compare to much better players like Store, Bla3de, Lonely_Hunter, and if still continue to think im such a bad player than why do so many high lvl struggle to kill me? Ill tell u why because im one badazz lvl 19 BC, if i ever go dodger or HW all them dodgers will be screwed, i mean u really gotta be blind if u cannot see that, and im not here just talking myself up neither its the real case, as far as am i unbeatable? hell no im not anyone can be beat like i said before, but to not reconize me as a very very strong player ur just an idiot and anyone else who thinks like you do, as for why i kill lvl 11+ simple i told u before, im bored and only way i can get any high lvl to try and come for me
so i guess think what u will but thats what i gotta say to that BS comment lol

-Cahal- where u go? Look fight i have saved…94&server_id=10
wish i had more slots to save all the fights that where the exact same way haha…94&server_id=10
wish i had more slots to save all the fights that where the exact same way haha
Okay okay okay what's that , that definitely sounds like mw crying, gee i gotta shut him down.
*cough* stunning *cough*
if you seriously think that showing one fight where you got a lucky stun and managed to just hit your way to the end of it is "being badazz level 19 bc" then go for it, make my day.
However, let's go point by point because why the hell not?
He beats you when he buffs insane vs few buffs you use, i geniunely don't care, you're most likely making that up but for argument's sake, i'll take your word for it. Guess what, it means that he actually takes it seriously while you are being the sloppy little noob you are, plus those blesses don't grow in the trees, he actually spends time and effort for them, so your argument is invalid.
No, dodgers should not theoretically beat BCs in 16+ considering there's something called "Glaze" which might go critical hit even if your normal hit is failed, not to mention the extracts used in your level make the situation even worse for the one who is stunned. Oh and don't try to play the "yeah you don't know high levels" card here, i've seen my share of crucible fights as well as normal fights of high levels, there are beastly players who go down with 2k damage because the enemy is luckier and they get a stun first.
No you didn't beat anyone's ass when you were 16, you just got lucky and killed him once or twice, now you're bringing this up to make your point look legit, which doesn't, get out of here.
I have no idea why they struggle to kill you, oh right i know, because you go and attack them while they're actually blessed for rage, not PvP, that's why! What, too afraid to meet people in actual battlefields?
Good, then go HW and watch as people bash your head deeper in your own *** than it is right now.
Yeah, you're not just bored, you wanna prove you're a man, that's why you attack people who can't defend themselves against you.
No, i don't idolize anyone, i just see the reality that you, the failed laboratory experiment of a human being, is just exaggerating what you are.
If you had a saved fight slot for every fight you've won against him, you'd probably have like 3 or so, rest is a win for the rest of this game's community since you lose all of them.
True or false: You've been attacking everyone who is in a lower level than you from the clan I'm in 2 to 3 months prior to this forum thread. Because looking at things from this point, you're just doubling down on your bullshiz beer.
get out of here and find your manhood.
*cough* stunning *cough*
if you seriously think that showing one fight where you got a lucky stun and managed to just hit your way to the end of it is "being badazz level 19 bc" then go for it, make my day.
However, let's go point by point because why the hell not?
He beats you when he buffs insane vs few buffs you use, i geniunely don't care, you're most likely making that up but for argument's sake, i'll take your word for it. Guess what, it means that he actually takes it seriously while you are being the sloppy little noob you are, plus those blesses don't grow in the trees, he actually spends time and effort for them, so your argument is invalid.
No, dodgers should not theoretically beat BCs in 16+ considering there's something called "Glaze" which might go critical hit even if your normal hit is failed, not to mention the extracts used in your level make the situation even worse for the one who is stunned. Oh and don't try to play the "yeah you don't know high levels" card here, i've seen my share of crucible fights as well as normal fights of high levels, there are beastly players who go down with 2k damage because the enemy is luckier and they get a stun first.
No you didn't beat anyone's ass when you were 16, you just got lucky and killed him once or twice, now you're bringing this up to make your point look legit, which doesn't, get out of here.
I have no idea why they struggle to kill you, oh right i know, because you go and attack them while they're actually blessed for rage, not PvP, that's why! What, too afraid to meet people in actual battlefields?
Good, then go HW and watch as people bash your head deeper in your own *** than it is right now.
Yeah, you're not just bored, you wanna prove you're a man, that's why you attack people who can't defend themselves against you.
No, i don't idolize anyone, i just see the reality that you, the failed laboratory experiment of a human being, is just exaggerating what you are.
If you had a saved fight slot for every fight you've won against him, you'd probably have like 3 or so, rest is a win for the rest of this game's community since you lose all of them.
True or false: You've been attacking everyone who is in a lower level than you from the clan I'm in 2 to 3 months prior to this forum thread. Because looking at things from this point, you're just doubling down on your bullshiz beer.
get out of here and find your manhood.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
-Cahal- you make 0 sense becasue u actually know nothing about high lvl if u think that is the case, any day u would like to see a fair honest fight between me and cerra u tell him to gift me and i will go to plat with as many buffs as he chooses and i will win the fight 80% of the time, im also almost betting no one has more buffs saved in this game other than possibly bla3de because ive seen first hand, i have over 100+ of each buff u can think of and 80+ might charms which i dont need unless i wanna win GB like crazy. Let me school you the difference between BC and dodger at high lvl which is the same for lvl 11+ . Dodgers have way more protection against BC than we can even get pene for so most times against good dodgers we hit 25%, cerra runs full prot ring/ammy most times so guess what i hit 25% on him most times lol, if ur gonna try to talk atleast know wtf ur talking about man, as for how many times ive beat cerra its been way more than 3 misely times, sorry im not like every other lvl and just wanna sit in front of a screen and hunt the same sht every day when i have 5000g+ already anyway, maybe u think its dumb what i do idc lol, this is war game, that being said that allows me to come over and kill anyone i want within rules, oh and i do not come mega buffed when i raid i take basic azz buffs and kill people sometimes that have more buffs than me including cerra a bunch, i have many fights huge fights with him in that he loses because hes a staling noob. Now when i actually buff to ACTUALLY win stuff, yeah we talking a diff story on who wins then, im no noob cerra knows it, everyone knows it, u just need to say whatever u want to make urself feel better, hey thats okay man u do what u need to do but you shouldnt try to say what u call facts when they are 300% not facts at all and u actually have 0 **idea what i trying to say, and anyone who reads ur comment is probably like ** u talking about lol, PS i never said BC is trash, it is very very good style but it does have a disadvantage to dodger that is a fact
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Forum Moderator" (Jul 12th 2018, 10:40am)
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