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Tuesday, August 28th 2018, 2:45pm

UK rep idea

The idea is - to make Arsenal armor non-transferable, and give discount on it for those having UK medals. 5% off for grey medal, 10% off for green medal, 15% off for blue medal, 20% off for purple medal, and 25% off for red medal.

I came to this idea just because I guess most people don't buy potions and scrolls from Arsenal, which are mainly the things become available to you when you get UK rep, and if Arsenal armor becomes non-tradeable, then more blue crystals will come to market, and people will not regret too much if they have to destroy an armor as with the discount they don't lose 100% of the price paid for it.


Tuesday, August 28th 2018, 3:27pm

people who spend money on purple runes will regret it , bad idea


Tuesday, August 28th 2018, 3:31pm

and people will not regret too much if they have to destroy an armor as with the discount they don't lose 100% of the price paid for it.
:lol: sure noone will regret to destroy a piece of stuff with purple rune, bezel, symbols ....

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Tuesday, August 28th 2018, 3:45pm

No, no on any account.
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Tuesday, August 28th 2018, 5:59pm

why dont you spend time improving your character first instead of posting horrible F quality ideas:lol:


Wednesday, August 29th 2018, 12:40am

why dont you spend time improving your character first instead of posting horrible F quality ideas:lol:

I spent months trying to buy purple level 7 weapons for normal price and found only crappy ones from an idiot who actually overpriced them, then I decided to buy blue weapons and still couldn't find any)) Amd new ones from Arsenal for 54g each seems too much... show me poeple who bought brand new weapoms from Arsenal, put blue runes and then upgraded them.


Wednesday, August 29th 2018, 3:38pm

people who spend money on purple runes will regret it , bad idea

See My cuirass and cuisses


Wednesday, August 29th 2018, 3:52pm

just cause your daft enough to make them unbrakable and none transferable, doesnt mean everyon wants to throw money away like that


Wednesday, August 29th 2018, 7:59pm

Ok, but why you're all talking only about breaking, what about discount for each medal color, is that also a bad idea?


Wednesday, August 29th 2018, 8:06pm

yes, because its transferable, which means anyone justs asks someone with red badge to buy it for them and sell it on, thus getting a discount


Wednesday, August 29th 2018, 8:08pm

is that also a bad idea?

badges easy enough if you focus to work on it (even easier now with sparks) and it has nothing to do with original idea of this thread


Wednesday, August 29th 2018, 8:10pm

nothing to do with original idea of this thread

my bad,thought you mean badges in general


Wednesday, August 29th 2018, 8:16pm

Guys, anyway I'm trying to make UK rep more useful, because now the only good thing it gives - is grumvol when you have red medal, and the rest things that require UK rep - most people don't buy. Don't you agree on that? Offrer your idea then.

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Thursday, August 30th 2018, 9:57am

Idea? pretty bad, both making discount basing on medal and making them non-transferable.
Uk medal was pretty usefull when the best potion around was the purple ones, since now we have as gift tons of red ones, the uk potions become less and less usefull, same happened with the normal ones, ofc im not saying no one is using, i think no one drops away pots like nothing.
But hey just my opinion here, still the idea is not that goo, both for who want apply runes on arsenal equip or who want to sell them later on. :beer:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Tuesday, September 4th 2018, 1:15pm

If you say this idea is bad, then offer better one, since you agreed on potions (that we need UK rep for UK potions but no one is buying them).


Tuesday, September 4th 2018, 1:26pm

why does thinking something isnt a good idea mean other ppl have to come up with something better? at the least uk rep gives access to fatty salve which is a essential item and also a mount, as well as things like puri scrolls that can be a pain to get hold of. thats alot more than a red merc badge gives

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Tuesday, September 4th 2018, 6:10pm

If you say this idea is bad, then offer better one, since you agreed on potions (that we need UK rep for UK potions but no one is buying them).

:lol: jeez... how butthurt :lol:


Friday, September 7th 2018, 5:14am

Deathwish, I thought it's what nice people do. And you kow how they say - "It's easy to break, you try you make!" :)

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