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Rejoice and give thanks, for your day of worship has come
Your omnipotent ruler and compassionate executioner has reached a milestone. Yes, it is today, today we celebrate the date of Birth of our Compassionate Ruler and Saviour, OriginalSith.
- There will be a 24 hour giving of thanks, followed by a ruthless ravage of the "unwanted and undesireable".
REJOICE! REJOICE! for you may now praise with all your heart and might, scream it to the heavens
"OriginalSith is here, OriginSith is kind, OriginalSith is compassion, OriginalSith is final judgement"
again, REJOICE and give thanks!
- There will be a 24 hour giving of thanks, followed by a ruthless ravage of the "unwanted and undesireable".
REJOICE! REJOICE! for you may now praise with all your heart and might, scream it to the heavens
"OriginalSith is here, OriginSith is kind, OriginalSith is compassion, OriginalSith is final judgement"
again, REJOICE and give thanks!
You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...
Welcome to Eternal Bliss with Sith, young one. Please partake of some whitecake and wine. Drink and be merry... or frank, or Josie but dont be justeen or nakia, please... just dont.all hail Sith! Bringer of death and giver of life. Destroyer of worlds and Creator of Magmars. (yeah we remember) May your day be merry and full of women and beer. (mostly just Justeen and Nakia milk)
You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...
Happy Birthday)
May you never change ...
20:13 PM You have removed player Sequana [8] from your enemy list.
You may now send your gift of attonement to achieve Bliss with Sith

You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...
Happy Birthday)
May you never change ...

Your gift of attonement has been received and you've been given the gift of enlightenment and mercy. Please proceed to the processing area to get fitted for your new white gown and drink the kool-aid of Bliss to enter the flock.
*give her a double shot of it, make sure you run the de-lousing x2 aswell cause we all know she's got the hots for me and she's likely thinking this is her way to get to me while I'm sleeping. As a matter of fact, double up security on my bedroom door too.
You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...
She's not dead, just likely taking time off due to real life duties. Now, if you're insinuating that i'm her, i'm sure by now Aix can confirm that i'm not by IP address through admins. I'm sure that when Steel gets back, she'll read this and come pay you a visit on her own but since you've not given any gift of attonement to me, your Omnipotent Saviour, I'm sure you wont mind when the 24hrs of Thanks and Praise is up that I come find you and cast you into the abyss of wasteYou ain't dead yet Steelblade ?

You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...
12:10 AM Tzunami [11] has sent you a Shining Amarillys as a gift.
We welcome another repentant person to the flock. Rejoice! Your gift of pennance has been accepted and you may bathe in the Bliss of Sith! Let the golden shower of Bliss engulf you and cleanse you!
*make sure you check her a few times, she tends to be sneaky with tickly things and we all know where tickles leads too!
We welcome another repentant person to the flock. Rejoice! Your gift of pennance has been accepted and you may bathe in the Bliss of Sith! Let the golden shower of Bliss engulf you and cleanse you!
*make sure you check her a few times, she tends to be sneaky with tickly things and we all know where tickles leads too!
You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...
The 24 hours of praise and thanks is up... Those of you who've been welcomed into the light shall be forever enlightened and those who chose to be left aside in the abyss of waste, shall reek of sin and decay as the power of Bliss consumes them in the purity of fire! Their pennance will be paid in blood and anguish.
You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...
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