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Tuesday, October 16th 2018, 7:59pm

Even more poorly organised than the previous anny event. BANG, out of nowhere there u go, grab your pots, have fun, we're too busy for details so be happy with what you've got, see you next year. Maybe.

 LE LOUP [17] 


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Tuesday, October 16th 2018, 9:06pm

121 bless of each time :love: yes give us time to spend it like one year pleas :smile:


Tuesday, October 16th 2018, 11:39pm

Why all cry for lifespan when in nonbreak event none in bf and wait that admin make 1 year elixiers, if i was admin i would make 24h elixiers. It is definitive event elixiers when event finish the elixiers should finish too.

 LE LOUP [17] 


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Tuesday, October 16th 2018, 11:43pm


No one cry .. these pots are not only good iin BF. You can also use them for hunting :thumbsup:


Tuesday, October 16th 2018, 11:46pm

than use it till november


Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 2:12am

lol, all these pots and no way possible to use even if you are on 24 hours per day and always blessed!
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Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 2:44am

*goes to poop with elixir of rock skin on*


Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 5:54am

For me 1h rage is a torture, and admin gave me so many buffs that expire so soon :lol: Waste of their internet traffic :lol:


Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 8:05am

very well
hope admin is a bit considerate towards the math that been put forth in the starting of the thread :lol:

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Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 12:09pm

Dont listen crying peoples, dont make more time for elixirs.


Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 12:11pm

Typical wod community "i wanna use all till last of those free blessings". Once again, there so much elixirs to have choice which elixirs you prefer to use more - personally i would like to use rockskin and hurricane. Thats why its so much elixirs,coz you aren't forced to use them all till 2 of November. Just back to reality and spend it now during anniversary event.

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Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 1:11pm

Why all cry for lifespan when in nonbreak event none in bf and wait that admin make 1 year elixiers, if i was admin i would make 24h elixiers. It is definitive event elixiers when event finish the elixiers should finish too.
Oh boy i feel like doing a tallaar's halls to spend my elixirs...


I can't

maybe it's because halls don't happen whenever we queue up since it's not the halls event

Oh you're a level 16+ wanting to do meridian vaults?


because of the same reason, there are fixed times for those.

thank goodness you're not the admin, you'd make the whole company go bankrupt in that 24 hours with that decision of 0 strategy.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 2:00pm

@cahal now you cry that there is not enough instances to use your pots? I see enough instances to spend your elixiers daily. Just open your eyes and brain to see them.


Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 2:21pm


 LE LOUP [17] 


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Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 2:59pm

queue up i will spank u all :beer: :yes: :yes:


Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 3:30pm

all those who're happy with the elixirs being for 11 days lifespan only are welcome to throw them away in case their lifespan is increased to more time and buy their own elixirs anywhich way they like :lol:


Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 3:34pm

@cahal now you cry that there is not enough instances to use your pots? I see enough instances to spend your elixiers daily. Just open your eyes and brain to see them.
i agree with your point that there are a lot of BFs daily but it'd be really horrifying to see you applying that strategy u mentioned if you we an admin :lol:


Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 4:47pm

it is just an event elixier event finish elixier finish so not wait from admins for whole year free red pots, they are doing many things to players but not wait such things from them.

  • "-Cahal-" has been banned

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Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 4:49pm

xxxxx, the sickness of not being able to understand there's literally nobody in the queue of battlefields in a level group or there's no chance of battlefields happening due to game limitations such as x battlefield starting at y o'clock and y o'clock only during weekdays.

Even though plumpouffe's post is enough, I'll go the extra mile and say: hey einsteins, it doesn't work like "time to make it happen with the snap of my fingers".
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Forum Moderator" (Oct 20th 2018, 12:14pm)


Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 4:57pm

buy what you have limitations? Only Tallars the rest is open all day so who is a limitation?

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