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Well, im one of those that gets camped in base and can't even revive, so i don't know whats the problem there, i obviusly agree that you should let other play instead of killing them over and over again, but this event what it does is: Bless run out of time quite soon and the blessing that gives secondary blessing that increases coins drop rates, extra coins, etc. is more attractive for hunting than for pvp. If you put the non-break during this, all you pretty much see is players invading opposite race territory and thats pretty much all, lvl 11 doesn't even have that many players in temple like the highest i amount i have seen at once since this event started it was 8-9 players total.But do you think it is fun as a regular player to keep being butchered in base, not even having chances to get any point done?
When you add non-break x2 valor and give blessing and elixirs and pvp is quite dead is obviously because there's something better to do (wich is hunting).
The event at low level is being really good for hunting, wich is why battlefields at lvl 3-4 pretty much died all of the sudden and probably the same for lvl 6-10 (lvl 5 only thing they do is naked hunting).
If you understand priority over "go and waste your chance to make a lot of gold" you would know that there's no point on doing bfs right now, since after this event we will keep having the weekends valour events. You can't make an event that gives so much hunting benefit at the same time as a "valour" event, people will chose gold over valour event most of the times.
I like it, it's like old days when everyone was equal because best blessings we had were elder and warlord blessings.
Only paypallers don't like this event cuz they think they could save some money if they knew they'd have so many free blessings, but well, their bought-for-cash blessings don't expire so they can use them later.
Good event, make blessings last longer!
Only paypallers don't like this event cuz they think they could save some money if they knew they'd have so many free blessings, but well, their bought-for-cash blessings don't expire so they can use them later.
Good event, make blessings last longer!
Only paypallers don't like this event cuz they think they could save some money if they knew they'd have so many free blessings, but well, their bought-for-cash blessings don't expire so they can use them later.
Good event, make blessings last longer!
its not about paypalling,its about ppl who lack of any actions in game and wanna all those elixirs lasts for as long as possible to use it slowly till next anniversary. Obviously if these elixirs supposed to lasts whole year - they will be received in x4 less amounts. Next month November event with necrosphere with a lot of premium potions and blessings. 2 months later winter with christmass and NY event which will let you get frozen pots and blessings. Don't really get opinion to have it for longer period,you should be really silly or that much greedy to care about this free elixirs.
Excellent telled, but they wait to armageddon to go in BFWhy is it always down to admin if BFs are empty? What else do you need and want to go there? You have free buffs right now and non-break. Outside the birthday event there is so many non-break events on the weekends. What on earth does it still need to make people go to BF? Being paid in diamond and gold? Admins do all to make BF attractive. If they are still empty it is purely down to players themselves. If everyone would play in a manner that all have something from it and have fun I am sure BF would be more alive. But do you think it is fun as a regular player to keep being butchered in base, not even having chances to get any point done? If you want to blame someone for empty BFs, start looking there ...
its not about paypalling,its about ppl who lack of any actions in game and wanna all those elixirs lasts for as long as possible to use it slowly till next anniversary. Obviously if these elixirs supposed to lasts whole year - they will be received in x4 less amounts. Next month November event with necrosphere with a lot of premium potions and blessings. 2 months later winter with christmass and NY event which will let you get frozen pots and blessings. Don't really get opinion to have it for longer period,you should be really silly or that much greedy to care about this free elixirs.
You probably forgot that most people like халява
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