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Friday, October 26th 2018, 2:21pm


The general ranking has not been updated this night, so maybe something else.


Friday, October 26th 2018, 9:58pm

now we can simply not open it .... DB error!

why report a bug if no one take the time to read ?

 Sequana [10] 


Posts: 574

Location: Square of Fire, Khair

Occupation: Looking busy

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Friday, October 26th 2018, 10:00pm

The issue already has been reported to administration and the site will be fixed on Monday.

If you want to update yourself on clan wars rating, you can check on DE or PL. All other actions have to wait till it has been fixed on Monday.
:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!:


Friday, October 26th 2018, 11:47pm

ok, ty for answer :)


Monday, October 29th 2018, 12:40pm

Rating still bugged


Monday, October 29th 2018, 12:48pm

never said which monday :embarressed:


Monday, October 29th 2018, 12:58pm

still DB error

 Sequana [10] 


Posts: 574

Location: Square of Fire, Khair

Occupation: Looking busy

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Monday, October 29th 2018, 2:12pm

Should be working now. Please let us now if you still have problems to open it.
:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!: