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  • "-Berzerker-" started this thread

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Monday, November 26th 2018, 3:37am

Coming back to the game

Hello all!
I had the desire of coming back to this game after these years, and I have both good and bad memories. I would like to ask about the current state of the game cause I want to know what has changed and whats not.
I remember the game was based on pvp but it was fecked by red armour and non break pots, so less people were playing them. Also, the community went from a medium one to a little one, what is sad :(, and I like active games with actives communities, and its boring for me to see some threads a week with a few responses, and maybe 1-2 caves, GB or whatever. I want action, I want to work my way out to dress full blue set and go there and smash some enemies.
Has it changed? yeah, to be a pvp-rep player it took months, at least for low levels, but thats the fun of RPG games, time and effort.
Also, what about money? is it still hard if you dont wan to hunt pre-5? 2-4 months to gather everything (pet, blue set, etc) by just minning or picking up flowers?
I just want to know the changes, bad and good news since 2016 moreover, when I stopped playing. And the reasons to play again (pvp focused and medals, i never liked that lazy hunting play xD) and reasons to avoid this. Im here for the nostalgia after all but I dont want to waste my time.
Thanks in advance for your time at reading and maybe replyng

  • "-Berzerker-" started this thread

Posts: 25

Location: Highlans of Norway

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Monday, November 26th 2018, 3:38am

Also, whats the best race now and why?

 LE LOUP [17] 


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Monday, November 26th 2018, 6:34am

I'm looking for one magmar who wants to go hum side and will agree to exchange with me :lol: :lol: if that reply is enough good for you, youre welcome :embarressed:


Monday, November 26th 2018, 10:55pm

move to Russian, prepare to get smashed every single day.
There are about 28k poplayers in ranking against our 4k ?
And there are features not implemented here yet, too


Tuesday, November 27th 2018, 2:54pm

Also, whats the best race now and why?

Humans)) there are more humans than magmars, so when they can't win with quality they win with quantity))
And there are more idiots amomg humans, especially one clan, I will tell you if uoi want to know which one)) if you join that clan - you'll be king among idiots (if you're clever of course) :lol:

Humans)) because historically humans lived in the world of Feo since the day it was created and then evil magmars came out of volcano and started attacking poor white-and-fluffy humans)) so admins help humans get all he good staff so kind (humans) could could defeat the evil (magmars) :lol:

Humans)) because they have more and better drop from monsters :lol:


Tuesday, November 27th 2018, 3:42pm

Don't want to go too off topic with fox face so I'll just say that 95% of what fox face said is incorrect, being "there are more humans than magmars" the only correct sentence.

Anyway, answering OP, probably the change that you may be more interested in knowing, is that they added magic storm events during weekends, which greatly revitalized the battlefield action.

About stalling vs rushing, it really depends on what you like to do, now you can easily rush mage, and take your time there to catch up on valor or reps, you will suffer at the start, but it will much faster than stalling each level to achieve same results at lvl 11. Now, for stalling, you can still do it, if you like to be decent-strong at each level, and you don't really need to stall for years at low level, there are plenty of ways to get good armor and valor rank at each level, and you can pick the essential reps along the way.

About mags vs humans, if what you want is battlefield action, you should probably go mag, because there's far more humans than mags, you will often see the queues look something like 0-23 making it so battlefields start whenever the mags want, the difference in numbers also affect the quality of each individual player that goes, there are far more chances that there will be a super bad human than mag in a battlefield.


Tuesday, November 27th 2018, 4:03pm

if you are lvl 3 idk but i dont see many low lvls in game anymore ...maybe all hiding is probably on higher up lvls ..... also i have played both sides, human and mags ...pretty much the same thing either side but way more people on human side.


Wednesday, November 28th 2018, 1:14am

And what does all that Venom said mean?
1. Level up
2.Be magmar for balance))

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Sunday, December 2nd 2018, 2:12pm

How many people is playing this game in 2018? I usually saw around 100 people in cities square, now rarely gets highers than 20...
is there any way to guess the correct amount of playing in this game right now?
Nunca discutas con un idiota, o la gente te confundirá con él. -Yo


Sunday, December 2nd 2018, 4:43pm

This game is yourself a favor...find another one.

Most people who are still here don't have the guts (like me) to quit because they have invested so much time and effort in their toons, they feel that they can't quit as it would be a huge waste. The game is boring as hell, PVP is dead most of the time and everything is so expensive that unless you paypal a lot, you need to hunt for hours and hours a day to be able to afford stuff.

This game is made of people who are stuck in here but most don't even have fun playing.

That's the truth...

 LE LOUP [17] 


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Sunday, December 2nd 2018, 4:59pm

Need put PL DE and COM server in one ....


Sunday, December 2nd 2018, 7:12pm

Sasgaard +1

If we had more freedom like people have in other games, more people would play this game.
I find powerleveling rule the most stupid rule that kills this game. In other games players may trade whatever they want for free without getting punished for that, and on trade they don't have to pay tax by the way. Here admins ban for trade, while the reasonable question is - If I am the owner of the items I have then why the hell I may not do anything I want with these items?

Why the hell exe magic is now sold for diamonds only, and may not be used on gattlefields? It kills my third profession! I ant to buy exe magic for gold, and use it on battlefields, or make healers be unable to heal wounds on battlefields.


Monday, December 3rd 2018, 3:57pm

may not be used on gattlefields? It kills my third profession! I ant to buy exe magic for gold, and use it on battlefields, or make healers be unable to heal wounds on battlefields.

It was abused a lot by many players. Forced everyone to get exe scroll since it is the only way to counter it. :bll:


Monday, December 3rd 2018, 8:23pm

may not be used on gattlefields? It kills my third profession! I ant to buy exe magic for gold, and use it on battlefields, or make healers be unable to heal wounds on battlefields.

It was abused a lot by many players. Forced everyone to get exe scroll since it is the only way to counter it. :bll:

Abused? How? And what is not abused then, mirrors or hexes, or high level mounts? It's all used on BF and gives advantage!


Monday, December 3rd 2018, 9:03pm

Depending on the level battlefield queues will be many humans and almost no mags (low level) and then at lvl 8-12 (by personal expierence) there's more mags than humans and on top of that higher quality players on mag side at those lvls, so as a mag lvl 3-6 might be a pain but afterwards it will be really fun since there's noobs on human side (including myself :P)

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Monday, December 3rd 2018, 10:20pm

Fair Judgement

Ill give a fair judgement even though I have only been back for a few months after a years break.

Less players are playing more actively.. many players log in once in a blue moon these days, with most low levels being re rolls or multis rather than new fresh faces.

Diamonds have suprisingly gone down in value I believe and is a lot easier to obtain them whether that be from constant +% by paypal or by buying diamond certficates for those than cannot afford to pay to play.

Drop rates have remained the same, I have seen that lv 11 resources for reps I.E Centrido drop far less however I believe they have about as much drop response as an EE.

Armour costs have gone down as have resources. This is purely a change due to exchange shifting market value and purple armour being the incentive rather than the old scholl (BLUE) armour from DH or old transferable.

Battlefields suprisingly also are a lot more active throughout my levels as to a few years ago. Unfortunatly for me there is a bug that prevents me from joining PL battlefields resulting in me getting kicked from the game and loosing valour... which has been a bug that has been on my account for years so perhaps a merge may be beneficial.

Gold has become far easier to obtain, meaning that resource value is moderate, estates boost characters preferances and players can take advantage of the exchange when a player is desperate for the said resource/s

Players prefer to play a lot more privately these days. Years ago it was more of a nessasity to group up to kill super beings, quests etc however due to overly powered mounts players can play solo solely without having to have the requirement of help from others.

There is a lot of depression regarding the current players that do still play this game. There will always be unhappiness regarding the way the game is being run etc however more does need to be done regarding listening and acting upon certain aspects to this game.

Curse of poverty. One of the worst descions ever made by admin. I cannot fathom how many players have left whether that be willingly or not being able to pay the debt due to personal circumstances has seen so so many players leave. Whilst jailing players may be a good solution to stop advantage cheating, there should be anothe rmethod in which a player can get out of jail rather than having to pay real money.... at the end of the day this is a game.

With no advertisment of the game it becomes harder for older players to stay getting fed up with the same faces with past squabbles.... when you see the same face for so long, there will always be problems ;)

Overall the game has had many positive aspects, like events, diamond bonuses regaular fair events etc however the foundation of the game is silent as are the people that run the game and make the desicions.

Feel free to reflect on this information and decide from there :)

Merry early Christmas to all :) :cool: :xmasparty: :snowball: :xmastree:


Tuesday, December 4th 2018, 5:10pm

Do not listen to what says fox face, she is not playing this game. It's only here to write nonsense things on every forum post and complain about everything and everyone.

The game is better than the past and with a bit of patience can become strong without using real money


Wednesday, December 5th 2018, 3:52pm

Do not listen to what says fox face, she is not playing this game. It's only here to write nonsense things on every forum post and complain about everything and everyone.

The game is better than the past and with a bit of patience can become strong without using real money

:lol: :lol: :lol:
You mean you are playing this game? You only hunt with your butt naked every day))
And my ideas are good, just mean and jealous people don't like them because they are too lazy to even want to have something better. If all poeple in real life were like you and others that fail my ideas - no one would invent a bycicle and we'd still live in stone age (if you know what is stone age)!

 LE LOUP [17] 


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Wednesday, December 5th 2018, 4:13pm

Guys if u want hit each other just go to arena :thumbsup:


Wednesday, December 5th 2018, 4:33pm

Guys if u want hit each other just go to arena :thumbsup:

Spakka brings to forum his hate because I hex him, which I do because he hexed me)) Little angry boy))