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Friday, December 14th 2018, 7:39am


Weekly knowledge test: 14/12/2018-20/12/2018

How does the new Ranger Reputation work?

Post your answers here.

PS: You might need to look for someone speaking Zombie!

For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
  • Every week (Friday morning) we publish one question to our game:
    Legend. Legacy of the Dragons.
  • From all correct and complete answers up to 5 participants will win one promotional game code each.
  • Only complete and detailed answers will be rewarded. If there is more than 5 detailed and complete answers the most unique answers have the biggest chance to win.
  • Copy and paste-answers will NOT be considered. Same goes for trolling or spamming or inadequate language.
  • Personal attacks on other players in your answers/posts as well will NOT be accepted.
  • Answer must be in English. You can answer in your mothertongue only if you post understandable translation in English in same post as your answer.
  • The winners will be chosen by a mixed team of magmars and humans. The decision will be final.
  • Codes will be sent to winners via private messages in the forum or per post ingame.

Good game and good luck for all! :drink:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Dec 21st 2018, 1:03pm)

 Innos [13] 


Posts: 897

Location: Pennsylvania

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Friday, December 14th 2018, 12:56pm

Damn this is still new thing to us ppl so il tell what i know and what i have gathered

So first you have to Build Ranger Camp in order to do it you have to do quest at sweet mila for humans
it aint that hard main thing you need to is kill bog and scopr that might be hardest ones,and if you even
want to start it you need 3 pets

So after you made your ranger camp you can send your pets on mission to search for Equipment,talismans and valuables as i have seen the higher the build the better stuff you get so im not 100% sure but i think from each type of bag you can get Rare Animal Claws Trophy which you can use to raise up your rep for 10,and aswell you can buy these from other ppl because they are transferable so you can just buy rep

The amount of recourse bags you get is depended on your pets for each pet has different skill you can open and equipment put on
for example my gray one can get 0-1 so its a gamble but my blue can get 1-2 bags so you are guarantted always so it takes time for pets to do the missions and cost little bit of pet food but they can get injured aswell and you can only wait for them to be good again
So my tip is get as many pets as you can and upgrade them if you dont want to wait for them as i do having 3 pets when 2 are injured it takes time off and much more time to get stuff

And i have heard you can do more quests from ranger aswell i cant tell what they are because i still havent got to that part
but mainly you will get rep from that Rare Animal Claws Trophy that will be main way to get it if you are lazy and have alot of gold just buy them :horse:
I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.


Saturday, December 15th 2018, 1:30pm

You need to finish some quest for getting permission to build ranger camp. Quest from sweet mila. And begin this adventure, you need 3 pet atleast. The quest is not that hard. You need to kill some instance boss ( bog elf, scorpolion )

After quest, you can build ranger camp with riolite and energy ofc :3
And when you build the camp, you can send your pet to searching ( can be equitment, resources and talismans etc )
When you upgrade your building (ranger camp) you can get better things.


Monday, December 17th 2018, 4:37pm

So basically for this new Rangers rep, the basic requirement is having 3 pets and being lvl8. Mila(humans) gives u the initiation quest which takes u to Vaslav, u get a few stuff from around faeo and so on. After completion of this quest, u can build a Rangers Camp in ur estate(471 energy+riolite, i guess).
Now you can send your pets on missions. Higher the level and colour of your pet, the better rewards u reap.
The pets' skills(depending on the parameters) include fish catching, rock gathering, grass cutting, searching for equipment, values and talismans(recieved from bags the pets recieve).

In addition to this, pets can receieve additional skills(green and higher pets)-->> attention, luck, skill,caution, discipline, stealth which grants them additional characterstics

I'd say the main aim of this new rep is to increase the lvl of the ranger camp and the pets sent on the missions, hence getting the best rewards and ultimately increasing Ranger reputation to the max!

THANKS :D :snowball:

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