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Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 3:44pm

Bridge hunting

Let's have some leisure time together!

This little game is called "Bridge hunting". You post an image of any bridge somewhere in game. First to know the right location wins a code.

Once the correct location has been found and the player who posted the image has confirmed the right location, someone else can post a new image. You cannot post two images in the following. It has to be another player. And the hunt start again.

Game will end Thursday, 20th of December at 16:00 game time.

Where is this bridge?

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Jan 2nd 2019, 6:06pm)


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 3:56pm

Lumirya Waterfall


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:00pm

Correct :thumbsup:


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:08pm

this ?

little one
KamGan has attached the following file:
  • kopru.png (75.23 kB - 17 times downloaded - latest: Dec 18th 2018, 8:42pm)


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:09pm

Daylight Square


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:09pm

true :)


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:14pm

Pacifist hills


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:16pm

that would be most correct


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:17pm


far away
KamGan has attached the following file:
  • kopru2.png (41.42 kB - 22 times downloaded - latest: Dec 19th 2018, 12:05pm)


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:22pm

Riverhead of Wrath

 Innos [13] 


Posts: 897

Location: Pennsylvania

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Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:23pm

vale of visions ??
I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:23pm



Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:23pm

crossroads :)


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:33pm

Time to give others a chance :shuffle:


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:34pm

this ?

close to last one
KamGan has attached the following file:
  • kopru3.png (132 kB - 8 times downloaded - latest: Dec 19th 2018, 6:05am)


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:36pm

your image is from your estate right? i didnt see you alredy posted :/


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:38pm

Hmm this is Enchanted Lake Kamgan


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:39pm

your image is from your estate right? i didnt see you alredy posted :/
Estate is spot on :dance: No idea if it's valid or not.

And somehow it's only the few of us here playing :lol:


Tuesday, December 18th 2018, 4:44pm

your image is from your estate right? i didnt see you alredy posted :/
Estate is spot on :dance: No idea if it's valid or not.

And somehow it's only the few of us here playing :lol:

Hmm this is Enchanted Lake Kamgan

true :)

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