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Monday, December 24th 2018, 11:02am

Magmar in battle = OFF

Stop sleep magmar... Come fight ! Days of warrior and nobody come... Magmar = pro Farmer now..

this game is out. Farm h24. Never fight// Why buy set if you don't fight...

Lv1/5 magmar = absent:farmer; out and love sleep !!!

pfff boring game thank magmars :cursing: :puke:
Te prend pas la tête, tu écris derrière ton écran/Do not worry, you write behind your screen :thumbsup:

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Monday, December 24th 2018, 12:15pm

This topic again, I try to stay out of these, but wow always the same topic over and over.

I recently saw a mag with very little rep rating but in 9 months full valor rank


ok so you have stalled 4 years and have no rep and no valor and then blame the game and other race for lack of partcipating in valor events? come on, the level cap is raised to 20 now, so obviously the higher levels will have higher active members fighting on battlefields.

its your choice to stay low level, so stay and and be patient, otherwise level up and enjoy the game


what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Monday, December 24th 2018, 12:32pm

This topic again, I try to stay out of these, but wow always the same topic over and over.

I recently saw a mag with very little rep rating but in 9 months full valor rank


ok so you have stalled 4 years and have no rep and no valor and then blame the game and other race for lack of partcipating in valor events? come on, the level cap is raised to 20 now, so obviously the higher levels will have higher active members fighting on battlefields.

its your choice to stay low level, so stay and and be patient, otherwise level up and enjoy the game


hey look its me you wanna fight battle :P

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Monday, December 24th 2018, 12:40pm

no the argument I'm trying to make is BF's are not dead, and you are living proof of this... :beer:

maybe my wording came out wrong
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Monday, December 24th 2018, 1:30pm

lvl 5 was one of the most actives in tallaar event, 5-6 is also fairly active during other events, there's always some arenas going on, chaotics is dead sure, but overall lvl 5-6 is as active as the others.

Now, I know that you're complaining about ancient plateau, but there's a reason no one ever goes there in lvl 3-5, it's because it's crap. First of, 3-4 and just fodder for lvl 5, free scalps, so they have no reason to go, second, the valor there is subpar compared to other places, there's no point in buffing good there, third, for the strong players in a level range, there's nothing more frustrating that doing good in a Gb just to have a bunch of noob players of the same race mess up everything by overloading the fight with numbers and not doing anything relevant.


Monday, December 24th 2018, 1:31pm

Lol 4 years absent but i have my raison. Don't critik and yes magmar just op off. Event christmas 1x / years. Tallaar lv5 1x/ years. Yes i cry because now, All play farmville. And you are not lv3/5 . Why you talk ???
Te prend pas la tête, tu écris derrière ton écran/Do not worry, you write behind your screen :thumbsup:

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Monday, December 24th 2018, 1:45pm

Aren't you technically farming yourself? Those BFs are essentially farming safespace where you can engage your own level group without any fear of getting beaten into a pulp by 2+ level enemies.
If you want real fight, you just hop and a ship to Khair and come get rekt fight them farmers.

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Monday, December 24th 2018, 1:53pm

And you are not lv3/5 . Why you talk ???

:lol: well your argument is irrelevant and I made my point.

enjoy stalling on low levels seems like fun


what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Monday, December 24th 2018, 2:04pm

Just i talk for my level. Not for lv11+ .. But if you are happy because you talk for your level.. is not problem..

Mery Christmas :xmastree:
Te prend pas la tête, tu écris derrière ton écran/Do not worry, you write behind your screen :thumbsup:


Monday, December 24th 2018, 2:42pm

Fairy tale.. i come in Khair ? lol for fight vs lv8/6/10 ?

No no . Just lv2/5 mag best.. humain - . But i think they are not warrior, just farmer. Fight days warrior 0 GB 2/5 //In your level ? many GB ?

Thank .
Te prend pas la tête, tu écris derrière ton écran/Do not worry, you write behind your screen :thumbsup:


Monday, December 24th 2018, 10:39pm

Anyone wasting time on Valor at low levels is really silly.. But that is just mt take on it...
"Battl3K1ng69" is 100% right here...


Monday, December 24th 2018, 11:34pm

ehh not really, while it's true that valor is much faster at higher levels, there's nothing wrong with setting goals at each individual level and achieving them, it's a game afterall, and everyone should play however they get more satisfaction.


Monday, December 24th 2018, 11:57pm

I disagree with everyone here :lol:

Why are you LegendbLood talking about hamhars only? Same thing happens about humans too sometimes. I queue and see no humans, so I have no BF.

And you mage guys - forgot one thing -->> it's good to have arsenal armor that suits your valor rank at each level.

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Tuesday, December 25th 2018, 12:39am

there's nothing wrong with setting goals at each individual level and achieving them

Like never level to 7? :lol:

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Tuesday, December 25th 2018, 5:37am

I queue and see no humans, so I have no BF.

lol u went to arena 8 times today, what are you talking about?


Tuesday, December 25th 2018, 5:44am

And you mage guys - forgot one thing -->> it's good to have arsenal armor that suits your valor rank at each level.
why does it matter when you can get max rank in 2 weeks at 11?

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Tuesday, December 25th 2018, 12:20pm

And you mage guys - forgot one thing -->> it's good to have arsenal armor that suits your valor rank at each level.
why does it matter when you can get max rank in 2 weeks at 11?
Don't bother peachy, trying to reason with this fox face is like trying to play chess with a bird, in the end he'll act like he won because he sh*t on the chessboard and kicked all of the chess pieces down.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Tuesday, December 25th 2018, 12:43pm

there's nothing wrong with setting goals at each individual level and achieving them

Like never level to 7? :lol:

why not? I'd rather stay at one level and be happy playing the game however I want rather than rushing and be miserable because the game got boring and stale.

And btw, I'll lvl up soon :shuffle:

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Tuesday, December 25th 2018, 2:36pm

Rushing levels doesn't necessary make you 'miserable', poor choices do. Common poor choices are: don't level till you get max valor rank, don't level till you get maxed %reputation% and etc.
Like in any other game, the higher you get, the easier it is and the more content you have access to. If you have some sort of mental blocks preventing you from leveling, well, you have my compassion :D


Wednesday, December 26th 2018, 3:23am

seriously.... who did this guy a guard?
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