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Saturday, November 27th 2010, 11:28am

arbitrariness of rules enforcement

I have a big issue with Brutus Beefus slapping a 3-hour curse of silence on me without any warning or chance to present a defense. I called another player a "dick" because they were attempting to bully me out of an area so they could keep mobs for themselves. I then received a curse almost immediately and can't even explain the situation or respond because of the curse of silence. You don't tolerate foul language which is filtered out anyway, but you DO tolerate bullying, which is bs.


Saturday, November 27th 2010, 11:46am


It's all written in Chat Rules:


Players from level 5 will not receive a warning gag.

No defense is needed when a Complaint comes in. You used Foul Language - you received your punishment. If you still believe the Curse of Silence being placed on you is wrong... you can complain about it HERE.
And bullying is actually allowed, yes. It's a war game after all... Noone would be punished for that - that's why you can always hire an executioner or some other evil-doer... Bullying is not always an one-sided activity... :))
And I trust the very same person that you do... I trust the only person left to trust... - ME!


Saturday, November 27th 2010, 9:24pm

Can you please provide a link of all words considered to be foul language? Because "dick" is pretty mild.


Sunday, November 28th 2010, 12:57am


All words that appear in chat as (oops) are referred to as Foul Language, and thus punishable.
And I trust the very same person that you do... I trust the only person left to trust... - ME!


Sunday, November 28th 2010, 3:42am

Quoted from "MindFreaK;27466"


All words that appear in chat as (oops) are referred to as Foul Language, and thus punishable.

I realize this, but the problem is, once you see the "oops" you are immediately subject to punishment. Is it not sensible to thus provide a list of said words somewhere such that people can avoid using them - after all, your standards for what constitutes foul language are apparently stricter than some people - myself included - expect.

In this particular case, I was merely responding to someone being rude to me. I did not use what I consider obscene language, merely voicing my displeasure at the treatment - but apparently the game's administration DOES consider it to be obscene language, as I found out by a summary judgement and 3 hour curse of silence against me a mere 5 seconds after typing the word. Which, incidentally, prevented me from communicating with the same individual or any members of my clan when he tried to blackmail me about 15 minutes later (it was an in-game extortion, nothing that constitutes illegal behavior, I'm not complaining about that per se since you've said that kind of action is perfectly acceptable in your game).

I even accept ultimately the foul language rule (though I find it is enforced randomly, not consistently, and largely depends upon which admin is currently watching the game), but since the punishment is immediate and without warning or defense, doesn't it make sense people should know which words are banned before making the mistake of posting them?

Also, I'm presuming the admins have a way of independently confirming that the foul language was actually posted before implementing punishment, and don't just take the word of someone who complains, who could easily alter a conversation line to make it appear someone had said something objectionable?


Sunday, November 28th 2010, 3:50am

Ah well, nevermind - it was an annoying morning here for me, I'd like to just leave it behind. If it gets to be a real problem for me to the point I'm no longer having any fun here, I'll just quit the game. No big deal.


Sunday, November 28th 2010, 7:06am

i can provide a stupid fould language... scum. is a 3 hour ban but pissed is allowed.. i dont get why but it is