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Thursday, December 20th 2018, 8:17am

new cleaving blow

morning everyone

is this a joke?for hw to be punished with this combo

Cleaving Blow The damage throws the enemy off-balance, greatly increasing physical damage they take when blocking for 5 turns.

how is this useful for a hw player like me?can someone explain me?admins...? :lol: :lol:

 lol666 [9] 


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Thursday, December 20th 2018, 8:19am

Personally i think admin somehow nerfed again hw, even i don't really know if they were op enough to get nerfed.
The recent update gave many intresting stuffs for each style, like new combo, new talents etc.
But wandering around just realised that hw is becomming less and less efficient as....... everything?
So I want to ask why this is happening?
Hw are already in disadvantage with the old stuff, now that they introduced the new "patch", let's call the update this way, hw are nerfed even more, because bc now have combo to take down their block stance effect, like letteraly..........
So there is less and less motivation to choose hw as a fighting style, rather than bc, which gives a lot of oneshot probability, with the new combo, even the enemy has block on, or dodger, now that have absolute stun prevention due to the new combo.
Asking for opinions, not here to argue about it, could be good to hear what admin thinks about this topic :xmasparty:
Just personal opinion here, do not want to offend or what else anyone :angel:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Thursday, December 20th 2018, 8:33am

and the funny thing lol you know what it is?that as a bc you have ALREADY option to USE protection arrow against hw hahahahhahahaah

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Thursday, December 20th 2018, 11:19am

Cleaving Blow The damage throws the enemy off-balance, greatly increasing physical damage they take when blocking for 5 turns.

not sure if this is refering too player in block mode, which is completely different from what you guys are suggesting.
any player can be in block mode and will influence all players the same way then regardless if you are HW, BC or dodger

has anyone actually tested this?

what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Thursday, December 20th 2018, 11:52am

Cleaving Blow The damage throws the enemy off-balance, greatly increasing physical damage they take when blocking for 5 turns.

not sure if this is refering too player in block mode, which is completely different from what you guys are suggesting.
any player can be in block mode and will influence all players the same way then regardless if you are HW, BC or dodger

has anyone actually tested this?


battleking the thing is that cleaving blow for me as HW doesnt give any advantage also,and destroys my game play style,is this fair for HW`s?now the truth is that i have a 2nd disadvantage against BC`s :)

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Thursday, December 20th 2018, 12:15pm

have someone used this combo agaisnt you and have this been tested? or just speculation?
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Thursday, December 20th 2018, 12:17pm

Cleaving Blow The damage throws the enemy off-balance, greatly increasing physical damage they take when blocking for 5 turns.

not sure if this is refering too player in block mode, which is completely different from what you guys are suggesting.
any player can be in block mode and will influence all players the same way then regardless if you are HW, BC or dodger

has anyone actually tested this?


Battleking, this combo makes it so you pretty much recieve same damage in block than in unblock, as to why this is a severe nerf to HW, and why I think admins despise HW, first, we hw get a new talent, damage reduction in block, sounds cool right? hw is also the only set that can have 5 stalwards in armor, sounds tanky right? what do admins do? making blocking completely obsolete with the new combo, there's literally 0 incentive to being in block while this combo, that lasts 5 hits, is on. And correct me if I'm wrong but, isn't blocking completely useless at mage level? why did DG get straight damage reduciton while we have to put on block?

Onto other dumb HW interactions, crits proc'd by int can't be blocked, yet that's the only interaction of this kind between BC-DG-HW and, stun is feature linked to HW right? then why tf can you get stunned when you block? you don't get stunned when you dodge, you don't get stunned when you crit, why ? just why?

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Thursday, December 20th 2018, 12:24pm

So it was all fun and games while they were nerfing the dodger to the ground but as soon as someone touches hw woah woah everyone too far, like kayser relax chill.

HW sets are dominating high level pvp (yup, watch as people come and scream at me like "akhchtually, is da odr vey arond yo don't know enetheng ebewt hayh levul") so it's best getting a little bit of nerf to balance the sets.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Thursday, December 20th 2018, 12:30pm

I do not know about high level battlefields, and I'm a bit doubtful of the whole "hw dominating high level bfs" but, am I crazy or do these nerfs not affect mages at all? it mostly affects 6-10 hw, which, since the beggining of times has been subpar compared to other styles, not only in pvp but in overall gameplay, it may have some niche things that's it's better than others but it doesn't justify the bad parts

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Thursday, December 20th 2018, 1:01pm

so I just want to get this right. You are complaining about a combo that affects all 3 classes in block. But because you think HW block more than dodger and BC, obviously its targetted towards HW to nerf them???

I know BC that live in block mode and only come out of their shell when they stun

not sure I follow?
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Thursday, December 20th 2018, 1:13pm

I'm not saying the nerfs are targetted towards hw, I don't know if the devs have a personal grudge against hw but, hw loses more value with block being obsolete compared to the other classes, of course I'm not saying you will be under cleaving 24/7, but I expect to see a fair amount, that coupled with the fact that we did get a new talent, which becomes useless with the new combo, it all makes this situation just feel so bad, at least for me


Thursday, December 20th 2018, 3:13pm

being heavyweight is absolutely NOT convenient at the moment, is good only for who like stall player like a chicken.

I talk about the non-magican game , I do not know anything else.
need changes. sometimes I think that whoever manages the game has never played and does not know the dynamics. but it would be enough to look around and ask why nobody does this style.

 lol666 [9] 


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Thursday, December 20th 2018, 7:20pm

have someone used this combo agaisnt you and have this been tested? or just speculation?

I've been under the effect of the combo sometimes in fight against mags, it works like the tallaar rage, where even you are in block stance you still take full damage from the enemy hits.
Personally, what i think is that the combo itself is not good for hw, but just personal opinion right here.
And because of hw style talent works only and only when blocking, i think the style is getting nerfed much more, specially when you are level 11-15, where block stance are almost never used, making the talent a bit useless.
But, these are still personal opinion. :drink: Anyone have constructive critisism in good to hear it
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

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Thursday, December 20th 2018, 8:16pm

I was 100% sure that the whole thread was made by a heavyweight from a heavyweight's point of view and the discussion was about that as well, now I'm unsure what the hell you guys are talking about.

If anything, as long as the damage done to heavyweights is more than the damage done to either one of the other two, I'm happy.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Thursday, December 20th 2018, 10:49pm

Hello everyone, :dragon:

I see this combo as a positive thing. They prefer taking this one then the stun one.
Let them come out of block. I will do same and hit them very hard back. :knight:

My hole game I went with Hw. I never choiched anything else for battlefields. Even now I hunt with it.
By the years you learn what the best is for your gear and you will and can fight everyone.

Now about Hw.
Too fight a good HW means a long strong fights and I can tell that alot lv 19/20 can prove that.
With clan fights they meet alot HW from others servers and alot told me they are hard and almost unbeatable. :stronger:

Instead complaining of this blow that its negative for a HW. Make it your weakness your strenght.

Hope I told everything about this. Now for everyone ;) Go as a HW. Way too less and more are needed.

Merry christmas :snowball:

- Tinus -


Friday, December 21st 2018, 2:34am

who care about new superblow game is like this!

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Saturday, December 22nd 2018, 5:23am

All I have to say is... :lol::lol::lol:


Wednesday, December 26th 2018, 8:54am

the best reply in this thread :lol: :lol: :lol:
who care about new superblow game is like this!


Friday, December 28th 2018, 2:50pm

Imagine some idiots stall and block in Tallaars (happens very often). You use cleaving blow and they die faster. I think you can't argue with this.

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