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Thursday, January 3rd 2019, 1:29pm

Ancient (UK) Hero Feats - "Hunt for Medals"

I tried to continue Feats yesterday nd got following respond from my scroll, used in arena:

"Action not completed. This player does not have a Stone Lotus Medal of Worship."

Player used against:…owTigress%20(DE)

Do we may have a technical problem with invisible profiles?


Friday, January 4th 2019, 12:49am

how you know he has worship medal ? i cant open profile from that link.

if he dont have worship medal you cant use that scroll.


Friday, January 4th 2019, 1:40am

Most likely she doesnt actually have it.


Friday, January 4th 2019, 9:52am

if you read her profile info , it lists her red badges
and yes it is one of them :beer:


Friday, January 4th 2019, 9:53am

20:41 Für die Erfüllung einer schweren Aufgabe des Oberhaupts des Clans des Steinlotos erhält der Spielcharakter Wild Lioness [7] die Medaille der Hochachtung.

thats the one


Friday, January 4th 2019, 10:25am

20:41 Für die Erfüllung einer schweren Aufgabe des Oberhaupts des Clans des Steinlotos erhält der Spielcharakter Wild Lioness [7] die Medaille der Hochachtung.

thats the one

you can write there whatever you want. why a person write this to there ? Maybe want to enemy scare and try to give that message " i have high medals my items good and do not try attack me "

we cant see it. he needs to write support


Friday, January 4th 2019, 10:31am

they had the badge when i was fighting them at lvl 8, im sure they didnt have the badge removed :P


Friday, January 4th 2019, 1:08pm

they had the badge when i was fighting them at lvl 8, im sure they didnt have the badge removed :P

uhm maybe he attacked you with mercanery scroll too, when you win fight there is magic (maybe bug :D) happen and you get mercanery progress :D

still nothing to do here , if anyone write here from team , they will say " write support with detailed information "


Friday, January 4th 2019, 1:29pm

20:41 Für die Erfüllung einer schweren Aufgabe des Oberhaupts des Clans des Steinlotos erhält der Spielcharakter Wild Lioness [7] die Medaille der Hochachtung.

thats the one

fail to find logic in here,using one character to prove that other have red stone lotus badge?


Friday, January 4th 2019, 1:34pm

still nothing to do here "

Dear Hunterskull,

i´m fine with your statement that YOU are not going to do any action relating to that topic.

But like i understand use of a forum is to spread up knowledge - or to catch up knowledge.

And as i am definatly not the knowledge midpoint in that game i just try to make me smarter.

As other people done these UK feats before it could possibly be that one sais:

"We know - thats a problem with scrolls at interserver battlefields" >>> so i could concentrate on COM


"Mercenery Badge does not count for system in time she goes for Night Stealer badge"


"Doesnt work against invisible profile"


"its a problem with BREXIT"

or anything else... :angel:

So until here i say THANKS to Deathwish for

1) beeing able to read Tigress Profile properly
2) to confirm that she is not only writing there that she has that medal but that she has SEEN it before


Posts: 581

Location: Aspen, CO

Occupation: Nooby's tractor

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Friday, January 4th 2019, 6:51pm

"We know - thats a problem with scrolls at interserver battlefields" >>> so i could concentrate on COM

it is not an interserver problem because I used the dragon scroll on the ramses guy in an arena not too long ago

Posts: 581

Location: Aspen, CO

Occupation: Nooby's tractor

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Friday, January 4th 2019, 6:53pm



Saturday, January 5th 2019, 10:46pm

Guys... i received a hint from a very kind HUMAN...

Which kind of sais - and thats totally correct - i am just stupid...

Its Tigress who writes in Profile but if we read exactly she writes
about LIONESS achievements!

I already proved that with attacking Lioness and it worked - unless
she also has invisible profile..

So they are both WILD - Tigress and Lioness is kind of different pets :-)

Sorry for my reading mistake and cheers to all who have been
involved here!

Have a good saturday evening guys

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