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Friday, January 11th 2019, 4:54am

Has anyone recieved Green Rune Stone pet talisman?

I have Gray, Blue and Purple, but I haven't found a green one yet. If anyone has one, can you please show it to me on your pet or in inventory?

Here's the blue one for reference:…ct_id=583825333

Thanks :o)
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 Sequana [10] 


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Friday, January 11th 2019, 7:19am…ct_id=580635441

I receive them quite often. Pity they cannot be exchanged ...
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Friday, January 11th 2019, 8:45am


Next question.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Friday, January 11th 2019, 9:06am

Thanks Seq and VL. I've gotten a lot of the gray, blue and purple, but never a green one.
If you don't like something I post in forums, go to this website: www.magrareallydoesn't care.troll and fill out a frankie got his feelings hurt report :bllll:


Friday, January 11th 2019, 9:56am

create a load of lvl 5 talismen from dust, there where a few i didnt find, but creation sorted them out


Friday, January 11th 2019, 10:36am

Matter of Luck I guess Magra, but they around!...
Asdrubal has attached the following file:
  • Rune Stone.jpg (44.28 kB - 38 times downloaded - latest: Jan 15th 2019, 7:30am)


Friday, January 11th 2019, 11:10am

I've created about 50 amulets, not one rune stone.
If you don't like something I post in forums, go to this website: www.magrareallydoesn't care.troll and fill out a frankie got his feelings hurt report :bllll:


Friday, January 11th 2019, 11:22am

then curse your luck ;(