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Tuesday, January 15th 2019, 3:42pm

about "respect"

it's only in your head,none should "respect" you just because of fact that you are exist in this game.

someone decided to attack you 'cause in the pass you mirrored him or did something bad

when you playing shooter you also trying to find reason why should you shoot into someone from other team?i don't think so,just this game turn into less war and more farm game with picking resources and staying untouchable,and the reason to it is ppl thinking like you

honestly,if someone decide to stop playing - he will just stop,no matter if you keep him in comfortable conditions by rule changes or other tools,coz ppl might lose interest to game by passing different game aspects and less freedom in choices (compared to how its been before this rule) obv less trust that this game can be good in near future


Tuesday, January 15th 2019, 5:17pm

"Neutral zone" actually means only that it does not belong to any race. Only that. Plato and Haunted Place - are same zones. That is why actually the attack rule has no effect in these zones. Many humans mirrored me and sent me gift saying "You can't attack in neutral zone!" but neutral des not mean safe, safe zones - are shops and Sheara's palace. Also even admins make both races attack each other in neutral zones giving us quest "Hero of Plato" and "Hero of Fey-Go". So only fools say you can not attack there, because they either want to raise rep picking cuckoo flowers only (thou there are other ways to raise rep) or they don't know what word NEUTRAL means. :teacher: Copied from a dictionary "Neutral ground/territory - a place that is not owned by or connected with anyone involved in a situation".


Tuesday, January 15th 2019, 7:53pm

1st of all u guys need to stop justifying what u've been doing on the basis of the old/new attack rules :lol:
secondly if this is whatever a war game what u've been implying, it wont really have so many strict'd be more like dota or smthng :P

talking about the main issue, that red tools break when u die...dude it'll break. no matter who attacks u. u may be afk and die to a rabid dog and next everyone will be crying about mobs attacking them and stuff breaking bcs u died. i agree with fox face where she says get a better premium and do profession naked...that way u may die to a lvl5 or lvl20 and nothing would break we can all be happy :D

attack rules idk really the point of attacking anyone below 2 lvls for me bcs u get neither scalp not energy, yea retaliatory attacks are understood and helping out ur fellow frnds as well. but i dont really see the point of attacking anyone below 2 lvls -- that's my point of view and i'd love to be refuted here

BUT, the most stupidest argument i saw here was that everyone should be lvl20 :lol: then it'd be fair? :lol:
i'd love to understand the logic behind this genuis when they themselves arent even war mages yet and maxing lvls is the solution to all the problems :lol: i know lvl10s who'd kick the shyt out of me and ik lvl13s who'd blast a lvl14 away :lol: anyway u might have sound logic for bcming lvl20 and the game will be fair ^^

PS: If u wanna play safe, Luinill really has pretty valid points in his reply

Peace out and if you get angered by these comments u are free to attack me my red tool is gathering dust but if it breaks i'll get really emotional :cry: :ghost: :smoke: :kiss:


Tuesday, January 15th 2019, 11:31pm

how isnt lvl20 the best soulution? you will have everything they will have it will be a fair fight you dont need to be war mage to make the simple thought process that goes into it you have 8 years in the game and are still at the tutorial level for mage level up and you will see the higher level the less people mess with you


Wednesday, January 16th 2019, 1:50am

Not meant to be rude, but most mages know you as a noob mage. Most of mages of your level have more belt slots and better blessings, and better armor than you have, so level alone doesn't mean much. And yes you are lv 14 now, but why you always compare yourself with a non-mage? It's like comparing a bow and a gun, no need to compare, it's known that guns are better for killing, but there are still good and bad guns. And you also forget the most important thing - each person playing this game has own goal and own interest; for you it's interesting to be a mage, for me it's interesting to max exe skill level, for othet people it's interesting to raise reputations; I know a level 9 that has rank lower than mine but he has so many red medals cuz that's interesting for him. Prove me that I'm wrong.


Wednesday, January 16th 2019, 4:12am

not really a noob if i can take almost every lvl14 1v1 am i? i have the same amount of slots as most lvl14s you are level 7 once you reach my level and are stronger than me then you can insult me till then go back to picking and making 2g a hour you filthy peasant


Wednesday, January 16th 2019, 12:40pm

PlumPouffe, if you say nothing, don't speack, it's not the subjects, thanks and have fun


Wednesday, January 16th 2019, 3:30pm

how is it not on subject i was replying to what someone said spend less time crying about attack rules and more time getting stronger


Wednesday, January 16th 2019, 8:50pm

lol first of all if being lvl20 is the best solution why are u still lvl14?
dont talk abt my time in game i only joined back 2yrs ago and i think ive done okay if not good enough since 2017 ^^
talking abt ppl messing with me that dsnt happen very often as i try to be polite with all humans/mags alike if they show mutual respect :D thats how we're supposed to function as players, war game or not
how isnt lvl20 the best soulution? you will have everything they will have it will be a fair fight you dont need to be war mage to make the simple thought process that goes into it you have 8 years in the game and are still at the tutorial level for mage level up and you will see the higher level the less people mess with you


Wednesday, January 16th 2019, 8:55pm

not really a noob if i can take almost every lvl14 1v1 am i? i have the same amount of slots as most lvl14s you are level 7 once you reach my level and are stronger than me then you can insult me till then go back to picking and making 2g a hour you filthy peasant
hey again :)
you might be a really kickass player and u might be having a lot of fun but u have no right to criticize someone on their style of playing. i know people who've gone from super noob to super OP bcs they wanted to and they worked hard...i also know ppl with green armor who hardly play the game but log in once in a while to check up on their friends :D
it really depends on how u treat the game.

Also, we're talking abt the attack rule here. you'd rather comment on that. your solution of being lvl20 would be welcome if u urself were any close to being offence


Wednesday, January 16th 2019, 10:38pm

im already closer than you will ever be respect should be earned not given its a war game ill treat anyone who isnt my friend as my next kill and so what others said about me in this thread is fine to say then? or are you just blind to that?

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Thursday, January 17th 2019, 12:11am

You hate PlumPouffe for achieving in 10 months what you failed to achieve in several years, how uncool.
Abandon the attack rule :cool:

srsly, no matter how many times you cry noob, you'd prolly die in one punch, you're weaker, after all these years .well:

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Thursday, January 17th 2019, 4:14am

Why this man above in guards? It is administration structure and he wrote administration opinion?


Thursday, January 17th 2019, 12:23pm

wondering what all her hype is about when she's only like what a few spaces above me in server ranking :lol:
2 months she doesnt have any achievement or badges my clan lvl8 ppl have better stuff in their char page than her :lol:
anyway yayy attack rule whatever, just protect the new players in game i guess :P


Thursday, January 17th 2019, 12:27pm

Why this man above in guards? It is administration structure and he wrote administration opinion?
i really dont think so :lol: :truce:

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Thursday, January 17th 2019, 2:31pm

2 months she doesnt have any achievement or badges my clan lvl8 ppl have better stuff in their char page than her :lol:

You are comparing badges of players who spent 8-9 years with the one who spent 10 months, you can't do that.


Thursday, January 17th 2019, 2:38pm

Quoted from "Warlordekkie"

2 months she doesnt have any achievement or badges my clan lvl8 ppl have better stuff in their char page than her

You are comparing badges of players who spent 8-9 years with the one who spent 10 months, you can't do that.
if you're talking abt me, i've whatever i have rn has been done since 2017. i was lvl5 in 2016...
PS: you;re the one who started the comparison whatever it is the issue is the attack rules and i dont see how you're dealing with that by comparing ppl with 2000+ RR with someone with 3 red badges meh

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Thursday, January 17th 2019, 4:51pm

I was level 5 somewhat around 18 or 24 months ago, I have better badges, better items, better level and better rank than anyone in your clan, end of discussion.

Whatever is wrong with you people is beyond me, but what kind of traumas you should have to come here and have a pissing contest, just why?

As for the attack rule thing, well, i said i wouldn't come back but i did, so shame on me, then again here's the best solution to this matter: Wait until Kayser the Almighty God of Everything reaches the highest level possible, remove the rule, then watch as Kayser releases his wrath on all of the scrubs here in game. After all, Kayser loves power as much as Pilek lov animelz.

Filthy Frank aka the Morum Foderator, it's best you just show up and close the thread otherwise i start wrecking these kids. I am a merciful God.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

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Thursday, January 17th 2019, 5:39pm

not really a noob if i can take almost every lvl14 1v1 am i?

Unless u make them laugh until death...
Anyways. keep the rule, it's okey atm, atleast for mages :)



Thursday, January 17th 2019, 7:23pm

You hate PlumPouffe for achieving in 10 months what you failed to achieve in several years, how uncool.
Abandon the attack rule :cool:

srsly, no matter how many times you cry noob, you'd prolly die in one punch, you're weaker, after all these years .well:

Heuuu? We don't care ! It's good for her if she up lvl 14 in 10 mounth.. :lol:
Not the subject!

I make this subject for ask change rules attacks.. and when people to say.. it's very nice to put rules 3 lvl differents between 2 peoples.. Like lvl 1-10 but for 11+

We don't care if you say nothing, just usless critic for show who have the best d***
