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Sunday, January 20th 2019, 5:03pm

no matter how many times you cry noob, you'd prolly die in one punch, you're weaker, after all these years

Proper Help Structure answer !

That`s the spirit, girl!

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Sunday, January 20th 2019, 5:36pm

Better than fake personality and forced positivity and being a muffin wannabe but failing miserably.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Monday, January 21st 2019, 1:08am

wondering what all her hype is about when she's only like what a few spaces above me in server ranking :lol:
2 months she doesnt have any achievement or badges my clan lvl8 ppl have better stuff in their char page than her :lol:
anyway yayy attack rule whatever, just protect the new players in game i guess :P
i mean your lvl11 im lvl14 you can be whatever rating and ill still win i fought you at 11 when i had no rank and i still beat you multiple times with grey aura achievements mean nothing only reps that give buffs help if you want to put your lvl8s against me you can im sure my lvl will make up for my low badges


Monday, January 21st 2019, 1:25am

Shockingly, people have different goals. Very hard concept to understand it seems. Some people want to level fast, some people want to chill at a particular level. Just because you favour one option does not make it the ultimate correct way to play.


Monday, January 21st 2019, 3:24am

Shockingly, people have different goals. Very hard concept to understand it seems. Some people want to level fast, some people want to chill at a particular level. Just because you favour one option does not make it the ultimate correct way to play.
higher lvls have acces too more stuff and are stronger why wouldnt you lvl up


Monday, January 21st 2019, 8:13am

:ponder: sure i totally believe u. u beat an unranked player with no penetration whatsoever/ you're so strong go lvl20 all the best. i'm sure you'll beat all lvl20s 1vs1 like you claim to do rn at ur level. and you'll be so OP you'll be in top 10 of your level real soon gl!
wondering what all her hype is about when she's only like what a few spaces above me in server ranking :lol:
2 months she doesnt have any achievement or badges my clan lvl8 ppl have better stuff in their char page than her :lol:
anyway yayy attack rule whatever, just protect the new players in game i guess :P
i mean your lvl11 im lvl14 you can be whatever rating and ill still win i fought you at 11 when i had no rank and i still beat you multiple times with grey aura achievements mean nothing only reps that give buffs help if you want to put your lvl8s against me you can im sure my lvl will make up for my low badges


Monday, January 21st 2019, 8:21am

Shockingly, people have different goals. Very hard concept to understand it seems. Some people want to level fast, some people want to chill at a particular level. Just because you favour one option does not make it the ultimate correct way to play.
higher lvls have acces too more stuff and are stronger why wouldnt you lvl up
bc he's working on becoming OP at each level, reps and stuff. being the best pvp there is..

ow u wudnt know abt that wud u :lol: oh wait no u are pretty good since u claim to beat all lvl14s 1v1

ANYWAY, keep the attack rule, otherwise Miss OP here wouldnt be able to complete her kill list bc she's been cornered in forum for her enlightening ideas :lol:

PS: i really think u shud be able to attack only those from whom u can get scalp and valor...more sense in that. But then the issue arises for defender rep/ i'd like to see alternative opinions for that :truce:

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Monday, January 21st 2019, 10:31am

PS: i really think u shud be able to attack only those from whom u can get scalp and valor...more sense in that.

Essentially that would be pretty much the same as removing the open world PvP completely, since that's what happens on battlefields - you those you can get scalp and valor from. And if the opposite race cannot reach you, there's little sense in getting strong, you can be forever PvE and no one will break your red tool.

Then if there are only battlefields and no open world PvP, there's no point in 2 races fighting. Could be as well 1 race doing sports on arenas. Good job, hewmin, you've ruined the game .well:


Monday, January 21st 2019, 12:05pm

no i get ur point
the very logic of having 2 races is that u attack the other. yes. makes sense. i was only putting forth my point of view. i generally dont attack anyone more than 2 lvls below me in ogriy.

Okay i have another possible solution:-
the topmost priority should be the protection of new players who've just entered and still trying to get the hang of it. Till what level is that? 5? 6? i guess attacking them should be banned outright, without provocation, of ur own race. Give more points if u guys want. protection being extended till lvl10 is weird


Monday, January 21st 2019, 3:21pm

Shockingly, people have different goals. Very hard concept to understand it seems. Some people want to level fast, some people want to chill at a particular level. Just because you favour one option does not make it the ultimate correct way to play.
higher lvls have acces too more stuff and are stronger why wouldnt you lvl up

I have friends at level 11-12 who cannot play as much as me and I would like to stay able to group with them.

For a level 12 I am strong and can surely more easily achieve any amount of scalps I'd like far easier now than later with battlefields/chaotics.

Leveling up would make me stronger overall compared to all players, but I would rather be strong relative to other players of my level, rather than to all players. I spend 90% of my time in locations that magmars can't reach, so I'm not concerned by random attacks from them. Plateau event is 3 days every couple months; I don't see it worth caring about too much. So all that's left is battlefields, and my battlefield performance isn't better by leveling up (if anything it gets worse).

Just a few reasons.

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Monday, January 21st 2019, 8:35pm

kill list


any and all ds members(ignore this, still fun, tho)
Afflicktion clan thank warlord

When you burnthurt about hearing the truth about you being noobie noobie and make a ''kill list'' :lol:


Tuesday, January 22nd 2019, 1:55am

kill list


any and all ds members(ignore this, still fun, tho)
Afflicktion clan thank warlord

When you burnthurt about hearing the truth about you being noobie noobie and make a ''kill list'' :lol:
no i just add idiots there ill be sure to find you soon dont worry ;)

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Tuesday, January 22nd 2019, 2:07am

You sure that you wont lose? :lol:


Tuesday, January 22nd 2019, 3:31am

Fact: this theme is not new, we discussed it when we just got the attack rule.
Fact: there were, are, and will always be players who level up to kill enemy they couldn't kill before.
For example I killed and injured a human a few times and he said "I'll level up and ruine you!" and he leveled up, but he got new enemies stronger than him at his new level, and he can kill me now, but he's not happy still since he's still not strong.
Fact: some players were noobs at low levels, so they were killed many times, this did upset them, so they leveled up and started killing low level just because they were killed at low levels.

People should understand, no one is strongest, there's always someone stronger than you, just like you're stronger than someone. This relates to both game and real life.


Tuesday, January 22nd 2019, 8:01am

but that does not mean u do not strive to be strong at your own level.
imo the best feeling would be when you get yourself strong enough to kill all those who had been bullying you :D


Tuesday, January 22nd 2019, 8:06am

oh you now i get it u wnna kill idiots ...
so when do u kill yourself? :lol:
kill list


any and all ds members(ignore this, still fun, tho)
Afflicktion clan thank warlord

When you burnthurt about hearing the truth about you being noobie noobie and make a ''kill list'' :lol:
no i just add idiots there ill be sure to find you soon dont worry ;)


Tuesday, January 22nd 2019, 2:54pm

Best feeling you get when you get stronger at a same level (without leveling up) and kill all those who had been bullying you))

One noob I attacked took my trophey when mage took most of my HP and I had only 6 HP left, and he's glad :lol:


Tuesday, January 22nd 2019, 3:00pm

oh you now i get it u wnna kill idiots ...
so when do u kill yourself? :lol:
kill list


any and all ds members(ignore this, still fun, tho)
Afflicktion clan thank warlord

When you burnthurt about hearing the truth about you being noobie noobie and make a ''kill list'' :lol:
no i just add idiots there ill be sure to find you soon dont worry ;)
pretty sure if i told you to kill yourself the admins would be on my ass like thirsty tinder guys


Tuesday, January 22nd 2019, 3:36pm

Best feeling you get when you get stronger at a same level (without leveling up) and kill all those who had been bullying you))

One noob I attacked took my trophey when mage took most of my HP and I had only 6 HP left, and he's glad :lol:
we've all been there mate :lol: no worries get your revenge fight when no one's there to help him :thumbsup:


Tuesday, January 22nd 2019, 3:38pm

maybe tinder is a more valid place for some ppl :lol: at least they get some attention they long for so much
bcs there arguments here are pretty irrelevent :lol:

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