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Friday, February 8th 2019, 8:21am

[REPUTATION] Blazing Cerberus’s spirit

Weekly knowledge test: 08/02-14/02/2019
Blazing Cerberus’s spirit: What can you tell us about this mystery? how to gain it? And what is it useful for?

Post your answers here.


For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
  • Every week (Friday morning) we publish one question to our game:
    Legend. Legacy of the Dragons.
  • From all correct and complete answers up to 5 participants will win one promotional game code each.
  • Only complete and detailed answers will be rewarded. If there is more than 5 detailed and complete answers the most unique answers have the biggest chance to win.
  • Copy and paste-answers will NOT be considered. Same goes for trolling or spamming or inadequate language.
  • Personal attacks on other players in your answers/posts as well will NOT be accepted.
  • Answer must be in English. You can answer in your mothertongue only if you post understandable translation in English in same post as your answer.
  • The winners will be chosen by a mixed team of magmars and humans. The decision will be final.
  • Codes will be sent to winners via private messages in the forum or per post ingame.

Good game and good luck for all! :drink:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Feb 15th 2019, 7:20am)

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Friday, February 8th 2019, 10:28am

As far as I understood, the cerberus collection is an all new and different addition to the game. Just like it was teased with the MOBA battlefield (Dungeon of Forgotten Heroes must be its name) and Forest Troll Incarnation Potion, the Cerberus items transform the owner of them into a Cerberus with its own characteristics (like increased hp, physical damage etc.) and skill set in the battle slots. "How many of the collection pieces are required to be able to transform into cerberus at least once a week?" With not being 100% sure, one requires 3 such items (for example: Unwound Clock , Cerberus Claw and Collar Chain Fragment) all gathered and used as well as the attacking cerberus defeated.

As for how to gain it and what it is used for, it's quite simple, just like the other seasonal rewards (like seasonal cards, arhas, crimson roc or fire monkey) players have to participate in seasonal events and gather blazing cerberus items for the required amount of seasonal event tokens. After a player has enough pieces gathered, he/she can start using the combined item to transform into the "Blazing Cerberus".

It will be very useful when doing chaotic battles, great battles, tallaar's halls and other kind of traditional/generic battles & battlefields*.

Traditional/generic battles & battlefields: The ones which don't require players to transform into something else during the battlefield unlike Dungeon of Forgotten Heroes.
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Friday, February 8th 2019, 10:31am

Blazing Cerberus's Spirit is the new monthly seasonal event reward.

It is a sequential reward and you get a part of this reward every month

You can buy the monthly part from the seasonal event tokens and when you use it , you get attacked by a Cerb Ghost which is easy to kill since its level dependent.

Its power increases every 3 months and it becomes…rtikul_id=30574 after 3 months…rtikul_id=30580 after 9 months

and…rtikul_id=30730 after the complete 12 months usage every month

It also gives u monthly seasonal achievement when you use it every event :P

It is used as an incarnation pot and and can turn you into a Cerberus for 1 hour with its own specific abilities depending on the collar you have.

Also I think its usage is limited to something called cerberus fury which you can gain by killing enemies on BF and also consumes the same fury per use.

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Friday, February 8th 2019, 11:18am


First Blazing Cerberus’s is a new thing like last year it was summon which you could obtain and from this you as well get achievment so that cool too now its this thing
which is transformation potion like there are Dungeon of Forgotten Heroes battlefiell but this you can use out of that

Blazing Cerberus’s spirit you have to do monthly quests and earn tokens with which you will be able to buy the first thing,then you do a quest and then just each month you can upgrade it so it will be probably better maybe you get more hp but for sure you get more spells and upgrades for it.

Well for how its used not sure ofcourse just drink it and it works,but im still not sure where it could be used to benefit from it because when you turn in Cerberus you cant use your potions or anything else magic/blesses etc
you have only what the potion has ofcourse you will have alot of hp from it but still

Personaly i think that this maybe could be used in some instances but before getting and testing it i can say it for sure,or maybe for hunting high levle monster at lower level as you would get less exp because you will have alot of hp from it but it depends on how anyone else see its,so we just have to wait for next month and see what new upgrade brings

And for now we cant even use it we have first upgrade and it does nothing now :sleep:
just you get random text and thats it so after february event we will see :wall:
I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.


Friday, February 8th 2019, 12:13pm

So basically the Blazing Cerberus Spirit is a seasonal reward, fragments of which are gained over the months.

In the simplest of terms, this works like an incarnation potion, complete with Shackles of Embodiment on the player who uses this.

Here are the items you will need to collect to get the particles of Blazing Cerberus Spirit:-- Unwound Clock, Shackles of Cerberus, Skull of Cerberus, Blue Harpoon, Tattered Folio, Scorched Signet Ring, Urn with Ashes, Blood of Cerebus, Broken Sword, Collar Chain Fragment.

You get the bless, if we might call it, in 3 installments, each stronger and having better stats than the last, with more skills:
3 months…rtikul_id=30574
9 months…rtikul_id=30580
12 months…rtikul_id=30730

Using the Scorched Collar(that's the thing you'll be using to get the incarnation) u turn into a cerberus for one hour, with skills and stats alloted as per the number of artifacts you have gathered. Upgrades give you more skills and better better stats.
This effect will have certain limitation ofcourse, due to the Shackles of Embodiment.
To use this, a player needs to collect charges, which we'll gain from BFs. The total charge capacity also increases as the level of the buff increases

Now how is it useful?
Well i'd say the best use for this effect would be the various battlefields without a doubt. You can combine this with some other effects as well and you'll turn into a pretty strong Cerberus :lol:
Inability to use spells while under this effect would be a major cause of concern for mages, because even if they hit really hard, they won't be able to crit the opponent(in case of mage vs mage fights)
As for non-mages and war mages, a pretty useful tool.
A very ingenius use of this would be during hunts, if not in any BFs


Saturday, February 9th 2019, 8:55pm

Blazing Cerberus’s spirit

Its a new special seasonal reward that player can obtain from monthly seasonal events. It is presented as in incarnation potion that every player can use (lvl3+). It increases the stats of the player(adding new ones), allowing them to reach their goals easier.

By colecting an item each month, you can increase the power of the incarnation potion and thus the effect that it can offer.

January Effect

February Effect

March Effect

April Effect

May Effect

June Effect

July Effect

August Effect

September Effect

October Effect

November Effect

December Effect

To gain each item, you have to purchase the item each month and activate it. The first month (january) a quest will start "Shadow of a Beast". This quest continues each month, addning strenght to the incarnation potion.


- All parts of the quest " Shadow of a Beast " must be completed to use the Collar and benefit from the incarnation potion effects.
- By using the Collar, certain limitations are applied to your character.
- Each incarnation consumes 12 charges of Cerberus Fury.
- Fury can be obtained by hunting or on the battlefield: you can get only 1 Fury per day. Each month has a certain amount of max fury that you can accumulate.
- The incarnation can be used once a day, if you have 12 charges of Cerberus Fury.
- The numaber of charges of Cerberus Fury a player has can be found in Atributes.

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