So basically the Blazing Cerberus Spirit is a seasonal reward, fragments of which are gained over the months.
In the simplest of terms, this works like an incarnation potion, complete with Shackles of Embodiment on the player who uses this.
Here are the items you will need to collect to get the particles of Blazing Cerberus Spirit:-- Unwound Clock, Shackles of Cerberus, Skull of Cerberus, Blue Harpoon, Tattered Folio, Scorched Signet Ring, Urn with Ashes, Blood of Cerebus, Broken Sword, Collar Chain Fragment.
You get the bless, if we might call it, in 3 installments, each stronger and having better stats than the last, with more skills:
3 months…rtikul_id=30574
9 months…rtikul_id=30580
12 months…rtikul_id=30730
Using the Scorched Collar(that's the thing you'll be using to get the incarnation) u turn into a cerberus for one hour, with skills and stats alloted as per the number of artifacts you have gathered. Upgrades give you more skills and better better stats.
This effect will have certain limitation ofcourse, due to the Shackles of Embodiment.
To use this, a player needs to collect charges, which we'll gain from BFs. The total charge capacity also increases as the level of the buff increases
Now how is it useful?
Well i'd say the best use for this effect would be the various battlefields without a doubt. You can combine this with some other effects as well and you'll turn into a pretty strong Cerberus

Inability to use spells while under this effect would be a major cause of concern for mages, because even if they hit really hard, they won't be able to crit the opponent(in case of mage vs mage fights)
As for non-mages and war mages, a pretty useful tool.
A very ingenius use of this would be during hunts, if not in any BFs