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  • "Terra Incognita" started this thread

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Monday, February 11th 2019, 9:17pm


I'm bored. Long post incoming.

Why are some events automaticly pushed through the middle stages and to the final one, despite the fact that it's initial and middle stages' requests aren't completed... and why are some events not?

I know it's been like this for some time now... it wasn't like this ~6-7 years ago though, and it IS cool the way it is now because you have a chance to see event's stages, including the final one (those years ago, despite the fact that players were more interested in doing them, you could hardly see over the first stage). <--- Remember this sentence.

So it'd be great if all events could be like that, because current standing doesn't really make much sense.
For example, Webs of Terror event asks players to kill like 50 spiders in the first stage (doesn't matter if numbers are correct), to break 50 cocoons in the second, after which you get to final stage where you have to kill Young Spider Patriarch.
I've never seen anyone do this event and it's fairly obvious that the stages turn despite not completing them. Various other events have the same principle (eg. Provocateur's Voice/Holes In A Shadow Country/Bone Horrors........).
BUT, some other events like eg. Stockpile Thieves don't do that. Stage principle is pretty much the same, but it doesn't go over first. Wild Zorbs event too, Green Pirates, Poaching Prohibited and so on.

Bonus fact: most of these events have achievement(s) in common... for doing this or that and for killing the stage boss.
That being said, it's also obvious that some achievements can't be obtained because it's nearly impossible for certain (a lot of) events to reach next stages by actually completing requirements. The reason/s being: hard, too hard, players don't care, players don't have reason to do them, crap rewards, barely any rewards, etc. You all know why you don't do them.

The final stage of this post is: could the same auto-pushing-the-stages mechanism apply to all events? If anything, for the sake of achievements and in-game experience.

Another bonus fact: there are poopload of achievements that can't be achieved (lol) because those events and things don't happen anymore (eg. Dragon Rage, Crossed Swords...)

Should I continue?


Monday, February 11th 2019, 11:50pm

Don't worry, more diamond events soonTM.

Love <3

 Innos [13] 


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Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 12:15am

This is a new one crying that you cant get achievement :wall:
I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.

  • "Terra Incognita" started this thread

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Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 1:04am

Innos, why did you even post? If you had little brain you'd have noticed that I also said things such as "IN-GAME experience/chance to see event's stages". Maybe you noticed, but decided to be a real bada$$ online and comment such a smart, important and thoughtful thing because you are ONLINE bada$$. O N+L I N E.
Children these days....

So what if I even posted this for achievements? They are there to be achieved, not to be unobtainable and stared at. They are part of a game.
Don't post anymore. Your opinion is as useful as support service.


Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 1:38am

Achievements are very important, it takes just over 13k to earn all those precious smileys. This is certainly a pertinent issue that needs resolving posthaste.

  • "Terra Incognita" started this thread

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Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 11:55am

Another online tough guy. You know, there is a plethora of games that could use heroes like you.

I didn't say at any time that this is a BIG problem or that it should be dealt with immediately.
Unlike you droolers who made 8 pages crying about attack rules.

I don't really understand how are you ppl so stupid and unable to comprehend simplest things.

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Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 1:26pm

You want everything free? lol, first they created sparks for free chaos medal at lvl7-8. now want free achiev, make group, find people, do first stages, nothing should is free. What will be the next?

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Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 1:27pm


  • "Terra Incognita" started this thread

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Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 1:49pm

Thing is I tried that.. I asked people so many times to help out with events, but like I previously said, they just don't care for various reasons.

As riddiculous as it sounds, the fact that everything is easy is ONE of the reasons ppl don't do events (eg. the rewards can be obtained easier than farming events or the rewards are crap themselves).. Regardless of that, I'm not for making reps, valour and game progress in general easier.. It had and has various consequences.


Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 1:52pm

Another online tough guy.

Whoa there partner, twas but a jape, no need to get your spider cocoons in a twist. Yeah, it's weird some of them skip past uncompleted stages and some don't with seemingly no logic in the choices. But that's the thing, lack of logic shouldn't even be a surprise with this game by now. It'd make far more sense for it to apply to all events or none, obviously, I don't think anyone contests that. Maybe if 90% of events weren't completely useless there'd be more conversation.

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Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 2:07pm

Maybe if 90% of events weren't completely useless there'd be more conversation.

what do you mean? arent you excited to kill some ?

  • "Terra Incognita" started this thread

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Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 3:53pm

My original point (question) was to why do some event get pushed automaticly and why do some don't.

And yes, I guess you could say that most of events are useless, but that is (kinda) a problem. It's a part of a game that is not really a part of a game.. At this point, its' just a thing that happens, passes and anyone barely notices.

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Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 5:29pm

Well, the events you gave examples of, they had one thing common in the past, bucko. Some people if not many would love to go ahead and do them. "You got some free gathering event? Well count me in!" is what they would say, wild zorbs were a great way to earn sweet sweet nothing for naked hunters, poaching prohibited, those thieves thing in barrow of death, the granite event, these ones were kinda popular and i'd say it's safe to assume that the administration just took a few steps back, observed these quite closely and while nodding slowly, they said: "Yeah, we can do that, nobody does these events anymore but they were popular so the unpopular ones get a free escalation to 2nd stage. Others can eat shiz mushroom."

To answer your final question: Yes, it could, but who cares anyway? God left this place long ago.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 5:50pm

My original point (question) was to why do some event get pushed automaticly and why do some don't.

My original point (question) was to why do some event get pushed automaticly and why do some don't.

My guess would be because some have more precious rewards (not necesarely monetary) and some do not. EX: the chaos event that we have on the fay-go. Would be a really crappy think to make it auto-progressive on stages. The one at Haunted place with the Gorback, also would be really bad if it was auto-progressive.

For specific events most likely a correct answer youll get from admins. Not sure why some simple ones are not auto-progressive on stages. But maybe they are not simple for the player groups that they are intended.

A pattern that i see in events is that if the event has a boss, most likely is not auto-progressive (thats not a rule tho...)

As for the reason you want them to be auto-progressive, i find it really silly. Dont jump on my neck, but achivemnets are really worthless right now...imo.


Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 6:45pm

My original point (question) was to why do some event get pushed automaticly and why do some don't.
As for the reason you want them to be auto-progressive, i find it really silly. Dont jump on my neck, but achivemnets are really worthless right now...imo.
umm what achievements are you talking about here? If it's the character achievement, no dear they're not hopeless at all. Rather, achievements boost your overall rating in server.

Also, auto-progressing events is not cool bcs again as somebody said before, things are not supposed to be easy. If they're tough, it's worth doing. Inactivity is a major issue, but i think when our very server is facing so much inactivity should we be really focussing on events inactivity? :lol:
just a food for thought


Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 7:59pm

umm what achievements are you talking about here? If it's the character achievement, no dear they're not hopeless at all. Rather, achievements boost your overall rating in server.

Not sure if u were ironic here or that was your honest oppinion... Yes, i know they help you on ratings and can boost your place in there, but can you tell me 1 single thing that helps you if you are 25 or 35 ranked there for your level?
Except ofc tickling your self-esteem...


Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 8:35pm

umm what achievements are you talking about here? If it's the character achievement, no dear they're not hopeless at all. Rather, achievements boost your overall rating in server.

Not sure if u were ironic here or that was your honest oppinion... Yes, i know they help you on ratings and can boost your place in there, but can you tell me 1 single thing that helps you if you are 25 or 35 ranked there for your level?
Except ofc tickling your self-esteem...
nothing special really, it's just a feel good thing to be ranked good, uk. If not for that why would people be running around, working hard to get red badges and stuff? For the rewards, yes ofc but i think subconsciously everyone likes being a good ranked player. In my case it is so because i've always been a very big noob when it comes to this game :lol: i improved a bit and it makes me feel good, and others too who helped me do so. And achievements do help here ^^ Just my opinion, u may think otherwise. Peace :king:


Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 10:56pm

To give your thread a useful input (besides of fun in discussing with people who do not share your interests)

I´m in in future plans doing:

1) Shadow of the past
2) The Minotaur Revenge
3) Poaching Prohibited
4) Renegades Revenge
5) Savage Pack
6) Restless Bones

But be informed that i am NOT in at asking people and begging for it.

I need my time for begging for chaotics, tallars, weekend events in general :whistling:

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