If i were to breed two mounts and get a new baby mount, i'd love for the parent mounts to be steel gromdrag+bloody jakaral.
Why? because gromdrag has insane skills as pvp when it hops in it kills all summons lesser and equivalent to its level in battle! It has insane skills with it which can immensely help in pve hunts as well

Jakaral on the other hand would come in so damn handy in pvp, applying continous weakens on the enemy, further guaranteeing my victory

It also heals itself to a great extent when the enemy blocks, so that is useful as well. Both the mounts are hard hitters as well.
The baby JakaDrag, as I'd like to call it, would inherit all the insane skills from its parents and get some new ones as well; enhanced version of mix breed spells actually(courtesy genetics). The healing factor of jakaral and gromdrag would culminate into a skill that would heal the summoner as well which would be pretty awesome. The baby JakaDrag would be a better hitter than its parents ofcourse, and a few more skill upgrades due to genetic betterment of the parent genes in the baby mount genes.
sadly i dont have neither of the mounts

it'd be awesome to have this wonderful JakaDrag