Hi everyone,
My name is - Tinus - my previous nick was Martinni93 (the most remembers me with that name)
back when I was lv 6 I used to go to Tournament of Workship. I filmed all my fights. Made video from it and a final video with ToW title. Here you can find the link with the videos.
I enjoyed back then to record it and telling my story. but I founded never the inspiration to create a new video. Since short. I started to filming again and creating new videos.
I do not make videos to show you how I fight, or humilate people. I make them to let you feel the emotion I feel while fighting. I want you to give a feeling why to enjoy this game and why to play this game. I want you give the feeling Heavyweight is not an easy target. Every fight let me think and searching a strategy and giving lots of headaches
In future I am gonna make videos about CC, Plateau, Temple, chaotic and all what you think are worth to make a video about.
My first video since long time:
Please comment what your thoughts are. Help me with your advice to get my next videos better and better. Don't forget to click and like it
thanks all
- Tinus -