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Wednesday, February 27th 2013, 8:42am

What's your story?

Tell us how you start play this game.

For me all started in 2002, when i found broswer game Fight Club. I played this game for 4 years till 2006. From 2006 till 2008 i was in army. In that time because of game changes in Fight Club most of top players and clans left game and started to play Dwar. After my return it was interesting for me to play game which most of Fight Club ex-players choose. I start new character "Red Wings" in Faeo-minor server and joined Pure Heavens clan, which was one of top on server. But because of high requirements to be the best in instances (CC, temple, arena) i start to feel discomfort in gameplay. Target was to relax in game but not to work here 24/7 on valor-earning like most of players of that clan did. And once in clan chat i heard about .com server, that here still blue items drops and you could hunt naked without lootsealing problems. And i start to play Chili Pepper here.
After russian server i promised myself that i will play as i wish, just for fun, hunt mobs and picking pesourses, no valor. My first in-game friend was Decster, we picked fire flowers together. That fire flowers was my first way to get money in game. I was lucky with timing, because new quest where a lot of flowers needed was introduced and i sold it all for good price. I joined Steel Lions clan when i was lvl 5 and met my friends here, BagaBoom, -Esh Myaso-, Secen. That was nice time, when we were young, i remember our race who will get luan tiger first and i was winner here. Once we tried to make quest, and Fduch, leader of Legend Knights, helped us for free. By the time our clan almost extinct, there was 1-2 players online. In few days i dressed new icon of LK near my nickname. Here i met such asses as Fduch, Chinovnik, FreemanBerserker and Annyshka.
I though i will stay in lvl 6 as long as a can for naked hunting, but blue drops were gone and replaced for chess,and crazy amount of lootstealers filled every corner, so number of fights naked with luan was ~200, then i got lvl 7 and forgot about looters forever.
By the way i was a heavyweight till lvl 7. And i found a big plus in HW style - low damage. And all lv l7 i hunted in lumirya, killing krogans, staying in block, dealing minimum damage, and luan tiger deal most of it, saving my exp, so i can hunt more and more in such way. I got many drops in that time, especially retribution hammers. And start to earn good money.
But in one day everything changed. I did runs on Galmakhar, But it was so boring and so long that i decided to buy second set - bonecrusher, to make Derelict House runs faster. I bought full green BC armor and go in DH, but there i met another problem: when i did DH runs in HW, it doesn't matter how long fight last, because its always endless. But in BC all faster, and i noticed that my PC start lagging when i killing transparent mobs (like different wraths). That made me mad so much that i bought new PC.
After this events i changed my style of playing, most of time i was wearing BC, because its more effective in DH and vs mobs when they attack you while picking. I started to pick a lot and earn money by using my profession. I knew that tallaars will be introduced one day, and dodgers will buy great blood elixirs. Great Elixir of Blood Recipe - 7578 times created. 7578*35=265.000 elixirs. Then alchemists woke up and started to dump price in auc on blood elixirs and soon this way to earn money died. But i found new way to make money - gray vampire elixirs, I was lucky to get recipe, there was fewe players with that recipe in that time, so we kept fix price on auc and got good money. But soon same story like with great bloods happens with vampires and this way to earn ended.
From this moment i understood, that its enough picking for me. Exactly in that time Juggernaut reputation and Chaos Gates was introduced and it was something new and interesting and i decided that these things are worth it to spend on them my time. Cerberuses still one of most cheapest and fastest ways to get quicksilver and reputation till 1000. Will never forget our first runs with Moon and company. Exactly on cerberuses i met my best friend Bubba-Beat. Exactly because of his whining I remained on the eighth level of hell of a lot of time.

Chapter 2 coming soon.
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Wednesday, February 27th 2013, 10:13am

Second chapter - because everything in game changed for me when i became member of Relentless. Story take place when something wrong goes in Legend Knights, there were things in clan that I could not accept, and once Annyshka told me that i should go to Relentless, i just grinned, because minimum level requied was 11 and champion rank, with good reputations. I was only lvl 8 fighter with some green-blue medals. But in few days i saw invitation from Gino in chat. Honestly i was shocked, but I later learned that Anny had recommended me.
Still a lot of good moments in the memory: Plato fights, castle sieges (1800g first time siege ), Bone dragons, Uborg (who remember epic 1st time Uborg on human side?) It was just interesting to play on the сlan. Thats why people still play here, for their friends. There were a lot such moments when you want to stop playing but anyway continiue because your friends want to see you online, want you to be with them.
I was lucky to be i Relentless when they started to conquer Castle, because i opened up the possibility to earn money with help of Castle - naked hunting on lvl 8 gargoyles with help of Elite Berona Tiger. There altar of ressurection in Castle, owner can use it, so i finally got lvl 9 (Bubba was ready to kill me i think) and started hunting. I still remember :woot: smiles that players wrote me when they saw what i doing.
At this moment a had green BoV medal and one day i caught luck by the tail again - i bought ~400 EEs for good price. But had a little time to pay for it, and i started rainbows on lvl 8 gargs. Once Moon asked me to join queue for lvl 9 halls, just join to start it, no need to fight. I agreed, queued, and decided to try it. I don't remember but seems to me that i won halls. I thought that it was just luck, and tried again, i couldn't believe that BC in green armor could win vs blue-armored full-buffed valor players. And second time i was in top 5. I felt that i can do it, and started to learn everything about tactics in halls. ANd i begun my valor way, in the end of lvl 9. I got elite warrior rank at lvl 9, then i got lvl 10 and decided to get dodger set, because i hated dodgers in halls. I was first who got blue helmet from uborg only for cover expenses for fight. It was nice gift from clan to me. By the time i already was a champion and bought jaguar ciurass, exchanged chess pieces and got chrome weapons, gauntlets and chainmail (5 chrome items total=bonus) rest (pauldrons and boots) - was from unicorn set. I tried to look like Gothmog_ at lvl 10 (visual nice looking was prioritet for me, but not higher stats if i wear full chrome)
My expectations were met, dodger much more stronger then BC in halls, and i enjoyed it so much that decided to be dodger on mage levels. Thats the way i played on lvl 10: HW - for plato/dragon/uborg/instances fights, BC - for rainbows, Dodger - for halls.
I will never forget our palace runs with AsNoOther. He was green-armored lvl 11 BC, with elite berona, i was lvl 10 green-armored HW, also with berona. We havent mighty steeds, reputations. There was only 2 of us in party, but by using our brains we easily cleared all bosses and i got red HoU medal at lvl 10, it means both rings were ready for my lvl 11. Soon i got lvl 11 and clan helped me with getting scorpion cuirass and cuisses, blue rings from dragon, i collected enough gnome coins and bought penetration ring. Getting hero rank was just question of time, all days i called people to queue halls, and finally got it. That was best period of my gameplay here. I can write guide about halls, but dont think its necessary.
To get hero rank - was my target in game. It so happens that i got rank and pvp died on this server after battlefields 2.0.
After that i felt that game become empty for me. I became older for 3 years, i changed 3 cities, living places. Almost one year has passed as I finished playing, but still memory remains.
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Wednesday, February 27th 2013, 2:16pm

The moral of the story is that if that does not change here just soon or anyone does not remain


Wednesday, February 27th 2013, 10:34pm


This was a great story to read. Many players can identify with your different accomplishments throughout your game life. For me,


and decided to get dodger set, because i hated dodgers in halls

:lol: I can empathize.

Even though your end story is bittersweet, it sounds like you have happy moments remembering it. I think we all take away some good moments with friends from this game. :drink:
Trust your instinct to the end, though you can render no reason.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~


Thursday, February 28th 2013, 10:50am

This is a really long and interesting story to read through. Must have been nice to go back in time and remembering all the things. :) I hope a few more stories from other players will follow. :rose:


Thursday, February 28th 2013, 4:14pm

Cool story, ass.

We had some good times.

Maybe if this server gets turned around we can have some more. Till then I like my cell.


Wednesday, March 13th 2013, 11:19am

i've tried to upload some nice screenshots from those times, but it said they are too large... so i'm just gonna say i miss those careless years, when i was a student and we've had much fun here
thanks for your story, brother, let's drink few beers for it :beer:
Forum Noob


Wednesday, March 13th 2013, 2:19pm

Bubba-Beat has attached the following file:
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Wednesday, March 13th 2013, 2:24pm

:woot: No way )
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Wednesday, March 13th 2013, 4:15pm

Keeping it simple...I joined when I was bored at work and followed a browser ad from Facebook. Yes, the .com server actually advertised back then.


Monday, June 8th 2015, 8:43pm

Attention: The last reply to this post was 817 days ago. The thread may already be out of date. Please consider creating a new thread.
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Monday, June 8th 2015, 8:59pm

6 years have passed since the beginning and 3 since the end omg.
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Tuesday, February 19th 2019, 8:32pm

Welcome back, Chili Pepper! Show new posts since your last visit (Monday, October 10th 2016, 6:24pm).
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Tuesday, February 19th 2019, 8:34pm

Interesting anyone still playing since 2010-2013?
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Tuesday, February 19th 2019, 9:26pm

a lot of old people rejoined and many left :lol:
Interesting anyone still playing since 2010-2013?

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Wednesday, March 27th 2019, 1:31pm

The game has now become a web of old players and re rolled characters.

That being said this is a matter of opinion as I am not a mentor I would not know the exact conversion rate between new players and re rolls, however I do not think it is something that can be accurately assessed.

I get the genuine feeling that most higher lv players remain bored and frustrated at the lack of communication and ideas being brought the table.

In contrast lower lvs seem to remain the same however one could argue that re rolling is a commitment within itself.

My own biased opinion would be, is that there are constant +% diamond events, diamond fairs and now even armour being sold for diamonds. These events last for a period of a specific amount of diamonds ranging from £10,000 to £50 000 worth of diamonds.

That being said if even £30.000 diamonds are being bought monthly where is the money going? There is no advertisement to the game nor are their any significant changes to bring this game to its former self.

Even the little things like Facebook advertisment, regular posts on war of dragons pages and teaming up with players in real life to discuss improvements and aspects of the game could go a really really long way.

I seem to have gone on quite a negative tandem here, however the answer remains the same.

:bll: :kiss2:

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Wednesday, March 27th 2019, 2:13pm

Here's my story:

We buy the goods from Faikh the Arab. We get the 2nd load in Karabük and I drive the truck till we reach Adana.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Wednesday, September 8th 2021, 9:18pm

Welcome back, Chili Pepper! Show new posts since your last visit (Saturday, May 23rd 2020, 2:56pm).
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Thursday, September 9th 2021, 10:31am

It's a good story. Let me share mine.

I played on com server exactly in its opening year (est. 2007, I entered 2008 when the game was several months old.) under Reggie Chiefstan's regime. The level cap was level 10. Re-rolled 2 times because I can't get the grasp the techniques back then. It took me time to understand the game because I was really young before. Lol

Ahl was the top 1 that time and Real Warriors is the top clan. Executioners were in demand back then. Once you know you did something wrong and if one of the notorious executioners is near your location, you'd play chase with him. There are even times when even at the first minute you logged on, you get attacked right away. LOOOL. It's annoying as heck but because executing was expensive before, everyone knows the attacks are gonna stop at some point in time.

I am proud to say I completed my blue transferrable set back then (2010-2011) and was one of the few who got it. One downside of that glory is the strict policy before. I was banned because of failure to pay a debt (no more than 43g as much as I recall) within the deadline we agreed upon as posted in the forum. It was a fair judgement. I can't complain back then. Because of my ambitions, the character I built fell down. I rushed to get NW helmet which costs around 50g back then which only few have. Rage was more worth it than naked hunting before as money is thrice faster in hunting with good gears but I was wrong at rushing things too much. Naked hunting may take some time but drops are good.

In order to get BZ/LT before, it's either 200 diamonds or 200 golds or hunt and pray that you don't reach level 7 while hunting for it because resources takes ages to gather before.I get an average of 15 EEs during rages and those were sold for 1g each before. Before I prepare for my rage, I make plenty of green blood elixirs. Because there were 3 of us playing in the same computer (me and my brothers), we take each minute a pleasure to enjoy the game. We boast to each other the drops we get (which roll-backs takes after LOOOOOL) and make fun of one who goes into rage while the server is lagging so bad. Things were difficult as heck before but damn... We enjoyed every minute of it.

Invaders before takes the most pain. Once you step on the enemies' territory, the alarm is sounded. All the high levels are going to swarm and kill you (as much as I recall, multis were forbidden before and spying was illegal - if it happens that you have a sibling playing in the opposite race, you are monitored almost 24/7). It doesn't matter what level you are. The intra-racial collaboration before was intact and at its best. Finishing stone revelations quest involving talking to the NPC guy at Light's Edge is a huge pain. Right after you teleport, you get attacked. It was a real challenge before. Even the patrolling guards (O'delvays Guards [10]) are aggressive as heck. You only have around 5% chance of not getting attacked.

Now that I am back with my brother and playing with different computer, on different internet connections and at different places. We're glad that the game is more playable than before. Gold is easy. I was able to make around 1200golds ++ in 2-3 months when I was 6. Debts no longer require deadlines to pay.


I may be too late or it's not my time to play anymore (unless I have money to boost my character to compensate over the years I have not played).

Red sets are everywhere. You get one-hit-delete by someone who's the same level as you are and can freely roam anywhere.

If I rush to mage level, I may not be able to hunt in peace (I have not tried mage level before) since I can get easily rammed by a well-developed character which may be in the same or lower level than I am. The only protection I see against that is through joining a reputable clan. Plus, the difficulty increases exponentially in each level. Good gears = good hunt. Good gears = longer time needed to acquire.

If I stayed low level to get my resources and get my reps up, level 7-9 paypallers or players who stayed for years developing a good low level character will get an easy scalp from me during their invades (since they can easily kill level 10 and 15 mob guards) but at least the map is wider for me at this point. I can hunt where I can't be easily reached.

There are 2 ways to get good in this game:

- Working hard with some sprinkle of luck. Invest your time to get money and goods. Chop your goals into small steps and do it one at a time. Don't let a day pass without getting something.
- Pay to compensate. Boost your character so that you can put a good fight against those who were here before you.

The math is no longer the same as before.

Generalist can beat green set. It my entire time playing the game having a green set (10 years ago), I have never been beaten by hunter or cutthroat set in a 1v1 battle. Since the dodge rate has gone really low, it might be possible to win a fight against green at 4/5 using a generalist set or even Ringmail against Unicorn.
Green can beat blue set; Yes, it's possible.
Blue set can beat purple set: The difference in HP and initiative is an obstacle but luck can get in the way specially during arena storm.
Purple set can beat red set: I've never done it because I have not completed my purple set yet but it already happened several times. Buff can make a huge difference but having red set is like already having 3 buffs ahead of purple.

Another thing is that the elixirs are not as efficient before because of the birth of red elixirs. Intuition, Agility and Protection works differently in low levels. You can wear a blue BC set and use blood elixirs (yes, we use power elixirs before because the crit frequency even in green set were satisfyingly great) then still not land a crit blow.

This game in the mage era. I left when I was 6 and got banned 10 years ago. There's so much to explore. It's a crazy game right now. The balance is not good but I still find a way to do some fun... Admins still see people playing this game as how it's designed and how it's supposed to be (collecting resources, hunting mobs, doing BFs, using estates, sharing some fun and etc.) and grants active players some rewards (I have played for around 6 months straight no lower than 6 hrs. a day and I can attest to this since my drops are good so far + my good days than the bad days are still greater during those times).

After all... No one is forcing us to play this game. We can quit anytime we want. :D

Grab the fun while it lasts. This game is a good reflection of the real life... The fortunate always gets the upperhand. We can complain all we want but it does not change the fact that the wheel of life takes you to the top today and to the bottom tomorrow.


Tuesday, June 18th 2024, 8:23pm

Welcome back, Chili Pepper! Show new posts since your last visit (Wednesday, September 8th 2021, 9:19pm).
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