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Thursday, March 28th 2019, 3:06pm

Everyone look here

Actually im curious about players in real life so camon everyone take a picture send here. I start :bllll:

I didn’t change, I just woke up.

Posts: 581

Location: Aspen, CO

Occupation: Nooby's tractor

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Thursday, March 28th 2019, 7:51pm

I have never seen a squared face - in game.

Posts: 172

Location: Spain Valencia

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Thursday, March 28th 2019, 7:57pm

you so beatiful lol


Thursday, March 28th 2019, 8:24pm

I start

For some reason i did try to open and cant do it.

Yet if I put it in browser I get this image:


Is this accurate?


Thursday, March 28th 2019, 9:26pm

I start

For some reason i did try to open and cant do it.

Yet if I put it in browser I get this image:


Is this accurate?
try to open with VPN. Sometimes is happening to me same problem
I didn’t change, I just woke up.


Thursday, March 28th 2019, 10:44pm

And I'm bored of hearing darknoobs members crying. Just enjoy dying and dont crying
I didn’t change, I just woke up.

Posts: 172

Location: Spain Valencia

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Friday, March 29th 2019, 12:22am

I-Lord-I [9] has lost the battle
I love it as well


Friday, March 29th 2019, 12:31am

I-Lord-I [9] has lost the battle
I love it as well
on 8-9-10 lvl i kill u hundreds times noob, u know weel to give me scalp lol
I didn’t change, I just woke up.


Friday, March 29th 2019, 5:38pm

I-Lord the gameplay of your clan is pathetich and you are not able to charge the photo in the forum, back to school

Machine (Fightforhonor) you did well to change the name i dont see honor in you, you're just ridiculous.

you made a nice clan whit nice ppl, see you soon around NOOB XDD


Saturday, April 20th 2019, 3:59am…=26142997006223

Funny... You say that lvl 8-9-10 you can kill, but here in this fight you died and called for your lover to save you even though he didnt. you still died against a lvl8 that wasnt even blessed up. So dont act all tough behind your mage multi. LOL!!!


Saturday, April 20th 2019, 4:20am

OriginalGilli [8] 0 / 0 2120 / 0 0 | hmm think you kill me? lol camon one time moroks save you so later? :D
I didn’t change, I just woke up.


Saturday, April 20th 2019, 6:46am

A post that did not have an intention of rivalry should always be personal, it's strange that DS is involved. :sleep: .well:

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Saturday, April 20th 2019, 12:12pm

The audacity of DarkSpecialEd people, really.

"Haha you died to a level 8 with no buffs haha you called mage multi" in special ed language translates to: "I've used everything I had on me so that you couldn't kill me. Soon as you call a level 20 mage to finish the job I can come here and claim you can't; 1) Kill a level 8 with no blesses and 2) Win the fight without your multi to fight even though you're still not jailed for this fight which obviously means he's not your multi."

You can trust me with this translation, I've been dealing with these guys for so long that now I know what they mean when they start furiously typing on their keyboards.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Saturday, April 20th 2019, 12:53pm

:/ all thread need turn into making fun of the other person ...not nice