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  • "alex1232298" started this thread

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Thursday, April 25th 2019, 1:45pm

After lastest update to attack rule

Wod soon:

  • "GastarbeiteR" has been banned

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Thursday, April 25th 2019, 4:22pm

:lol: Pretty much. Lisad sharing her power is probably the worst thing happened to this game so far.

It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

  • "GastarbeiteR" has been banned

Posts: 1,998

Location: Turkish Paradise

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Thursday, April 25th 2019, 4:23pm

Schnell update:

It's called Legend: Safe Space of Dragons now.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Thursday, April 25th 2019, 6:55pm

dont worry thats noting .. soon u will have to fill a form and wait for a guard to sign it befor u can use exec scroll :wall:
dont argue with idiots they will drag u down to their level and beat u with experience


Thursday, April 25th 2019, 7:02pm

dont worry thats noting .. soon u will have to fill a form and wait for a guard to sign it befor u can use exec scroll :wall:
This is pretty much already true :lol:

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Friday, April 26th 2019, 12:24am

breaking news.... "hero" and "chosen by gods" cards' prices have suddenly dropped to -1g :ogo:


Friday, April 26th 2019, 2:51am

Personally i think if they are going to ban same race attacks the easiest way would be to just disable the ability to attack same race players like its not possible to attack other members of the same alliance and possibly get guards to issue like a special same race attack scroll to get round the feature if they give the warrant then the player has to report back afterwards. Alternatively have like a pop up message appear similar to the one where you are about to join a GB with a reminder to get permission from a guard first.


Friday, April 26th 2019, 11:13am

dont worry thats noting .. soon u will have to fill a form and wait for a guard to sign it befor u can use exec scroll :wall:
Which is extra fun when adminstration really always take weeks to get to any type of service/registration :lol: :stupid:


Saturday, April 27th 2019, 5:51am

This is becoming a joke snowflakes are taking over! the blame lays on the people like pilek being such pansies and complaining they get exed when its their own mouth anoying others that can exe them. : :sleep: :


Tuesday, April 30th 2019, 11:03pm

23:00 info: Warriors! Restrictions on purchases on the Trade Fair were reset! You can now purchase all items again!

Its ok - the fair reset again :)


Monday, May 13th 2019, 6:00pm

I have been playing this game for several years now (my first character on the Italian server was created over 8-9 years ago), and I can confirm that the rules have always been applied in an arbitrary way. unfortunately there is no one who guarantees the impartiality of the decisions. yet with all the money coming into this game it would not be difficult to pay someone to check that the work of the guards and that the rules are respected for all to the same extent. until you entrust everything in the hands of volunteers (guards are normal players) you will always have problems.

I saw people that years ago organized the battlefields on skype turning into guards. I've seen people go to jail for nothing and other people do worse things without going to prison. I saw guards talking and behaving like 12-year-olds who had their candy removed. I have seen (personal experience) gifts with heavy insults being ignorant despite reporting (repeatedly), and other gifts with lighter words being severely punished.

I repeat. need EXTERNAL figures to the game, like an administrator, who is educated and paid to make sure that some justice comes to us.
....and need change and update some rules (also attak rules), I hope that this game can continue for many more years, and that it does not go to die for lack of interest

sorry for bad english, I hope it is seen as constructive criticism