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Is it end of alchemy? (lvl 90~)
So Great life sells at 60c, Great giant sells at 3s, Great power sells at 45c.
Is it time to update recipe? or perhaps stop the drops of Great elixirs in fights? just like scrolls dont drop out of fights...
Clearly there are very few active players on dot com, and complementary elixirs fulfil a lot of demand.
In my opinion, 10 minutes of thoughts by some wise people can perhaps change chemistry of game for alchemists lvl 90...
or perhaps, stop making elixirs
Is it time to update recipe? or perhaps stop the drops of Great elixirs in fights? just like scrolls dont drop out of fights...
Clearly there are very few active players on dot com, and complementary elixirs fulfil a lot of demand.
In my opinion, 10 minutes of thoughts by some wise people can perhaps change chemistry of game for alchemists lvl 90...
or perhaps, stop making elixirs

1 belladonna collected = 12s (As 1 collected = 2.40s)
7 diamond dusts = 2.80s
40 flasks = 6s
OUTPUT: 40 powers (At 50 copper = 20 silver)
So by making each time powers you're gaining 11.20s.
Server buys daily like 50k powers for 50c+ at least and you can make doubles.
So it's like you are collecting a single belladonna for a price of 2.24s.
It's a lot. Many resources are still priced between 0.50s and 1.70s.
Demand is high. High levels 16+ buy them for hunt because they NEED them, otherwise they gain bad money.
You can also make doubles and that's even more money.
Actually I'm a fisherman-jeweller, but if I could switch profession I'd be definitively an alchemist as secondary profession,
ONLY for making powers. Because you guys have it easy. Try to sell a purple destruction amulet at 30s today, just saying.
7 diamond dusts = 2.80s
40 flasks = 6s
OUTPUT: 40 powers (At 50 copper = 20 silver)
So by making each time powers you're gaining 11.20s.
Server buys daily like 50k powers for 50c+ at least and you can make doubles.
So it's like you are collecting a single belladonna for a price of 2.24s.
It's a lot. Many resources are still priced between 0.50s and 1.70s.
Demand is high. High levels 16+ buy them for hunt because they NEED them, otherwise they gain bad money.
You can also make doubles and that's even more money.
Actually I'm a fisherman-jeweller, but if I could switch profession I'd be definitively an alchemist as secondary profession,
ONLY for making powers. Because you guys have it easy. Try to sell a purple destruction amulet at 30s today, just saying.
11 diamond dusts = 4.40s
1 collected belladonna = 12s
5 flasks = 10.50s
OUTPUT: 5 giants (15-20s)
So that is 1.02 silver per plant.
Well, this is not good, I agree with you. Since no one produces them, most hunters go for gray giants from shop.
Everyone at low level tells you that giants recipe is not convenient.
Sure, this needs rework. This was NEVER a good recipe (reduce diamond dusts needed or reduce flasks or increase giants output).
But as for reworks you need to pass from RU admins, just make powers for a living.
3 diamond dusts = 1.20s
1 collected belladonna = 12s
10 flasks = 5.50s
OUTPUT: 10 life (6-7s current price)
7-1.20-5.50 = 0.3s
So that is the worst recipe ever at moment, 0.06s for plant.
One time there was a market of 2.7 silver for these pots. You could gain 20.3s back then and this would have then been the best recipe, but now it's crap.
There are multiple reasons:
- More and more people got enough UK reps to just use red and more ppl have lv up from low levels;
- We have red pots from anniversary and november events, which is a good thing for everyone
- Gray life costs 1s in shop, that's what most people uses to hunt at 11+, so that's why I wouldn't care for a life more expensive than 1 silver.
At a price of 1 silver per pot, this recipe is about:
10-1.20-5.50 = 3,30s
Making each plant cost 0.66s, which still sucks. There is demand.
Remember, market ALWAYS change due to some reasons. Analyze it as much as you can.
TL;DR don't bother about other recipes today- start making powers and resell them.
(Some things might be wrong, I calculated fast)
1 collected belladonna = 12s
5 flasks = 10.50s
OUTPUT: 5 giants (15-20s)
So that is 1.02 silver per plant.
Well, this is not good, I agree with you. Since no one produces them, most hunters go for gray giants from shop.
Everyone at low level tells you that giants recipe is not convenient.
Sure, this needs rework. This was NEVER a good recipe (reduce diamond dusts needed or reduce flasks or increase giants output).
But as for reworks you need to pass from RU admins, just make powers for a living.
3 diamond dusts = 1.20s
1 collected belladonna = 12s
10 flasks = 5.50s
OUTPUT: 10 life (6-7s current price)
7-1.20-5.50 = 0.3s
So that is the worst recipe ever at moment, 0.06s for plant.
One time there was a market of 2.7 silver for these pots. You could gain 20.3s back then and this would have then been the best recipe, but now it's crap.
There are multiple reasons:
- More and more people got enough UK reps to just use red and more ppl have lv up from low levels;
- We have red pots from anniversary and november events, which is a good thing for everyone
- Gray life costs 1s in shop, that's what most people uses to hunt at 11+, so that's why I wouldn't care for a life more expensive than 1 silver.
At a price of 1 silver per pot, this recipe is about:
10-1.20-5.50 = 3,30s
Making each plant cost 0.66s, which still sucks. There is demand.
Remember, market ALWAYS change due to some reasons. Analyze it as much as you can.
TL;DR don't bother about other recipes today- start making powers and resell them.
(Some things might be wrong, I calculated fast)
Remember, market ALWAYS change due to some reasons. Analyze it as much as you can.
this is truth. regardless of profession there is a item that sells at good values one week then the next nothing.
i dont use comps and ususally just buy from shop cause exchange is near always empty (ex. being life)
i dont shop often, but stock what i need when i can
last 4 years my rune making / selling slumped to zero< no demand<< this last 4 months ive made quiet a few
where in my dust / rock sales have nearly run dry
So like Luinill stated above << just keep an eye on what the market is sdemanding and do what you can

my 2 cents

So you suggest earning by making power elixir, lots of them. But my friend, it takes time to pick plants!1 belladonna collected = 12s (As 1 collected = 2.40s)
7 diamond dusts = 2.80s
40 flasks = 6s
OUTPUT: 40 powers (At 50 copper = 20 silver)
Ok so 100 powers technically cost 52silvers according to what you say(20.8x2.5)
Whats alchemy profit? none.
Profit is because of belladonna you pick which you save. You can also sell bella at 2.2s and make that much money without having to make power elixir, wasting backpack spaces and taking the time to gather resources.
Why sell power when you can sell belladonna and earn 2.2c/piece easily?
Let me tell you my math,
1 creation makes 40 power, each cost 1 collected bella, 40 flasks, and dusts around 52/100
that is 5 plants = 4 minutes. (very crude to consider grey sickle but dont forget that red sickle cost 300g and purple atleast 50g)
Exception- Red sickle and purple sickle
A person suppose has purple sickle and has tripling chance of 2-3/10. Its good to have bonus, lets consider he has grey.
So 4 minutes make 40 power, 400 minutes make 4000 power
with your formula the profit for a person who is doing this to earn will be not much.
It is practically impossible to pick plants 6.66 hours a day unless you dont really have a real life!
Well if the game is not rewarding enough for the time invested, people switch to other games!
Is it not obvious already?
If you don't like efforts like pick, go hunt and buy powers from other people
Some people would enjoy more than you a 2.20s profit each pick (6.60 with red tool) at 0 EXP at low level as right now they are picking for maybe 50-60 copper per resource to get berona tiger
Are you lazy and just wanna pick 10 silver/resource and wanna constant buyers? Change game,
or change the way you play
or paypal
Every people in this server that are hardcore enough started with picking resources, then as more as you lv up, the less you need picking, so you can go hunt and buy resources
many people don't have time to hunt or buffs or cannot play 1h in a row so they pick because it's easier or they are at work

Some people would enjoy more than you a 2.20s profit each pick (6.60 with red tool) at 0 EXP at low level as right now they are picking for maybe 50-60 copper per resource to get berona tiger
Are you lazy and just wanna pick 10 silver/resource and wanna constant buyers? Change game,

or change the way you play
or paypal
Every people in this server that are hardcore enough started with picking resources, then as more as you lv up, the less you need picking, so you can go hunt and buy resources

many people don't have time to hunt or buffs or cannot play 1h in a row so they pick because it's easier or they are at work

I returned after 7 years, Found these things rather hilarious
There was a time when life sold for 2.4s Giant 8s
I NEVER said herbologist is not yielding, I commented on alchemy. The profit you quoted was DIRECTLY/INDIRECTLY from Herbologist, I never deny the profit of herbologist and picking. As the title says, its alchemy im speaking about
So, Please dont misunderstand me.
Yes, I pick plants, Yes I am a lazy picker. But I dont deny the profit of picking, I was rather speaking about the second profession. Lets not speak about profit of 3rd profession :p
There was a time when life sold for 2.4s Giant 8s
I NEVER said herbologist is not yielding, I commented on alchemy. The profit you quoted was DIRECTLY/INDIRECTLY from Herbologist, I never deny the profit of herbologist and picking. As the title says, its alchemy im speaking about

Yes, I pick plants, Yes I am a lazy picker. But I dont deny the profit of picking, I was rather speaking about the second profession. Lets not speak about profit of 3rd profession :p
And it doesn't take time to fish or mine rocks?
And Sorceror profession is not directly/indirectly from Fisherman? And Jeweller not from Geologist?
I NEVER said herbologist is not yielding, I commented on alchemy. The profit you quoted was DIRECTLY/INDIRECTLY from Herbologist, I never deny the profit of herbologist and picking. As the title says, its alchemy im speaking about So, Please dont misunderstand me.
You should just change your topic - "alchemy" to "second profession" instead. Cos you seem to not understand the fundamental mechanic that all second professions are DIRECTLY related to any of the first profession. No one second profession is independent of any first profession.
Before you go any further, just look at lvl90 Sorcery (or any level lol) and tell me it fairs better than Alchemy.
what you are not factoring when speaking about the profit of alchemy, is that you have a chance to get extra resources when producing let's say powers, and that's where the real profit comes.
People who go hard on prof at lvl 5-6 get red tool, red artisans bag, red symbols and use extra chance pots, to maximize the extra power pots you may get, and at those levels the money you get is real good. Also, even if you don't work second prof, first prof should be profitable enough to be able to invest in a red tool and being able to get back the investment in little time.
If you do not wish to make such a heavy investment at your level anymore, just forget about prof and hunt, that should be enough money for what you need.
People who go hard on prof at lvl 5-6 get red tool, red artisans bag, red symbols and use extra chance pots, to maximize the extra power pots you may get, and at those levels the money you get is real good. Also, even if you don't work second prof, first prof should be profitable enough to be able to invest in a red tool and being able to get back the investment in little time.
If you do not wish to make such a heavy investment at your level anymore, just forget about prof and hunt, that should be enough money for what you need.
I am Alchemist, I speak for my selfAnd it doesn't take time to fish or mine rocks?And Sorceror profession is not directly/indirectly from Fisherman? And Jeweller not from Geologist?
I NEVER said herbologist is not yielding, I commented on alchemy. The profit you quoted was DIRECTLY/INDIRECTLY from Herbologist, I never deny the profit of herbologist and picking. As the title says, its alchemy im speaking about So, Please dont misunderstand me.
You should just change your topic - "alchemy" to "second profession" instead. Cos you seem to not understand the fundamental mechanic that all second professions are DIRECTLY related to any of the first profession. No one second profession is independent of any first profession.
Before you go any further, just look at lvl90 Sorcery (or any level lol) and tell me it fairs better than Alchemy.

How was that old profit any different from how they are making profit now?
It still comes back to prices of ingredients, which are from primary professions.
If say prices of plants, stones, fish were high back then, how could you make profit from just having alchemist profession?
You could only make profit because they were less then cost to sell life/giant pots.
Same thing now, nothing has changed with profit making, only recipes changed and prices changed.
Can't make profit from lifes now? make from other alchemy items. Back then some alchemist items were not profitable either, now other items are not profitable.
It still comes back to prices of ingredients, which are from primary professions.
If say prices of plants, stones, fish were high back then, how could you make profit from just having alchemist profession?
You could only make profit because they were less then cost to sell life/giant pots.
Same thing now, nothing has changed with profit making, only recipes changed and prices changed.
Can't make profit from lifes now? make from other alchemy items. Back then some alchemist items were not profitable either, now other items are not profitable.

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