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I got exed not long ago along with half a dozen other lower levels who were unfortunate to be around CS & DS (I hastily ran around checking fight logs afterwards), when someone thought they'd exe, and repeat exe, lots of people while being invisible just for sh!ts & giggles apparently.
They must have had a spare invisibilty pot that was timing out & decided to use it by executing lower levels or some other unknown reason.
Totally random with no provocation. In my opinion invisible executions should be disallowed in that scenario. It totally screwed up my day when it happened as I had no idea what or why it had happened and had no recourse.
They must have had a spare invisibilty pot that was timing out & decided to use it by executing lower levels or some other unknown reason.
Totally random with no provocation. In my opinion invisible executions should be disallowed in that scenario. It totally screwed up my day when it happened as I had no idea what or why it had happened and had no recourse.
Also when guards attacked players as invisible they didnt change the rule, lol. Not a big surprise anyways
xD you and Beef, ... MW?

And more, you are not sure guard in invisible attack people, show us screen xDDDDDDDDDDDD
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Forum Moderator" (May 16th 2019, 9:51pm)
why can't rules just be like they were like years ago? someone pisses someone off they exe them , however many times they want.They dont like it they can get help or exe back...isnt that the whole point of war game??? like i said before it isnt carebears!! Also now for example...if someone comes and attacks me or irritates me or writes something stupid to me...i need sit making screenshots and asking permission to react? seriously? cause no chance its going to happen with my temper and im sure many then what? jail? ...pffttt or need turn it into clan war to be legal? .....idk sometimes change is BAD.....just my opinion on it all that im POSITIVE90% of game agrees with from what i see in game and on our discord channel etc etc etc
Since you refuse to take part in an open dialogue, Lisad, I'll go ahead and assume you have answered all of the yes/no questions as "No".
I will take this chance to explain why I agree with you and how feedback from players actually works.
You're right, you or anyone from your administration didn't actually start a poll regarding the rule change that forbid any and all attacks on a player's own race. That is true.
You're once again right, no polls were made to decide whether hidden attacks should be allowed or not, it was changed out of nowhere because someone from the guards were attacked, that is also true.
All of the changes were also made controversially because someone from the administration's supporting organs (i.e Mentors, Guards and/or others) either broke the rules OR they were subjects to an attack from outside and that attack was not included in the rules. That is, once again, correct.
Last, but not least, the only change which was included in a poll is whether players should be allowed to help friends or not and that's because, i think we all know at this point, thanks to a huge lobbying effort within the administration's supporting organs, it is obvious at this point. Otherwise it wouldn't be done right after a mentor has created a thread about it.
I agree with you on all four points because you did not only accept the fact that the changes were made out of nowhere, but also accepted the fact that all of those changes were controversial and the players' ideas were not asked as you claimed before. But it doesn't end there, you also accepted that the players didn't ask for these changes, nor did they want the attack rule to be this restrictive. I'm happy to see that you, as the community manager, have seen the truth and are willing to listen to playerbase of this game.
I understand that you also agree with me here and thank you for that. Another question at hand is feedback from players. If you really would like to have the playerbase's opinions on certain things, you could always start a thread YOURSELF in the forums, not ask or give permission to someone within the supportive organs of administration, and listen to them. That would be a great first step to receive feedback from players. Almost everyone who came here, to this thread, to talk about this rule are complaining about the absurdity and restrictiveness of this rule. We the playerbase request that this rule be repelled for the following reasons:
-It has changed the game in a way it shouldn't have. It is supposed to be a war game where nobody is safe from attacks by others.
-The players were not consulted, nor were they a part of the dialogue when it came to changes being made within the rule.
-The rule itself is too complicated and brings too much bureaucracy into this game whereas all of the other rules are simple and clear to understand.
-Over the time it has been more and more restrictive. The playerbase is not happy with it, they would rather not have this rule in the server.
Thank you and best regards.
I will take this chance to explain why I agree with you and how feedback from players actually works.
You're right, you or anyone from your administration didn't actually start a poll regarding the rule change that forbid any and all attacks on a player's own race. That is true.
You're once again right, no polls were made to decide whether hidden attacks should be allowed or not, it was changed out of nowhere because someone from the guards were attacked, that is also true.
All of the changes were also made controversially because someone from the administration's supporting organs (i.e Mentors, Guards and/or others) either broke the rules OR they were subjects to an attack from outside and that attack was not included in the rules. That is, once again, correct.
Last, but not least, the only change which was included in a poll is whether players should be allowed to help friends or not and that's because, i think we all know at this point, thanks to a huge lobbying effort within the administration's supporting organs, it is obvious at this point. Otherwise it wouldn't be done right after a mentor has created a thread about it.
I agree with you on all four points because you did not only accept the fact that the changes were made out of nowhere, but also accepted the fact that all of those changes were controversial and the players' ideas were not asked as you claimed before. But it doesn't end there, you also accepted that the players didn't ask for these changes, nor did they want the attack rule to be this restrictive. I'm happy to see that you, as the community manager, have seen the truth and are willing to listen to playerbase of this game.
I understand that you also agree with me here and thank you for that. Another question at hand is feedback from players. If you really would like to have the playerbase's opinions on certain things, you could always start a thread YOURSELF in the forums, not ask or give permission to someone within the supportive organs of administration, and listen to them. That would be a great first step to receive feedback from players. Almost everyone who came here, to this thread, to talk about this rule are complaining about the absurdity and restrictiveness of this rule. We the playerbase request that this rule be repelled for the following reasons:
-It has changed the game in a way it shouldn't have. It is supposed to be a war game where nobody is safe from attacks by others.
-The players were not consulted, nor were they a part of the dialogue when it came to changes being made within the rule.
-The rule itself is too complicated and brings too much bureaucracy into this game whereas all of the other rules are simple and clear to understand.
-Over the time it has been more and more restrictive. The playerbase is not happy with it, they would rather not have this rule in the server.
Thank you and best regards.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
Don't worrie, people who pay have just to ask once to get all what they can this game make so so soo much money from diamonds and when its players have any feedback its just ignored, not just on this topic![]()
The game is becoming a shop and lost all his sense. We joined a game some years ago, we finish in a shop. Ofc they ignore the players, isn't a game anymore, and what players say has no sense in a shop. But ...that's also why the game is more and more empty, lost of sense.
The Attack rule has been updated. You can see the changes here. If you still have any questions, let me know.
Lisad | Community Manager
I try my best to answer to all players questions and help them solve their issues, but if I haven't had the chance of replying to your particular questions, don't start disrespecting administration, a simple reminder of the fact that I haven't answered would have been enough for me to come back to this thread.Since you refuse to take part in an open dialogue, Lisad, I'll go ahead and assume you have answered all of the yes/no questions as "No".
you or anyone from your administration didn't actually start a poll
You think wrongly. Most desicions to introduce any kind of changes are performed based on feedback gathered over a period of time from all kinds of sorces, both forum posts, news comments, private messages, etc. In case of the poll that was made about friends helping players during attacks, we had no to little feedback regarding it whatsoever, so I made the desicion to go ahead and ask directly for it.the only change which was included in a poll is whether players should be allowed to help friends or not and that's because, i think
This point has already been explained by me personally, and I don't see a reason for going back to it over and over again. Bringing players that attack others under invisibility to justice was something that players have been asking for for quite a long time, so once we discovered how to do that, we introduced was changed out of nowhere because someone from the guards were attacked
Myself has quite a lot of work and it's the Volunteer teams job to assist administration in all matters and represent administration. I trust the players that are part of these teams and all the threads they made are being consulted with me and approved by could always start a thread YOURSELF in the forums, not ask or give permission to someone within the supportive organs of administration
This is one of the few things that I can agree with you on, it was not my intention to include such a drastic restriction, however many factors played along and it turned out to be what it is. Now it has been changed.the rule change that forbid any and all attacks on a player's own race
And once again, don't forget that it's Administration you're talking to. Maybe take the time to read the Game Rules, if you haven't.
Lisad | Community Manager
I appreciate that. That, however, is still not enough, unfortunately. A message via in game post from April 11, 2019 still goes unanswered.I try my best to answer to all players questions and help them solve their issues
Most desicions to introduce any kind of changes are performed based on feedback gathered over a period of time from all kinds of sorces, both forum posts, news comments, private messages, etc.
That still doesn't reflect the opinions of the whole playerbase, does it? When 10 people say aye, 10 others are sure to say nay when their opinions are asked. Just because one doesn't send a message, post on forums or comment on news about a change that shouldn't be made (I am sure you know why, because they don't think about that change in the first place), it doesn't mean that those silent people are also happy with these changes. It could also mean that they are happy with how things are at that moment.
Myself has quite a lot of work and it's the Volunteer teams job to assist administration in all matters and represent administration.
I believe that (a) player/players having an autonomous power like no player had before isn't a part of assisting or representing the administration. It is about lobbying efforts and bringing politics into everything regarding the administration/management of this game.
As for your last comment, you are right. I was being disrespectful and I'm sorry for that. However, that still doesn't change the fact that a lot of controversy is going around because of this and many other things. I've stated them above in other posts, i have no need to repeat myself again.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
That still doesn't reflect the opinions of the whole playerbase, does it? When 10 people say aye, 10 others are sure to say nay when their opinions are asked. Just because one doesn't send a message, post on forums or comment on news about a change that shouldn't be made (I am sure you know why, because they don't think about that change in the first place), it doesn't mean that those silent people are also happy with these changes. It could also mean that they are happy with how things are at that moment.
On this, players have tools to voice their opinions, as estated above, so how can administration know what those silent folks want if they are well, silent.
Of course, people are free to think that it's pointless to write in forum or in news to complaining, however, don't moan later that your opinion wasn't considered when you never shared it.
I don't know, asking their opinions, maybe? There was no conversation about it, there was absolutely no warning or indication either. If you are happy with let's say powerlevelling rule for example, you don't go around quote moaning unquote about it or you don't tell everyone you see "hey bruv i like the powerlevelling rule as it is i hope it doesn't change" or "Maaaan if the admins ever think about changing powerlevelling rule I'll be maaaaad" because you're a psychic or something. Because 1) Nobody asks for it and 2) Why the hell would you do something like that?
Think about it this way: If you are happy with it, it's logical that you just shut up and do what you do in your everyday life, if you're not, then it's the logical choice to go and say "Hi, me no like this rule for this reason, thanks very many me am caveman". You're not the one who brings his ideas or thoughts on a ceratin rule to the administration if you're in favour of it (unless you want *key word coming* a c h a n g e), it's the ones who are against it who do that.
The best you could do is find everyone who complains about the rule on the game news or forums, yet you still won't be able to find those who send private message to admin (and I should remind you once again, nobody would ever message the admin saying "i like the x rule as it is pls no changeroni" because there's no conversation about a change at hand anyway) because those messages only go to the admin, not the other players, and then try to let them know about your point of view. Then again nobody does that because, as i said before, they just keep silent and do what they do until there's an unwanted change, it is then that they speak. However, from where i stand, I haven't seen (many) people complaining about how attack rule affects them so bad that they can't even play the game on forums or in news, it might be because I don't look at those posts/threads or it's probably because they don't complain that much.
I made it this long on purpose to make sure you understand what I'm talking about and why I'm talking about it, if you still don't, that's beyond me.
Think about it this way: If you are happy with it, it's logical that you just shut up and do what you do in your everyday life, if you're not, then it's the logical choice to go and say "Hi, me no like this rule for this reason, thanks very many me am caveman". You're not the one who brings his ideas or thoughts on a ceratin rule to the administration if you're in favour of it (unless you want *key word coming* a c h a n g e), it's the ones who are against it who do that.
The best you could do is find everyone who complains about the rule on the game news or forums, yet you still won't be able to find those who send private message to admin (and I should remind you once again, nobody would ever message the admin saying "i like the x rule as it is pls no changeroni" because there's no conversation about a change at hand anyway) because those messages only go to the admin, not the other players, and then try to let them know about your point of view. Then again nobody does that because, as i said before, they just keep silent and do what they do until there's an unwanted change, it is then that they speak. However, from where i stand, I haven't seen (many) people complaining about how attack rule affects them so bad that they can't even play the game on forums or in news, it might be because I don't look at those posts/threads or it's probably because they don't complain that much.
I made it this long on purpose to make sure you understand what I'm talking about and why I'm talking about it, if you still don't, that's beyond me.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
As I have said already, like it or not, the volunteers are trusted to help and represent administration, so they are also point of contact for other players and a way of delievering feedback to administration.however, is still not enough
There are as many opinions as people in this world, unfortunately, one can't please everyone, but general moods and opinions can be detected without having to ask every single player in the game.That still doesn't reflect the opinions of the whole playerbase
You may have your believes, but that's how thing are and how they will be and how they have proven themselves to be effective. Yes, sometimes mistakes are made, that's normal for humans, we acknowledge them and do our best to reflect on them and overcome them and not to repeat them.I believe that (a) player/players having an autonomous power
Not really.a lot of controversy is going around
You are so very wrong about this. If you have never done it, don't speak for everyone.nobody would ever message the admin saying "i like the x rule as it is pls no changeroni"

Lisad | Community Manager
the volunteers are trusted to help and represent administration, so they are also point of contact for other players and a way of delievering feedback to administration.
but general moods and opinions can be detected without having to ask every single player in the game.
Can we know who are these trusted volunteers who represent administration? are point of contact for players and represent general mood and opinions?
That last post wasn't directed at you, it was actually for Shiro but I appreciate it that you took the time to answer some of my questions/points in the worst way possible. At this point I'm starting to think you don't even read my posts, you just pick something you want out of place and try to answer that.
Also, could you please cite the trusted volunteers' names? I would like to take notes.
That's what I have a problem with, individuals having too much trust of the administration. This is going to blow one day.the volunteers are trusted to help and represent administration
That's irrelevant, simple polls would've solved it. Not everyone in the world plays this game.There are as many opinions as people in this world
I do.You may have your believes
Yet the biggest one isn't even acknowledged let alone being overcome: Too much power for individual players.Yes, sometimes mistakes are made,
They absolutely are.Not really.
I would like to congratulate whoever has proven me wrong regarding this case in person.You are so very wrong about this
Also, could you please cite the trusted volunteers' names? I would like to take notes.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
Volunteer teams are part of most online games and in all of them, if correctly managed, as I have already said, prove to be efficient. I can't force you to have a different opinion, but, again, as I have already said, that is how things are and will be, there is no point in continuing this subject.That's what I have a problem with, individuals having too much trust of the administration. This is going to blow one day.
In some cases they do, in some cases they are not necessary. I have listened to your feedback and my answer to it has been clear enough, I think, again, I see no reason to continue this subject.simple polls would've solved it
Can we know who are these trusted volunteers
I appreciate the sarcasm, but you know all the volunteers that are in the teams, they have special icons in-game and you see them all the time in-game and on the forums. I trust every one of them to perform their best and act in the game's interests.Also, could you please cite the trusted volunteers' names?
Lisad | Community Manager
Since you closed the post, I have to create a new.
isn't any sarcasm asking you who are the trusted volonteers you spoke about. i didn't imagine 1second you spoke about guards, mentor, translator or other with icon (by the way, some icon, we even don't know what is). I simply couldn't think that for you a guy translating some text or answering to question about low lvl quest was representative of all players.
Now it's your choice, and isn't important at all, that only explain why you take some décision sometimes dificult to understand.
isn't any sarcasm asking you who are the trusted volonteers you spoke about. i didn't imagine 1second you spoke about guards, mentor, translator or other with icon (by the way, some icon, we even don't know what is). I simply couldn't think that for you a guy translating some text or answering to question about low lvl quest was representative of all players.
Now it's your choice, and isn't important at all, that only explain why you take some décision sometimes dificult to understand.
Been a while since I replied to anything on forum, but since I'm one of the volunteers...
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
For start a famous quote. But where am I getting with it?
"(by the way, some icon, we even don't know what is)"
The information about volunteers is not hidden. It's well known, and you can read on forum or even in the library, about us. Just because you ignore that doesn't mean WE don't work for game. We do, we spend lots of time to make the game better in one way or another.
Translators, mentors, event creators... We spend our time to make the gameplay better, tell me what do you do besides complaining and insulting?
If you ask any volunteer, the rewards for doing stuff is not worth it. We don't do it for rewards, Hours of work to get 1 or 2g while I could just pick or hunt.
And then you get events on forum for which you get rewards, while usually jesters can't even take part in and what's more they have to count votes, look if players didn't cheat, check everything. For 1-2g. AND FOR YOUR FUN.
Maybe we're not always right, everyone makes mistakes. Don't we?
But we try, so saying we're just "guys translating some text or answering to question about lov lvl quest" is understatement.
Been a while since I replied to anything on forum, but since I'm one of the volunteers...
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
For start a famous quote. But where am I getting with it?
"(by the way, some icon, we even don't know what is)"
The information about volunteers is not hidden. It's well known, and you can read on forum or even in the library, about us. Just because you ignore that doesn't mean WE don't work for game. We do, we spend lots of time to make the game better in one way or another.
Translators, mentors, event creators... We spend our time to make the gameplay better, tell me what do you do besides complaining and insulting?
If you ask any volunteer, the rewards for doing stuff is not worth it. We don't do it for rewards, Hours of work to get 1 or 2g while I could just pick or hunt.
And then you get events on forum for which you get rewards, while usually jesters can't even take part in and what's more they have to count votes, look if players didn't cheat, check everything. For 1-2g. AND FOR YOUR FUN.
Maybe we're not always right, everyone makes mistakes. Don't we?
But we try, so saying we're just "guys translating some text or answering to question about lov lvl quest" is understatement.
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