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it's not complicated.... you usually die if you're not full buff (the only moment you don't stall if you are sure you'll win)... it's just boring to fight a staller...
no idea if you or nuclear or mirror are the worst players of this game when it comes to pvp...
all big mouth when buffed or backed up by some big level...
tell yourself fairy tails please, not us
no idea if you or nuclear or mirror are the worst players of this game when it comes to pvp...
all big mouth when buffed or backed up by some big level...
tell yourself fairy tails please, not us
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the balls you're talking about are the one you lost chicken....
I fought, and got tired of staller like you, wanna fight? Learn from the best to accept defeat and don't stall crying for help...
you're nothing more than a castle of cards, all 16 know you, what you want? to show it to the entire community?
I'm gonna film next time I attack you so, lets show all how a chicken stall...
big mouth and nothing else, that's what you are
I fought, and got tired of staller like you, wanna fight? Learn from the best to accept defeat and don't stall crying for help...
you're nothing more than a castle of cards, all 16 know you, what you want? to show it to the entire community?
I'm gonna film next time I attack you so, lets show all how a chicken stall...
big mouth and nothing else, that's what you are
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dont argue with fools on forum crypt, not worth your energy & loup behave yourself! all the whining you do in these bfs and somehow you are on forum with this attitude. when did you get confidence to jump back into interserver que? i remember you told me your staying away bcos 'its not fair!!
" when you loose
spend whole arena event in com que which never started, meanwhile there is 5 bf active on interserver, but you are afraid of ppls krits, stuns and pets, i wish i still had the gift

info: Visit the battlefields to earn valor. Valor is essential for getting access to the best armour!
little ball u still angry cause i kicked ur ass twice in row in abyss and right after hahahahaaaa ???
poor little ball
queue up and talk less little ball )) you perfectly know why i stalled why dont u tell that u attacked right after abyss when i had mirror and greviour(which u have put haha) and yeah u were also buffed haha ? maybe cause u forgot ? u put only things at ur advantage )) and forget to tell how little are ur balls tell everything or shut ur mounth little ball )
poor little ball

for every ppl who didnt understand why is he talking about stalling i show :…=71984532091558
he attack right when i ended abyss by kicking his ass )) i had destruct and mirror he had blessed and i still kicked him in that fight hahaha twice
frustrating isnt it decry ?…=71984532091558
he attack right when i ended abyss by kicking his ass )) i had destruct and mirror he had blessed and i still kicked him in that fight hahaha twice
frustrating isnt it decry ?
mmmm you kidding lol?
in that attack I had your destructor (and you don't, you removed it together with lost soul 'cause you weren't affected) and plus I had a minus of 20% of damage because was human property!!!!
you can laugh about yourself now lol 'cause buffed I was doing just 3-4 damage per hit more than you loooool and you started 2 vs 1 lucky me i killed one and suddenly was 3 vs 1
my god... you're shameless
in that attack I had your destructor (and you don't, you removed it together with lost soul 'cause you weren't affected) and plus I had a minus of 20% of damage because was human property!!!!
you can laugh about yourself now lol 'cause buffed I was doing just 3-4 damage per hit more than you loooool and you started 2 vs 1 lucky me i killed one and suddenly was 3 vs 1
my god... you're shameless
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