First how to obtain them well there are many ways to do it i will list all i know so first for sure is efril replicator,gnome runes, lucky glow,magic wand,secret staches like plateaue,instances,quests,events, and many other random places
for use of faulty efrils there are not too much you can do with em
first that comes in mind is that you can use elt cube to make them in regular efrils
then there are summons which fragments you can get from gnomes runes or just buy at auction
for that you need faulty efrils as well
and then comes the second part with 500 relict seeker rep you can buy Mica Mallet which can break them in parts which can be used as well
so with those parts you can make those summons each summon level need different amount even same level has like 4 different
amounts of those fragments
And then comes proably the most obvious its the quest for Gorbakh's Mace where you have to make a gift so you need faulty efrils,then you break them in pieces and you can make one of 3 gifts you need for the mace which is very nice to have